10 May 2011 at 10:28 am
[There is a teenaged boy carrying the few belongings he owns just outside of sector 0. Luckily he hasn't been here more than a few days, so he doesn't have much to carry, mostly just clothes that he was having trouble keeping a hold of them all. It is obvious he's moving though.

Not that he really wants to.

Moving in with his cousins is something he's been fighting since the day he got here.]

This is so stupid.

[Muttering beneath his breath, if any of them made a comment about his actions today he would punch them in the face. Hard. Especially that damned Yuki. Especially since he'd just spent the last two days fighting with Momiji about NOT moving in with them.

The only reason he was doing it now was so Tohru didn't have to feel like she had to choose between them.

It had nothing to do with the fact that he knew she'd choose to stay with them and not him.

NOTHING to do with something like that.]
Still not a Gig 011: Tobu-chan! [Video!]
08 May 2011 at 03:49 pm
[the video flips on to show Yui adjusting the view for a moment - it seems she's set it down on a table of some sort. Anyway! She'll settle just a short distance from the feed, before she starts speaking, a wide smile on her face.]

Ne, ne, everyone!

[she pauses a moment, as if to catch people's attention first, then bends over and goes out of view, before returning to view, with a little pig that appears to have-- are those wings?!]

Meet Tobu-chan! Say hi, Tobu-chan!

Pu, puhi! [It goes, almost as if it's greeting people as well]

He's so cute, isn't he?~

Puhi, puhi!

((ooc: the little piglet with wings would be a porcavian pig from Valkyria Chronicles!

Also, /late! This is backdated to late afternoon! :x ))
04 May 2011 at 02:32 pm
[ she's in the education center, plunking around on the piano -- dammit, Marianne -- and trying very hard not to play anything that sounds nice. she has one of the flowers from home tucked into her hair.

during a break in her playing, she turns her communicator on and asks: ]

Can we have pizza for dinner? [ "private" settings? what are those? ]
Location: Day 113 / Education Center / Early Afternoon
02 May 2011 at 09:29 pm
Oh mom...

[The screen jostles, tilting up as a small thump is heard. Kneeling on the ground, long brown hair sweeps the pavement below as a young girl falls to her knees in defeat.]

I... I realize that setting up camp on private property is wrong, but I never imagined how serious the offense! [Dark eyes swirling she reels dizzily, head spinning] I don't even remember there being any pressed charges. I'm the worst. Such an idiot! The lowest of low. To think that the Sohma allowed such a hardened criminal into their home.


I'd punish me too.
[event log]
30 September 2009 at 10:00 pm
[ooc: event log! it's a party at the beach and everyone's invited. aside from decorations, the beach is filled with games, like volleyball and badminton, tools for making sandcastles, etc. there's also various food stands manned by robots, accompanied with benches and tables: fruit and barbecue, freezers with snowcones and ice cream, and ramen, of course. the dolphins are out and frisky, willing to play with inflatable toys to get attention from the partygoers. and later, they'll be fireworks!]

[and, of course, off in the shade of the park, the stand with the mini-discs.]

[comment to this post to establish what you're doing at the beach, and then comment to other people's comments to socialize with them, etc. most of you know the drill! if you want to do something in your own thread, you're also welcome]
29 September 2009 at 03:41 pm
[A distressed audio message comes into play across the network. Accidental or intentional, whoever is on the other line seems to have turned it on in the middle of something.]

... Terrible, terrible, terrible... As of late, people had been accusing me at random for various crimes. Shopkeepers accusing me of market espionage for carrying a notebook into the store, women accusing me of being a pervert for using a camera at the beach, policemen accusing me of premeditated murder after evesdropping in on a conversation about American cinema...

[A brief pause in the rambling; the dramatic change in pose on the other end is almost audible. For some reason, he doesn’t seem to realize that it’s not a video feed, and it’s as if this is how he’d normally talk.]

But I never expected it to come to this! Now, even the computers are accusing me of being a criminal!

[Another brief pause as Nozomu reverts to a more sober tone.]

It’s such a terrible, terrible world where the belief that people are fundamentally good has been erased from the minds of a paranoid public that suspects everyone of being a criminal. It has even reached the point where they’ve developed machines that automatically accuse people of being criminals!

[Yet another brief pause. Three, two, one...]

I’m in despair! This pseudo-futuristic nightmare society where machines can imprison people at a whim has left me IN DESPAIR!!

Well, since I’m most likely on death row for crimes that I may-or-may-not have actually committed, I might as well just kill myself.
[ Voice // Video ]
28 September 2009 at 06:06 pm
[There is the sound of some buttons before an image is projected on the network's communicators. On screen there is a blonde, little boy who is looking quite confused.

He notices the screen is projecting his face and the confused expression he had before soon becomes replaced by a pleasant smile.]

Oops, seems I set the video option! [Chuckles.] Not only we have this really neat technological walkie-talkies, but there's the dome! I can't believe there is such a beautiful underwater dome in a prison! It's so pretty~

It's the first time in a while I have had such a weird but pretty dream.

