[Voice | Action]
02 January 2012 at 10:21 pm
[Rogue is sitting on the bed in a corner room of the shelter. Her knees are drawn up to her chest and there are fresh tear tracks on her cheeks. The room isn't hers, it's Logan's and it's empty now. There's a cup of coffee going cold on the nightstand. The door to the room is cracked open and people passing by might hear her sniffling. Once she's got herself under control, she flips on the audio of her device.]

Logan's gone. I came to bring him coffee and...[She trails off shaking her head and shuts the device off.]
[ Gamewide Mingle ]
28 December 2011 at 10:42 pm
[Today is quieter around the shelter -- and there's less food. It's getting kind of cramped in here, isn't it? And boring. There are plenty of games and entertainments left over from the party, but everyone is gathered together and... finding things to do.]

[So what are you doing?]
[Video//Action | Open] BANQUET MINGLE GO!
20 December 2011 at 12:16 pm
Good morning, Marina! [Have a very smiley pink haired girl on your video feed!] For anyone I haven’t met, I’m Lacus Clyne and I’m very glad to meet you.

It seems as though we’re all going to be in the shelter today, so we should make the best of things. I was thinking that we should get together and have a big winter banquet! Anyone who wants to help cook should please feel free to come to the kitchens and assist, and if not you should still come and enjoy the food with us.

Dinner will be served at 5 in the main cafeteria, and after that maybe we could have fun playing games and watching movies together. I hope everyone has a good day, and I hope to see everyone at the feast!

[A few minutes later]

I just learned that today is also Ritsuka’s birthday! To celebrate there will be a cake and some special desserts and decorations. [as many decorations as they can find without access to the store.] Everyone please, stop by to wish him a happy birthday!

((OOC Notes: Mingle post, open to all! Reply to Lacus by [video] or there are several action options: [cooking] any time before 5pm ICly, [dinner] a huge buffet of almost anything you could want, or [after dinner] for card games, board games, and movies throughout the cafeteria and nearby common rooms! Your character is in no way obligated to be at all of these, but they could be if you want~

Also! A link to Ritsuka’s birthday party will be added once it goes up. There will be cake and lots of special desserts and pretty decorations in one area of the cafeteria.

If anyone wants to intentionally or unintentionally sabotage the food, please contact me OOCly before you do so. Thanks and ENJOY!))
[Action | Open] Backdated for afternoon
17 December 2011 at 03:30 pm
[ If anyone was paying attention they may have seen a blue shadow shifting restlessly throughout the shelter in some poor attempt to get some space. Too many people in one place for his liking. Eventually the teen alien gave up and found some place somewhat comfortable at least, tucking himself off on one side of the common room, perched on the arm of the couch that was closest to the wall. He didn't care that there was a bunch of potential non-smokers all crammed in one spot. He NEEDED some damn nicotine to calm his nerves and he didn't give a rats ass if they didn't like it. So he lit up without a second thought and took a much needed drag off that death stick ] ((ooc: Also feel free to run into him anywhere at the shelter. He's restless.))
Mood: stressed
[ action | open ]
15 December 2011 at 11:02 pm
[Kitty was happy that the moving was keeping everyone occupied. She wasn't sure about Rapunzel's 'frying pan' fighting style if something were to happen today during their patrols. Either way, things were thankfully quiet so faaaaar. At least, nothing they couldn't handle. So, she was still out and about, watching for straglers who wanted to take advantage of moving day to avoid the bots and raid some houses, or whatnot. Being able to go through walls had it's advantages, and Kitty could easily wait out things until she was the last one inside.]
[ video ] open
02 December 2011 at 09:22 am
[The feed shows Oz, just sitting there in what looks like the cafeteria. Nothing spectacular or overtly interesting to see here really except that his hair happens to be extra red today. Of course those who know Oz know that his hair can change color from day to day depending on how motivated he is to do it. Let's just say someone got a hold of some cherry kool-aid mix. Anyway, it's just Oz.]

Anyone interested in meditation classes? [Yep, that's all he has to say with one curiously arched brow. Nothing more and not exciting or interesting at all.]
[ Gamewide Mingle ]
30 November 2011 at 06:24 pm
[Sector 5 sees a lot of people over the course of a day. Many live there in houses or apartment complexes; many come there to shop for food or clothing; many come there to relax and have a meal; some even come for the entertainments offered by the bowling alley, the ice rink, or the Devil's Compass.]

