Voice | Action | Open
04 January 2010 at 05:38 pm
[ Hand against the wall, she moves down the hallway close to her bedroom. The fingertips of her other hand against the button for her mic, she turns on the device.]

Hello? Pardon me, my name is Julia. Could anyone direct me to where I may speak to the leader of this establishment?

[ Pausing for a potential answer, she takes this time to better concentrate on where she's going. In an unfamiliar place, her sensitive fingers attempt to map her way. Surely there must be someone around in which to speak with? Last she could remember, she was riding home from a border town. Gisela was speaking to her and then..waking here. Could the Original King have known that she would be displaced in time like this? No..something was wrong. If she searched, hopefully she would find the answer to that mystery.]
[video; open]
04 January 2010 at 04:38 pm
Wh-What...? No! This ain't fair! [There is a young boy, no older than nine or ten, crying in front of the video feed. His hair is a cyan blue and there is a simiar colored jewel in the middle of his forehead. He obviously doesn't realize it's on yet.] I know it wasn't right b-but it was to help! I didn't mean to hurt no one, honest...!

[Another sob and a few hiccups. Yeah, guess who just read their list of crimes?] I don't wanna be here, I ain't a bad person!

[And it just trails off into whimpers and quiet sobbing. Give him a minute and he'll register the thing over his eye.]
[Action] - Open
30 December 2009 at 11:17 pm
The last thing he wants to do is see that dark haired boy, let alone share a bed with him.

Wolfram can't face Yuuri, not now- his mind is hazy with so much confusion. Love. Hate. Neither of them are understandable, yet, both feelings aren't really that different. They can cloud your mind, control your emotions, your mind, your soul. Maybe that's why he has been like this ever since he found out his fiancé had cheated on him, that same night the prince kissed the baseball boy for the first time. His heart is boiling with all sorts of emotions, yet none of them make sense when put together.
Wandering through Sector 0's halls he finds a comfortable sofa; sitting, the prince hopes to find some sort of peace of mind among the silent halls.
[Voice] [Filtered from Roxas and Axel]
26 December 2009 at 07:10 pm
[There is a slightly panicked and very mortified whisper over the network some time after sunset.]

Ummm, are there any girls still awake? I, um.....I need help!
[voice | action] KISSING!
22 December 2009 at 06:27 pm
AH HA! [You might hear subtle hints of things exploding in the background—small things! It's really more like popping. Nothing at all to concern yourself with!]

Now that the prototype is done, I'd like to—what was that phrasing again? Ah yes!—wish you all a Merry Christmas. My gifts for everyone should be making their way around.

((OOC: See this post for details on the randomized kissing couples and how Mistletoe-kun operates. Feel free to comment here directly to Anissina or to play out your random kissing—just make it clear in the subject please!))
22 December 2009 at 12:40 am
Oh my god! Is this snow?

Is this jail?

Is this place on Earth?

Whew. All these questions are making my head hurt. I guess I have plenty of time to figure them out though!

I just have one question that I'd like answered here pretty soon, isn't the whole ball and chain thing a little excessive?
[The 42nd Day]
21 December 2009 at 04:52 pm
...Good morning, criminals! I believe that the ash hasn't quite been cleaned up off the outdoors environment yet, but today's snowfall should disguise that sufficiently until I have time to administer to it. Expect toasty warm temperatures indoors shortly, and more than two feet of snow outdoors by mid-afternoon! But even indoors you can enjoy the holiday spirit -- mistletoe has been hung at various places around the dome, and you are encouraged to engage in a seasonal kiss if you encounter anyone under it~ But not more than that, mind.

I apologize to those of you who have been inconvenienced by the food shortage recently. I cannot imagine why shipments have encountered such difficulty... but there will be more than enough food and sustenance to celebrate the holidays in as lavish a manner as you desire.