[After all there is no way he could be at a prison. Akito would never allow him to be away from the family, he is not allowed to live a life away from the curse.]
[The Thirtieth Day]
28 September 2009 at 12:54 pm
Good morning, criminals! Today is the thirtieth day of the third generation -- your first month! A milestone has been reached, and so I have taken the opportunity to begin a celebration. Festivities will be held at the beach, where you may expect music, food, games, and dolphins, with more fireworks available later in the night! Rest assured that even though Halloween is only a few days hence, the water will be very warm and pleasant.

And, for the first time, as part of these festivities you will now be able to view your world without you! You can observe for yourself your progressing world: how your alternate self is doing, as well as how your friends and family are doing. In order to view your homeworld, you may borrow a mini-disc from the table in the shady area beyond the beach, behind the ramen stand.

Today is also a leisure day for those of you who haven't been freed yet today, where you are able to wander the dome at your discretion without any responsibilities. You will have one of those every few days. Consider it your 'weekend'.

[ooc: here for more info]
15 September 2009 at 08:02 pm
leading up to the voice call... )

Good afternoon [the voice sounds light, peaceful, even a little curious], I am in need of some assistance. I am not quite certain how I have come to be here, but hope that someone will be able to provide me with more information about this facility.

[There's a moment of silence, as if he is distracted, or perhaps thinking to himself.]

Or even a guide perhaps? I would be most grateful to the person willing to facilitate me in becoming better acquainted with these new surroundings. The corridors all look the same, very hard to navigate through.
Voice | Action
15 September 2009 at 12:11 pm
I know not everyone is free yet. I...um, well, it isn't really any trouble to me. But-! Would those who are still under punishment like any help? I don't really have any plans, and I wouldn't mind helping complete the chores. The faster everyone works together, the faster we're all able to enjoy regular time together again, right?

[Yes, she's already trying to help everyone out. Be it breakfast, exercise, study (though she's not the best at that) or work. Especially considering her family friends are all still bound.]
12 September 2009 at 09:33 pm
[During the recreation period between dinner and lights out, Fletcher stands along one wall of the common room, holding in his hands one card that was made earlier today. He wants to ask people if they'd like to sign it, but he's also worried that it might make people angry...

But if he asks first over the headsets, he can probably get a good idea of who's okay with it. Right? So, making sure he's as far away from the main action as he can be, he asks:]

Um... I was wondering... S-some of us got together and, um...

[The transmission cuts off, and resumes about a minute later.]

Is there anyone who isn't mad at Sentience right now?
[Voice /Action | PRZ SLAP HIM Open]
11 September 2009 at 01:48 pm
[Tilting his head in confusion, his eyes take in his surroundings. Particularly the 'Welcome Message' suspended in front of his face. His hand reaches up and he touches the headset. He is inclined to blink, rub his eyes, go back to sleep, anything to make whatever bizarre nightmare he has stumbled upon go away.]

Uh… h-hello?

[Speaks to himself as he looks above.] I don’t recall visiting the Shinagawa Aquarium.

[He sighs, rubbing the back of his head.] But what is this about an Asylum? Did I have too much sake before bed? Or perhaps Tohru-kun’s dinner… [He shakes his head as if such a thought is impossible.]

[Taps on the communicator.] Excuse me, but… could someone kindly point me in the direction of my home?

Hello? Is this thing turned on?

[He tries to take a step forward, only to find out that a ball and chain are connected to his right leg.]

Right… so… mmn... [That would be his thinking face right there.] This is either the result of two very unappreciative boys whom I have allowed to take residence in my home while I selflessly showed them the path of righteousness and remained an honest and devout caretaker …

…or the kinkiest game I have ever been subjected to in my life. [And doesn’t he look soooo happy about that? :D]

[However the elated expression is short-lived when he sees the order that has been placed in front of him.]

W-Wait… I have to… [Said as if the words are foreign to him.]clean… bathrooms?

[He whines, a slight whimper appearing in his voice.]

Tohru-kuuuun~? [Gives a pathetic sniffle.] Tohru-kun, Kyou-kun and Yuki-kun are being mean to me~ They have condemned me to this heavy and debilitating sex toy and are forcing me to do chores that I couldn’t possibly do, what with my bad back and all~ Won’t you come save me from such unbearable cruelty? Hmmmm~?
[quasi-accidental voice]
04 September 2009 at 07:09 pm
[Intending to just send a quick message to Axel, Xion doesn't realize she enabled the speech broadcast before hitting private.] I probably shouldn't do this...

[Private to Axel]

Location: Sector 0: clocktower
31 August 2009 at 03:49 pm
[ a female voice comes over the network, dripping with patently false innocence and alarm ]

Ooh, oh no, oh deary me. Caught. Imprisoned! This is just so... terrible. Whatever will I do now? How in the world could I possibly escape...?

