[ action | backdated to during the day ]
30 January 2011 at 12:39 am
[Duo was at the arcade. Not much for fancy dances and stuff unless he was forced to go, which he had a feeling the Host Club would probably be offering their services, he was avoiding getting a costume for as long as he could until he was told he had to take someone. At the moment, he was firing away on a first-person shooter game... one that was reactive to body movements, so he was ducking and dodging virtual bullet fire like a pro.]
[Voice - Open]
24 January 2011 at 10:03 pm
[Ciel is cranky today. Very cranky. Especially since he was woken up earlier than he wanted to wake up.]

This place is ridiculous. How can you all be so cheerful? [It's ridiculous.]
[voice / action for housemates]
24 January 2011 at 08:19 pm
[a certain someone slept on the floor of his living room, sprawled with his puppy. and now a certain someone is awake again, still on the floor, in the clothes he was wearing yesterday, letting the puppy gnaw on his left hand.

[the thing with Fuuma and Subaru yesterday... kind of got to him. it's exactly why he didn't get an animal for himself. he was happy to have the gift, but -- what if, what if, what if]

[voice / filtered from Noah]
[irritable] What the hell is wrong with people who think it's okay to threaten or hurt animals? I mean-- for God's sake, is there any good reason for that? What goes through someone's head?
[voice/backdated to evening]
22 January 2011 at 11:52 am
...Anyone up for a game?

[ooc: last letter word game /o/]
[Video || Action: Closed to Housemates || Backdated to the evening]
15 January 2011 at 02:25 pm
[As the video feed rolled, it found Kairi laying on her bed in some marginally warmer clothing consisting of a green sweater and some sweats from what could be seen of her legs shifting behind her. As if she were swimming idly. She held a pencil to her mouth, nipping the eraser lightly, while her other hand cradled her head. And a book could be seen stretched out before her. She stared at the feed thoughtfully a moment before removing the eraser from her mouth.]

So, I was wondering. What's the best thing that you've had happen to you here? I'm sure we all have homes and people we miss from back home. But is there anyone or anything you would miss if you went back?

[A pause later and her eyes widened just a bit in realization.]

Oh, and Hikaru, Kaoru. I was wondering. Would you guys like to go hunt for seashells tomorrow? Don't feel bad if you don't want to. I know it's cold. I just had an idea...

[And afterward, Kairi would be idling the evening away in her room... By idling, she might be a little caught up trying to study and get back on task with everything she missed at school. Fortunately for her, the teachers have been lenient but then considering how disappearances worked, well. Either way, her door was propped in case anyone wanted to distract her.]
14 January 2011 at 02:51 pm

[It's starting to get late, but Ushiro can't sleep. Nakama arriving has brought up way too many things that he doesn't really want to think about.]

[He walks towards the park and sits down, staring at the swingset rocking back and forth. How many times had he watched Kana jealously as their father had pushed her on the swingset?]

[… And he wasn't even his father. Why couldn't he have been told sooner? He was thirteen, it's not like he couldn't handle it!]

[… Being this angry is just making him more tired. He sighs, and flicks on his communicator to broadcast.]


[Does Ushiro look tired? Probably. But call him out on it and he won't admit it.]

I've got a question. What's 'family' to you?
[Voice | Open]
29 December 2010 at 12:23 pm
I think I've kissed more people in the last two days than I planned to kiss in my entire life.

[Granted, kissing Shinji already put him one over that total, but let's not go there.]

Who's behind those robots, anyway? They've got a very strange sense of humour. [But judging by the laughter in his voice, he shares it.]
28 December 2010 at 01:33 am
[Ryoji had intended to go on a quick breakfast run before Minato woke up -- he slept so little these days, between dreams and his own restlessness -- but the end result was far different. To the average onlooker, Ryoji is nearly twice as pale as usual, his cheeks pinkened almost hectically and deep lines under his eyes.]

[He's also a bit unsteady on his feet, his voice a bit less smooth than normal.]

[He's fine, though. Totally fine. Just ignore him propped up on a bench outside the park, head bowed. How did he even get here?]

Hey, does anyone else think the sky is weird?
[action | open!]
27 December 2010 at 10:16 pm
[Cas is on a morning run for burgers because Dean is a lazy guy who takes advantage of Castiel's teleporting skills. Ah well, the angel was feeling much better anyway. Might as well stretch his wings.]