[Everyone who might have passed through Sector 5 today is invited to thread out a chance encounter here, or a date, or a gathering of friends. Just tell everyone where your character is and what they're doing, and go!]
16 November 2011 at 08:32 pm
Right. So, I've been meaning to ask something. Just... it's a bit weird.

You know how loads of people here have powers that are restricted, yeah? I was sort of wondering if mine might be, now that chain things off.

See, back home... when people touch me, they want to shag me. And I really don't want to have to be avoiding everyone if it turns out I don't have to.
Video || Open action @the shelter kitchen
14 November 2011 at 08:15 pm
[Rogue is standing in the kitchen again. This time she's mixing things up in a bowl. She looks happy again.]

Since it's so cold out, I thought maybe I'd do breakfast again. I got cheese grits, bacon and warm cornbread today. There's also hot cider 'cause there's not a better way to start out a snowy day far as I'm concerned. There's plenty for everybody and don't be scared of the grits. They're good. There's coffee if you don't want the hot cider too.
09 November 2011 at 07:44 am
While I realize that I'm surrounded by miscreants and other miscellaneous unsavory persons for the duration of my stay in this quaint little place, I would like to remind everyone that it's awfully rude to steal another's belongings. [Popping out for a quick spot of tea in the transdimensional stabilizer unfortunately means that one's things get taken away.]


If I find that it's you who took my things, I guarantee that a cake will not be sufficient recompense for your actions.

[Honestly, what sort of inhumane person steals from a blind old man? That being said, what's the point of being surrounded by so people if one can't make good use of them?]

But, while we wait for the useless bird to emerge from his hiding place, perhaps someone would like to assist me in locating a missing object? I suppose a reward shall have to be provided, for those of you who find yourselves unmotivated by anything less.

[And for those inmates observant and bright enough to put two and two together, they might just find the speaker fits the description of a missing person given by one (1) Anri Sonohara just a few days ago.]
[video/action | open]
07 November 2011 at 08:10 pm
Alright, bub... [It's a little hard to understand him with that cigar clenched between his teeth, and he's puffing furiously on it even as his claws slide free with a threatening snkt. Strange, though. He's too angry to notice that the pay is lasting longer than usual, and the cuts, simply, are not healing.]

You've got three seconds to tell me what the hell's going on here, and maybe you get to walk away with your guts intact. [Prison? Yeah, right. More like one of Magneto's schemes. He's coasting along on that dick's motorcycle one minute, and he's stuck here with this thing on his face the next.]

[Someone's gonna pay, big time.]

((OOC: Sound familiar? Yeah, that's because Wolverine was here during the 4th wall, but he doesn't remember it at all~))
[Video//Action | Open] MINGLE POST~
27 October 2011 at 08:00 pm
[A bit before "sunset," a softly smiling Lacus appears in the video.]

Good evening, Marina. Thanks to an inmate request, tonight we are going to observe a lovely meteor shower in the night sky using the star projector. I have arranged viewing areas on the beach with some light refreshments. However, you should be able to see the meteors from anywhere in the dome.

If anyone would like to see star patterns or other sky-scenes from their own worlds, please don't hesitate to contact me. If you have photos or descriptions I can make a program for the projector quite easily.

I hope everyone has a pleasant evening.

And about a half-hour after dark... )
[Video | Action]
26 October 2011 at 09:24 pm
[See a Fuuma, once again taking over a kitchen in the shelter to make a great big mess and not have to clean it up himself. Because he is lazy. More importantly, he's got ten large pumpkins, and some carving tools - the kid friendly kind, save for maybe one big sharp kitchen knife. There is also two bowls, one for pumpkin guts, and another for seeds. Why waste them when you can toast them and eat them, right? Right. He also managed to get a book of patterns to carve, for those not-artistic people like himself.]

Since Halloween's tomorrow, I thought it might be fun to carve some Jack-o-lanterns. I've got ten pumpkins, so I wouldn't mind some company. Or you can just take one home, if you'd like.