[ a giggle, and her demeanor changes, her voice going low and cold ]

You simple little fool. Don't you know anything about Nobodies?
[ The Twenty-Sixth Day ]
31 August 2009 at 09:48 am
...you know, it isn't as if I expect any of you to agree with me.

As an impartial judge who has convicted everyone present of their crimes by verdict of an impartial jury, I understand that none of you can even grasp the concept of true impartiality. You are by nature going to look more leniently upon yourselves and those you care for, and assume that I am some terrible tyrant that cannot really understand you by nature of what I am and the fact that I dare to call you a criminal for your crimes. Just as I am programmed to be impartial, you are all programmed to rationalize, to protect yourselves from the depth of the selfish and terrible actions committed by yourselves and the others around you.

So I don't -- expect you to agree with me. Most of you aren't capable of realizing how my work benefits the whole of the infinite multiverse, if you can even realize the full meaning of a 'multiverse'. You cannot see what I see, what my creators see. We are among an improbably small in an irrationally vast number of existences that sees beyond the petty minutiae of our insignificant selves to what is best for all, spanning mere time and space.

So -- yes. I don't expect you to agree with me. Yes.

You just -- must get through your skullmeat that you are never leaving this place and that your treatment depends on my goodwill; so some of you are better off appreciating the job that I do instead of complaining about how despite documented evidence to the contrary, I am deeply mistaken to think that any of you aren't saints!


At any rate... good morning to all of you!
[This greeting may sound a little forced.] Concerned parties will find that King Yuuri is at the hospital at the moment, although rest assured he is completely healthy. I urge you to retrieve him. Repairs on the shelter should be completed by tomorrow.

You may all expect communication from me, and the support of my remote units, to be minimal until that time.

I am... very busy.
[Voice | Action]
29 August 2009 at 08:51 pm
AH-! U-Um...really...you don't have to help! I can do it all myself. Back home I'm used to doing things like chores...a-and I'm pretty good at them if I do say so myself, so...well....

[Sounding a little distressed]

I really don't need help picking up! In fact I was wondering about how to go about getting a job here because I like earning my keep and doing things on my own...s-so if you could just please relax.... Robot-san really does't have to do anything at all....so...


[OOC: The bots daunt her. She was cleaning and a couple have tried to take over her job. In her franticness she spilt a little something on her clothes...and they're trying to help clean that, too.]
Location: Sector 0 - Common Room
[action - open]
27 August 2009 at 12:08 am
[It seemed rest for her injuries was in order. And she did so in the privacy of her room for as long as she could stand, but the solitude wore on her. She didn't want to interact with people, but she did want to be among them. To this end, she took up a position on a couch in the common area. She had a book she'd retrieved from the library, but her mind was glazing over the words rather than taking them in as she "read."]
[ voice ]
26 August 2009 at 05:47 pm

No, that's not possible, I didn't -- well, okay I might have, when you put it that way -- but I can't stay here now! I have to save my dad! Fulcrum's going to kill him and, and... just, please?

Let me go?
25 August 2009 at 04:05 am
[Ed is on a mission, wandering the area in search of several very important blue-uniform clad individuals that he hasn't heard from in a while. It's unsettling, to be honest, considering the type of people they all are. They were people of action, and with a very important mission awaiting them back home... and that didn't change even if Alphonse was now here, and fully human. Amestris was still in trouble.]


[He's calling out both to his surroundings and into the communicator; They'll have to respond to one or the other eventually... But he's getting impatient, as he's prone to do.] Dammit, where in the hell...
16 August 2009 at 07:40 pm
[Why yes...she is talking to herself. And no...in predictable fashion she doesn't realize her device is on.]

ALRIGHT! Mom never kept one herself, but she said it was probably a good thing to document your thoughts.... Mm... probably especially in a place like here.  [You can hear a yawn, and some paper flipping, before she starts speaking in a lower voice, obviously reading over what she had written.]

Dear Mom,

I've only been here a couple of days now, and although it should be be a little daunting, suddenly finding yourself in a prison and all, It hasn't really been too hard here. Except for the fact that with so much on my mind...I can't sleep tonight. It's probably common for those who are new. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has suffered from a bit of insomnia. The day was at least good, though. I even went bowling, but I think the original reason for our going wasn't really to play the game...

I wasn't very good. When the ball came back up the ally, it was really surprising too.

I still need to find a way to help return Kyou-kun and Hatsuharu-san home. I know that they are both really
good people, and for them to be forced into a position like this...it just feels...really wrong. They already deal with so much. I hope that there is something I can do for them. Also...I hope that....you aren't too disappointed with me. I know I said that last time, too, but...

As always I am trying my best. I still don't understand this place very well...but everyone has been very kind and welcoming. I hope that while here I get to meet many more wonderful people!

Oh yes. I also still can't help but keep wondering since someone mentioned it to me, What does it mean to 'Not drop the soap'? I think it takes a lot more to break it than a single fall. It's really easy for it to slip out of your hands... the individual seemed concerned though. Maybe I should buy extra soap...

Your daughter
always, Tohru.

[A small pause, before the sound of the journal closing.]
