[ Video ]
25 March 2011 at 08:52 am
[Well guys, here you have it. There is a cute fluffy bunny on the screen. Looks like it's been fed some clovers and a carrot. The chuckle that follows should be evidence enough of who this rabbit could belong to.]

I've been thinking about names for my new friend here and now it's definitely decided.

Without further adieu I would like to present to you all - -

Liv Tyler!


Hey, Vriska? How's your cat?
24 March 2011 at 10:20 pm
I wonder what it takes to have some fun around here. You'd think an underwater, interdimensional prison would have a lot more going on besides pathetic attempts to celebrate holidays and meaningless questions.

Or maybe I'm giving everyone too much credit. After all, if you want something done right -- [a loud crunching sound.] -- then you can't depend on rehabilitated criminals to do the job for you.

[D'oh. Restless, obnoxious, might-just-want-to-be-in-your-space Damon is crawling around sector one.]

private to caroline )
[closed action]
27 February 2011 at 06:37 pm
[Damon's a jerk and he deserves to know that Katherine's just like him. Caroline's spent the whole day chanting that particular statement in her head. And with what Damon said to her before, she's ready to believe it. Jerk.]

[but if she actually believed it - she wouldn't be having such a hard time swallowing it down would she? she wonders what Elena would say. Her best friend would disapprove for sure. treating Damon like an idiot and telling the truth to his face just like that. even though he deserves it.]

I can't believe I'm doing this. [she folds her fingers nervously over the bag of blood she swiped from the fridge earlier. It would serve as her peace offering! Breathes] Remember Caroline. Even if he's really, really annoying, you can't punch him in the face.

[and with that, she puts her hand up and rings the doorbell]
[video][closed action]
18 February 2011 at 04:18 pm
The things I have learned in Marina: They should include this in those brochures.

One, costume parties. Don't go to them. If you must drag yourself over there, try wearing your own clothes. 'Wearing your own clothes to a costume party, Damon?' I know, I know. Genius.

Two, the quickest way to draw attention to yourself is to talk about vampires. Try it out! Cry wolf if you want to. Just remember, it's a sensitive topic. There's a guy somewhere around here that takes them very seriously. A little too seriously.

Three, you can't walk from one end of the dome to another without meeting a defense patrol member. They're everywhere. Thank you - defense force - for protecting the lives of the crimi- sorry, citizens of Marina. I, for one, commend you. Try not to screw up anytime soon.

[Private to Caroline]

And you can get the extended version of my wonderful advice if you call now. At this number. And when I mean now, I mean now.
16 February 2011 at 07:18 pm
[Finally getting a chance to eat, Aeristal makes his way to the kitchens. Too bad all the meat is frozen. It was something of a surprise to see the night before. Such advanced machines.

But he heard about the fridge with his kind of meal and opens it--only to wrinkle his nose.]

Why is there a "refrigerator" of human blood? If vampires are being encouraged to drink human blood, how does that ensure no troubles with the residents here? [Whoever thought human blood would be an acceptable diet for a vampire in the first place?]
[action|closed, video|open]
12 February 2011 at 01:49 am
[Saguru and Haibara have taken over one of the residental suites in the shelter, Saguru figuring that Haibara would be glad to be out of eyesight while wearing a restraint and both willing to rest while they figured out their next plan. Saguru had returned from the dining hall not terribly long ago with tea and biscuits for he and Haibara, and he was enjoying them while thinking everything over.

It was there that they heard Euphemia's initial post and the warnings that follow soon after, and after a glance at Haibara's fake name-- Sherry? that certainly fit a naming trend he was familiar with-- Saguru very calmly went over to the door, made sure it was securely closed, and then pushed the sofa over to block it. Just in case, you know; it pays to be prepared.]

That should hold, assuming she doesn't find a gun.

[and then a small bit of video, filtered to Kid relatively well.]

We've barricaded ourselves inside our room in the shelter, for now. If you should want to hide with us, you're welcome to it, but I imagine you still have tricks up your sleeve as far as disappearing outside goes. If you hear before we do that Euphemia has been restrained, the mention would be nice, although we're equipped to last out a few hours. I don't imagine it will take longer than that.

[and then a public video, so this post isn't completely locked orz-- but filtered pointedly away from Euphemia.]

I'm afraid that a time of crisis seems like a poor time to make an introduction, but all the same. I met a few of you earlier, but it seems there's quite a few more people to meet and a much more I should know about this.

I'm Saguru Hakuba. I'm a detective from England. [not Japanese at all, why do you ask?] Any extra tips you could provide to the situation would be appreciated.
09 February 2011 at 04:10 pm
"Welcome Caroline Forbes" - Seriously? You can't make this up with candles and a photo frame. Luxury Soy candles maybe. I have rights. There's nothing in the Constitution that makes it okay to kidnap minors and accuse them of crimes that you have no proof of. I would know - I passed Civics with an A! Hello? Innocent until proven guilty? Keyword: proven - which someone conveniently forgot. Nice going, really. I think you've broken a few laws yourself with this dumb mistake.

