[video | open!]
23 January 2012 at 05:54 pm

[See GIR waving very happily at the screen! He's in the park right now this early in the morning, circling around trees and trying to figure out which ones are his breakfast trees from before!

And he may or may not be watering the grass with orange juice. You know, just in case the grass will grow into breakfast grass.]

Does anybody know how to cheer up Acumen~? He's bein' a little silly poopy pants all by his-self!

What he needs is a friend~~
The 151st Day
23 January 2012 at 08:29 pm
Marina Asylum Denizens
Good morning, inmates. It is the 151st day of the third generation. The weather will continue to be cool today.

Inmate Reki, the item you requested is available for pick up at the entrance to the shelter in Sector 0.

((ooc: Sorry for the delay! I swear it won't happen again.))
Mood: accomplished
[Action | Open // Voice | Filtered]
23 January 2012 at 10:26 pm
Conrad Weller
[As soon as the "daylight" comes on, Conrad's slipping out Zelda's door, having eaten and cleaned up the platter she brought and folded her blanket neatly, leaving a quick note that he will be back to wash it later. Hopefully she won't be worried, but he has things to do.]

[Namely, finding Wolfram and avoiding Diva. Which is why he tries to be careful as he moves through the alleys and streets, but there's no avoiding everyone. He only hopes that people won't take much notice of the small bandage on his temple.]

Private Voice Filters to Tear and Hei, respectively )
[Action | Closed]
23 January 2012 at 10:52 pm
Hiling Care
[Another night was spent at the workshop. She still couldn't bring herself to sleep at home. If she had to be alone it was better if she was working. She hadn't been taking care of herself lately and the lack of food and sleep was catching up to her. It was just too hard to focus on her project anymore, so she stumbled out to the halls of the academy. She didn't make it very far before she collapsed from exhaustion, not even trying to get up.]

[ooc: dance class was to be held today, but Hiling won't be showing up to teach or answering her communicator.]