[But on the way back, he's decided on a detour! So here's Cas now with a bag of burgers in one hand as he stares with a thoughtful expression on his face into the window of the pet café.]
16 December 2010 at 10:22 pm
[ you just hear Asuka breathing, breathing as she figures out a way to phrase this. ]

[filtered from Kaworu]

...Let's say that you have a job -- duty back home that's really important -- at least to you it is. But then you find out that no matter how hard you try to do your job, it's inevitable that you fail or that someone else fucks it up for you. So now you're stuck with the knowledge that even if you could go home by some miracle, it doesn't matter because that job you're dedicated to? Yeah, it's useless. Whatever effort you put forward? Who cares? It doesn't matter anymore. [ takes a breath. ]

So...what would you do next? Would you just...give up? Or would you keep on doing your job even though it's useless?
[Action | Closed]
14 December 2010 at 07:43 am
[Kaworu's out exploring again, checking out the various sectors with residential areas to decide where he should live. The shelter is interesting and all, being crammed in with all those Lilim and other beings, but he got used to having an apartment in his time in Tokyo-3 and he's about ready to go back to that.

He's also thinking about the time he spent with that restraint on, and wondering about his AT Field. He knows his S2 Engine is working fine, if a little slowly, because his black eye healed up in the course of a day, but he hasn't had a real chance to test the rest of his abilities. And he's got a plan for how to test parts of it, but he's not going to call out the Second Child - she'd probably never come, anyway. He'll have to wait until he runs into her, and prove to her once and for all that he's not lying.

So he's keeping an eye out for her as he crosses through Sector 2, hands in his pockets and head bowed slightly against the light snowfall.]

((ooc: closed to asuka and a DF member or two. saki will be making a call when asuka's life signs disappear, so look for that and then a comment subject/ooc note inviting you into the thread.))
[Voice | Action | OPEN]
08 December 2010 at 05:03 pm
Um, Cain? You can taste again, right? [Acumen said it was fine now...] Well, I made you a pizza like I said I would! I'm in the shelter kitchen, so... [Come here fast, before the potential rush brought on by this:]

--And uh, everyone else too! [He raises his voice a bit, but it has a slightly higher pitch now, bawww nerves] I-I've kind of-- I've made up a table of food. For everyone who was having trouble yesterday. I just thought it'd be nice... and maybe cheer people up.

I'm not sure how many people there are, or if I'll have enough, but... C-come if you like? [Finishes off lamely, and quickly cuts the feed. Man he sucks so much at this...]


[In the kitchen/dining area, he's pushed two tables together for the miniature feast snacks he's slaved over since before dawn this morning. There's four large, quarter table pizzas on one side, two loaded with cheese, as many different kinds of meat as Emil could find, and his little twist of cute little octopus hotdogs on top (one of these pizzas marked off for Cain only, which Emil will be guarding religiously until he arrives), one an ultimate veggie lovers, and the last one the works.

And across from that, there's plates, cups, a few juice bowls, and fruit/ vegetable platters-- for the non-pizza eaters-- made up of, but not limited to: apple rabbits, kiwi tulips, strawberry stars, carrot flowers and turnip doves. And pawprint cupcakes for the sweets.

Basically, it's the most adorable refreshment table you've ever seen in your life]

[[ooc: MINGLE POST GOOOO. You don't have to talk to Emil(though some CR would be nice), and can just hang with others if you want~]]
06 December 2010 at 06:57 pm
[Early in the morning, just before the announcement, Allen is cozily asleep in his bed. He stirs a little restlessly at a sudden sensation on his face. Something -- poking him --]

Cut it out, Lavi. [mumbled]

[but he snaps awake when an unfamiliar voice responds] You mean Libby?

[And the communicator cuts in briefly on Allen flailing and shrieking like a girl as he knocks his communicator off the bedside table. You'll have about five seconds to see Wisely leaning over him on his bed before the video cuts out again.]

((ooc: backdated slightly))
[private/open action]
26 November 2010 at 04:47 pm
in which asuka talks to herself, and there's nothing like a good mental breakdown )


[ Asuka's long since left her room. She's desperate to move about, because if she stays still in bed then she starts thinking and god is she sick of thinking. Instead, she lies on the couch in the shelter and pulls out the Jenga pieces. ]

[ look at this kick ass tower. someone has too much time on her hands 8| ]
24 November 2010 at 01:37 pm
[Minato carefully looks around the beach. There's no sunlight peeping from that overcast sky and the sand was a bit cold to touch. He rubbed his fingers together, looking to the side where Sentinels were slowly patrolling.]