[Five days since his... minor argument with Karen, and his hands are healed completely. Now he just has to wait two more days. And then...]

((OOC: Open to everyone! Also if you want to do mingle-y things, that's more than welcome, I don't mind. But he does only have ten pumpkins, so first come, first serve.))
[ action ] open
24 October 2011 at 05:06 pm
[Oz is sitting on the sand on the beach in Sector 4 watching the faux sunrise. His legs are crossed, his hands rested on his knees and his eyes closed in full meditation pose. He looks completely relaxed and calm... maybe even at peace. Any onlooker might be able to see a slight sway to him even, moving with the sound of the water as if it and he are one entity.

Feel free to come across him and interrupt him if you like.
[Action] [Open] [Backdated to late afternoon]
23 October 2011 at 06:14 pm
[In the late afternoon, Erik strolls along the beach, free of his ball and chain. He pulls his hand out of his pocket, and floats the bottle caps he took from drinks at the club around him. It's almost relaxing, and not a very strong use of his powers, so he makes them rotate faster and faster. He considers flinging one at the dome… but that probably would either do nothing or be a very bad idea.]

[So, he sends them whizzing ahead of him into the sand and pulls them back, playing target practice with imaginary enemies.]

[Bother him?]
21 October 2011 at 09:37 pm
[Atsuro is smiling down at his communicator, and pretending this morning didn't happen. There's just something about his smile, however...]

I'm pretty sure I heard other people mentioned Halloween over the network. [Gotta set up the context or something for this. Wait for it.] And it reminded me of all the usual Halloween stuff and tricks to scare people.

Which lead me to this... Have anyone heard of One Man Hide-and-Seek? It's a game for those brave enough to take on the unknown.

[Oh, a game. How bad can it be?]

Beware...instructions on the game )

So...anyone brave enough to give it a try?
[Action | Open] Public Baths | Sector 6 -- Backdated to 8 am (That's early for a teen okay)
05 October 2011 at 03:28 am
Nudity/Bathing under cut )
Mood: calm
Location: Sector 6 | Public Bath
04 October 2011 at 10:00 pm
[The girl looking at the camera is thoroughly unimpressed. She doesn't bother trying to hide it.]

Seriously? I'm finally through with that community service bullshit, and I end up here? Look, I've paid my debt, or whatever. Now you're telling me I've been sent to prison by a fucking robot? You'd better be kidding about this being for the rest of my life.

[She sighs, exasperated, rolling her eyes.] I'm so tired of dealing with this shit. I just want to go home and be normal for once. That really shouldn't be too much to ask for. That's what most people get without even trying.

Nathan, if you've got anything to do with this, I'm going to fucking kill you. Do you hear me?
03 October 2011 at 09:25 pm
[The man looks into the communicator, and then stares down at the basket in front of him.]

A welcome basket, hm? I suppose I should be thankful. The pamphlet was helpful, at least.


I have some questions about this 'Acumen'. First… what is an artificial intelligence?

[Computers, they do not make sense.]

Secondly, how is it able to 'replace' people, and what makes it think that it knows better than us? Sometimes crimes are needed in order to do the right thing.

[… Hm. Okay, well, this question doesn't have to do with Acumen.]

Third… is there a Charles Xavier here?

[He's not even going to go into how insulting it is to have this iron ball around his leg. Metal. Around his leg. That he can't do something about.]
[ action ]
14 September 2011 at 08:24 pm
[ A short while before the prom is scheduled to get underway, Minako and Orihime take up their posts: lurking at the main avenue into the prom, looking for their victims! The two girls are hanging around outside, looking for solo arrivals and third wheels that they can put together into couples for the big event! ]

[ If you wander too near them, you might hear them calling out to you -- or find them grabbing your arm -- or notice them dragging someone else over to you with big smiles on their faces. ]

((ooc: In this post, introduce yourself to your designated date for the evening! Here is the list of partners, and you can direct questions there!

It would be great if you put your names in the subject of the first comment so that your partner recognizes you. ♥ There is also an optional thread for Minako or Orihime or both to wrangle you~! You can handwave it if you prefer. Please limit threads here to the actual matchmaking, not just socializing: Minako and Orihime will also be at the prom for your friendly chatting needs.))