Merry Christmas, to those of you who celebrate it, and to those of you who do not -- enjoy the food and the atmosphere!
[voice - open like burning!]
19 December 2009 at 07:35 pm
Okay, I know this seems a little silly right now, but I thought it would be a good idea for us to take our minds off of the cold with a little distraction. [At least for the people who aren't skilled in ways that would let us help find a solution.]

I tried to think of games we could all play over the communicators and only one thing really came to mind, so who wants to play...

Truth or Dare?

(OOC: Threadjacking is almost required!)
[Action/Voice - Open]
16 December 2009 at 06:35 pm
[Absolute flailing panic!]


WOLFRAM? Where are you? Mother REALLY needs your help right now.

Can anyone help me get him to a couch? [There is a dainty grunt as she tries to hang onto him however he'll let her, just inside the door of the shelter.] I really cannot carry him myself, and I think he'll fall over any minute!

[There is a sound of worried crying of a hysterical Mother to follow, and Conrad is likely heard coughing in the background.]
[Voice//Action | Open]
15 December 2009 at 06:03 am
[Conrad's just coming in from outside, properly attired this time, with coat and gloves and a scarf over his mouth for breathing purposes. Why has he been out? Because heroes do stupidly heroic things, and because he wanted to give one last search for food or supplies. His eyes are red from the ash and there's a lingering cough but even worse? He looks very, very disappointed. He's only returning with a meager amount of items: some canned vegetables and tuna, a few packs of crackers, and a bag of almonds that was didn't look very appetizing. Not much did, in their current condition, but at least it was something.]

[He pockets one can and one pack of crackers for Yuuri and Wolfram before offering up what little he has:]

I've just returned from [cough, which he covers by clearing his throat] searching for more food. I've found very little, but whomever needs it...

((OOC: feel free to run into him outside if you're there, or inside.))
07 December 2009 at 03:26 pm
Not to be the bearer of further bad news... but the hot water seems to no longer be working.

[video | action - open]
30 November 2009 at 09:52 pm
[She reads over what little of the message as she is able to see and then spends a couple of minutes pressing buttons on her communicator and testing the various functions before switching the feed to video.

A smiling woman with bright blue eyes and long ruby red hair tied back into a high ponytail appears on the screen. Of course she is only dimly illuminated by the red lights in the shelter making her look maybe just a little scaryier than usual.]

Greetings, citizens of Marina Asylum! I am Anissina von Khrennikov, and I have just arrived, but fear not! I should be able to start making improvements immediately. There is clearly much work to be done, and I'm sure you'll all be very useful helpful in accomplishing our goals!
[ voice ]
30 November 2009 at 08:14 pm
... well.

[ sound of buttons being pushed, then a rapping on metal ]

I'm not sure if this is better or worse than the baths. At least my clothes are dry.
[Action | So extremely open] [Voice | Locked ]
14 April 2016 at 03:08 pm
[Conrad always seems to end up in the training hall. Usually training is his only refuge other than Yuuri, but today the dark, empty training hall feels just that -- empty.]

[All the same, he had promised to meet Lavi for some training this morning. And there was always a chance that someone else might come along... perhaps that Kurogane who had expressed an interest. Maybe Josak would want a rematch. Or Wolfram. Anyone at all.]

[But before that he had better let Yuuri know what was going on. His Majesty had lost enough lately that Conrad wanted to tell him about Vash before he found out another way.]

[Voice, locked to Yuuri]
Yuuri? I'm sorry to trouble you, but would you mind meeting me in the training hall sometime this morning? [he's trying very hard to sound calm. Normal.]

[In the meantime, Conrad sets up some training dummies. He's not going to tear them apart this time, though. Quick, clean passes, his entire mind focused on his blade and movements.]
19 October 2009 at 04:08 pm
[There is currently a little boy looking about 6-7 years old with red-orange hair hurrying through the corridors of Sector 0. He's really worried, having woken up in a place he doesn't recognize, and finding this strange contraption on his head, but when he can't figure out what it is-despite having connected his voice to the network--decides it's better not to remove it.