[He wasn't sure of this idea anymore to be honest. It had sounded great in his head, but now that he was actually outside in the cold he was starting to have second thoughts.]


[But his courage is badass, so Minato reaches down and pulls off his shoes and socks, shrugs off the scarf and jacket and shirt, slips his pants off over his knees, and tries vainly not to shiver too much in his swimming trunks.]

[Because it's never too cold for swimming. Right?]
[Video | Open]
23 November 2010 at 08:21 am
[Day three of being restrained, and day two of dealing with this black eye which won't heal thanks to his regeneration being blocked along with his AT Field. He looks pleasant enough when his face appears over the network, but there's a slight undercurrent of irritation in his voice, and sure enough, his right eye is still swollen shut and black with bruising. If you saw him yesterday, you'll notice it doesn't look at all improved.]

Does anyone know how to treat a black eye? It's rather painful, and it won't be healing until tomorrow, so I've still got a day to live with it.

[If anyone asks about that, he'll explain - the Second Child knows now, after all, so there's really no harm in anyone else knowing. But he isn't in the mood for going into S2 Engines and Angels with the whole prison right now.]
[Action | Open]
15 November 2010 at 06:31 pm
[Anyone in the Educational Center this early? Arriving for a class, or maybe preparing for one that you teach? If so, you might hear music drifting down the hallways. It's the sound of a single piano, played inexpertly but without any audible mistakes in the notes. Someone has dragged his ball and chain over before chores begin to check out the school and has stumbled across the music room.

He's playing a simple arrangement of Ode to Joy, his head tilted back slightly and his eyes closed. It reminds him of Tokyo-3, of that first day of freedom from SEELE's headquarters - and of Shinji. His thoughts wander as he plays, and he's totally unaware of the world around him, so anyone who has come to listen will escape his notice until they speak up or otherwise make their presence known. But anyone who's met him before may notice that he looks more pensive than usual - maybe even sad? It's possible.]
[Action | Open]
14 November 2010 at 11:15 am
[Heh… snow. Naoya has found some decent clothes, so he's taken to wandering around the dome. He stops in the park for a few moments, and closes his eyes. There's a pounding in his head, as memories flash in front of his eyes.]

[Winter, and the snow is thick. The battlefield is littered with soldiers, and a young man lies next to his fallen brothers, red blood staining the snow.]

[That one in particular wasn't that long ago… maybe a hundred and fifty years or so. Heh.]

[Still, he's not going anywhere soon. He sits down on a bench, and looks up at the snow and the water high above.]

[[ooc; Open bother post.]]
[Voice | Video | Action | Open]
08 November 2010 at 05:26 pm
Kaworu is a thinky Angel. )

Well, this is interesting.

[The voice is high and soft for a male, obviously young. With a bit of fiddling, he switches on the video function - a handsome teenage face appears, with inhumanly pale skin and red eyes, framed by unkempt silver hair. Those who knew her may notice a marked resemblance to former inmate Rei Ayanami. The welcome basket sits ignored beside him - he hasn't connected its presence to his incarceration yet.

One corner of his mouth quirks upward in a lopsided smile.]

Have I offended you in some way, Old Men? Or - are Ikari and NERV behind this?

[Then the smirk is replaced by a petulant frown. If that's the case -]

At least let me speak to Shinji for a moment. That's not too much to ask, is it?

((ooc: for those who want to 'sense' his power, or who happen to prefer action, just indicate 'action' in the subject line. he's sitting in the park with a ball and chain around his ankle.))
03 November 2010 at 11:20 pm
[ she doesn't know Wisely's name, so she doesn't have a name to private to. That's fine, she'll just yell angrily at the network anyway. ]

You - you freak with the white hair! If you -- if you ever come near me again I'll kill you. So don't even think about showing your face. Better yet, just crawl up and die!

[muffled] This is why I don't understand why psychos are allowed to run freely in this stupid place--tch!

[ lying on a sofa in the arcade room after playing her twentieth game. Hey, she's tired. ]