[...faltering a little.]

You can't keep me here, okay!? It's totally not fair. God I could - totally go for a bunny right now. People are waiting for me back home! Very important people. So I'd really like it if you could just drop me back in front of my house and not stick me here - under this ocean!
[Action | Open]
06 February 2011 at 12:46 pm
[After leaving the costume party, Charley decides to go for a walk and sets his sights towards the park in Sector 4. It's a pleasant night for a walk and Charley manages to navigate easily through the darkness. He appreciates the silence of the deserted park. He finally comes to a stop next to the koi pond and gazes at the pond in silence. Finally, after a long pause, he reaches up and takes off his mask, sliding it gently into his pants pocket.]

[ooc: Feel free to catch him on his way to the park, at the park or by the koi pond. Just let me know in the header.]
05 February 2011 at 10:43 pm
[As midnight nears and the effects of the costume party start wearing off. Over the network, there's giggling -- starting quiet, and then growing louder, happy. The giggling separates into three distinct voices; one deep, one light, one female.]

How was it? How was it? Did you have fun?

It's been pretty tame here lately, but watching you all tonight was -- was just classic. Grade A entertainment!

Ahhh, I feel so much better now.

You poor dears. You should go to bed early, get some rest! In the morning it'll all seem much funnier.

You're welcome, fellow inmates!

Happy anniversary~!
[ Event: Ball ]
03 February 2011 at 08:26 pm
[Just as evening starts to fall, one of the parks in Sector 4 has been festooned with streamers, bright lights in a variety of colors, a big upraised dais, tables of refreshments, and music. It looks like a perfectly normal party from the outside. Optional masks are provided in little bins beside the dais, but you're responsible for your own costumes...!

...And if you're dressed as a character, the moment you step onto the dais, you will believe yourself to have led that character's life for your whole life. This effect will last until "midnight", in this case Sunday, even if you leave the party.]
01 February 2011 at 08:56 pm
Looks like the training hall's busy today. Does anyone know of a good place for meditation? [ because home is not quiet enough ] And Minako, I'm not going to the ball, so don't even think about finding me something to wear.

[ sooner or later she'll come across that beautiful waterfall in sector four, but for now she's wandering and making idle conversation. ]
01 February 2011 at 11:52 am
[There is a view of a room that looks nearly void of signs of life contained within it. There is a trench coat hanging on one of the walls. If your eyes are extremely sharp you might notice a small pile of adult magazines collecting dust in the corner. Mint condition. Never been opened. Thanks Kaien.

The fact that he feels this is necessary is something that irritates him, but with the arrival these past couple of weeks of new vampires and their obvious disregard for the other inhabitants of the facility, it needs to be done. It doesn't seem like anyone else is going to take the initiative, so it's up to Zero to be the one to do it.

Zero comes into view, sitting on the edge of the bed, expression calm. Yes, he takes this all very seriously. Prepare yourselves, all. This is probably the most any of you have heard come out of his mouth at once.]

Since there is apparently going to be a costume party being held tonight in celebration of the hundredth day, I thought I would take some time to go over some issues happening within the facility lately. This is a matter of safety, so I would prefer if everyone just take a few moments to stop whatever they are doing to listen before going on with your daily lives.

There are nearly a dozen different vampires here in Marina and just about as many worlds that they come from. They are literally beasts in human form and it's likely that each of you know at least one or more and interact with them daily, often not even realizing they are a vampire.

Events such as these, especially costume parties, add another level of anonymity to their lives.

If you find yourself bitten by a vampire, please contact myself or another member of the defense force that is in attendance immediately. This is something that should be done even if you have agreed to be a donor for them and anywhere or anytime within the facility. Each vampire comes from a world a little different and the very act of being bitten can have life changing consequences for anyone who is a victim to their fangs. Some worlds all it takes to change you into a vampire is for them to get their fangs into you. Other worlds it requires you to ingest their blood. Some vampires don't have that power at all.

Before offering yourself to any of them, please research what this commitment will mean for you. If you have questions, comments or just want to discuss options, there are people knowledgeable in the subject within the defense force. Utilize them before doing anything rash. This is never something that should done without research prior.

Any questions?
[action | open]
22 January 2011 at 11:17 pm
[It's a cool night, but Kitty is still sitting on the roof of her little house in sector three, smoking. She's gazing off into the distance without really looking at anything. Tyki should be getting there soon. Probably.

She thought about calling to tell him not to, but she wasn't going to let that jerk win.