Now he is on a search.]

Mum! Mum, where are you?!

[Josak is lost, but all that matters is that he find his mother. She's been ill too often lately and he needs to make sure she is okay. This place is very strange to him, and he wonders if this is a new place that the soldiers have brought them to.]

{ooc: Josak is young (ignore the age of the icons, please >>), but half-Mazoku aging makes him look even younger. He's from before his mother died and he met Conrad and his father Dan Hiri Weller.}
[Action/Voice/Very very open]
19 October 2009 at 04:36 pm
[What was worst for a young ten years old kid than wake up in a strange room, with no memories of ever being there, being woken up by a strange voice coming from his head and without his family? Probably nothing. A soft crying could be hear when Len didn't recognize his surroundings. Once he has calmed down a little (but not much) he gathers the courage to leave the room and search for his family.

Once in the hallways, he starts screaming]

Riiiiiin!! Mummy! Daddy!! Where are youuuuu? I am scared...

[He then notices the strange thing in his head and freaks out again]

Wh-what is this thing?!
12 October 2009 at 06:03 pm
[She's ever so fretful after Sentience's announcement that something may be wrong with her beloved sons, and is making several squeaking noises in between her exclamations.]

Conrad, honey?! Wolfy, sweetheart where are you?! Mother is very worried!!

[On second thought.] Your Majesty? Your Highness? Josak, dear? IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?

[Distress! What happened to everyone?!]

JoshySuzieChuckDEARLensweetieMayaRen-RenXiondarling.... [Trails off into woeful whining sighs...]
[The 32nd Day]
12 October 2009 at 12:46 pm
Good morning, criminals. The Halloween plans are going smoothly. A wide range of costumes are in at the clothing store, and inmate Terminal is looking for volunteers to help him with his haunted house.

Unfortunately, many of you may be encountering some difficulty this morning. Late last night the dimensional stabilizer was hacked, and as a result, many of you may find that your relative conditions have changed. I apologize for the inconvenience, and am attempting to fix this as soon as possible.

--And, Emperor Lelouch--

......never mind.
[Action/Voice/Video|Cosmically Open]
09 October 2009 at 12:12 am
Good evening, Residents! For those who I have not yet met or spoken to, my name is Aidou. It's a pleasure~

[There is a grinning blond holding a stack of papers with one hand extend as if holding something away from him.]

For the last few days I have been gathering as much information as I possibly can on the various worlds that have been connected through our presence here in Marina, and yet despite my strides in research, I have found very little overall.

So I'm posting these few yet very important questions to you, so that I can collect more data. Involvement in this surveying process is completely optional, but the more we know the more we can learn! If you want to participate, but do not want to give your answers over the network, then I can be found in the primary common room near the kitchens with the questions in paper-form. With pencils and pens!

Onto the Questions! )

That is all! [Aidou winks, the more serious atmosphere broken.] For now. Thank you for your participation~

{OOC: Backdated to around sunset. Aidou is sitting on one of the commons room couches outside the kitchen flipping through the papers in his lap as he waits for responses. Bug him or comment to each other if you want! This log is open like a dimensional tear.}
[Action/Voice- Open]
09 October 2009 at 05:22 pm
[Mihashi blinks his eyes open groggily and stares for a few moments, wondering why he is waking up, and why isn’t the sun shining through his window, right there into his eyes. He rolls onto his back, and stares at the ceiling some more, not comprehending why it isn’t wood paneled. He slowly blinks again, and finally focuses in on the communicator in front of his face, reading it.]

W-w-what? A criminal?

[His eyes fill with tears almost instantaneously, and he curls up into himself.] Waaahhh! I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry! [There might be a few other words mixed in, but he’s so hysterical, and crying so loudly, they’re hard to make out to anyone who might be listening.]
Mood: distressed
Location: shelter common room