...Not that she knew what he would be winning.

Life seemed less complicated when you knew everyone not wearing an ✖ wanted you dead.]
[Video | Action]
20 January 2011 at 06:14 am
I've never even been away from them this long before.

So tell me, just what the hell am I supposed to do now? [She's supposed to be with her brothers, so they could do what they'd been created for, together. The idea of doing anything else, even after they'd succeeded, had never even occurred to her. Now she's in this dump with nothing to focus on, and she's starting to panic]

I mean, god, what's the fucking point of this place? It should just kill us and get it done with, or not bother at all. This is so pointless and annoying and I hate it. It's so unfair! [Screams out the last part in frustration, then calms down a little. Deep breaths]

Oh yeah. Lacus or Suzaku, right? [or whoever; she doesn't care] I want to join the Defence Force. [they have guns, right? she's sure she'd feel better if she got to shoot a few things]

((ooc: Loitering around Sector 3. Also, juuust a little note: she is this close to snapping, so if [action], there's a fairly good chance of getting a punch in the face if someone says the wrong thing... ♥?))
[ Video | Action | Open ]
18 January 2011 at 09:39 pm

[The roar is deafening to anyone within earshot or whoever (unfortunately) happens to be having their communicator open at the time. The beast's rows of teeth have multiplied, and paired with the frenzied lashing of their tongue, they look half-mad.]

[They've been considering that tiny Mayor's words for some time now, and all that rage has come boiling out again, smothering the man's internal grief. Because, somehow, they know he's right; they are a monster, but this is the only way they know how to--this is the only way they can survive.]

We'll kill him! We'll smash his smug, condescending little face into the dirt if we ever find him! We'll--!!

[They shut themselves up abruptly, quivering with a melting pot of emotions and instead return to savaging a nearby tree with their claws, dragging them up and down, wrenching the bark free.]

[OOC: They're in a bad way, clearly! If you have an antagonistic character, I'd advise you stick to video, just so a fight doesn't break out! Unless you want one, that is, and I have no problem with that! xD Just let me know. Gentler characters can approach without harm, Venom's just grieving. Aggressively, but grieving. They don't really want to be a monster, sometimes.

O RITE, they are in the park, if anyone does decide to meet them face to face.]
14 January 2011 at 09:32 pm
It's getting warm now. Around this time I'd be getting ready for spring vacation in school. [ smile ] I suppose I should start making different plans now. Does anyone have anything planned for the warm weather?

[ a little pause. hesitating a little- ] Also, what can you do if...an old wound is irritating you? [ because when you have scars all over your back, they sometimes throb ;-;. ]
[Voice | Video | Action| backdated to early evening]
09 January 2011 at 10:07 pm
Ho-hum. Can't they spice this place up a little? Where's our entertainment? Our song and dance with our wonderful meal?

[They're grumbling again, still managing to snicker under their breath even as one sharp claw idly stabs at whatever it is they have on their plate. Being chained up is not doing anything good for their mood.]

We think that these walls also need some color... Maybe a splash of... red? [It's how they phrase the statement so innocently that makes it entirely too suspicious. They laugh uproariously after, pounding at the table with an enormous fist.]

Oh! But we're just kidding... mostly.

((ooc: Any chain gang members are welcomed to be eating dinner with this crazy boyo! And, of course, everyone else is free to do so as well! REALLY I JUST WOULD LIKE TO RP WITH YOU ALL, MMK, ilu. ;; <3))
07 January 2011 at 01:37 am
[Late lunch, early dinner, Ava doesn't care. She just wanted to eat and the pizza parlor? Made really good pizza. She's got four large pizzas in front of her--meat lover's, Hawaiian, barbecue chicken, pepperoni--and she knows she won't be able to eat all of it, but she doesn't care. She's so bored, eating is one of the few things no one is getting on her case about. Maybe she'll be nice and share the wealth.]

Got some extra pizza left over at the parlor. Not much, but first come, first gets it.
Location: Pizza Parlor / Late Afternoon
[backdated voice/video/action]
05 January 2011 at 05:33 pm
Prison! Just the place I wanted to end up in, really.

Before we have the little heart-to-heart's, the "ooh, what are you in for"s, I just have this one little question. You see, I have a brother back home. Younger brother. He's going through a really rough phase - identity issues, addiction to a dangerous and toxic substance, a compulsive need to lie to everyone around him - the whole schtick. What I want to know is whether or not I can make a phone call to see how he's doing. Like, right now. It's my duty as the older brother to take care of him. Anything less would be a dick move. Just one phone call, and I promise, I will be the best-behaved prisoner you have ever seen in this...place. Ever.

And if the answer's no, well. I just might have to pull the pout.

[Prowling around. He's everywheeeere.]