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15 January 2012 at 10:09 pm
Yuuki Kuran
[Cloaked within the dark night of the dome, the movements of a young girl goes near unseen as she moves through the park, regardless of the hour. She's not attempting to hide, no, though company isn't particularly wanted at the moment. The color in her normally deep, brown gaze is tinted a reddish hue that bleeds into the usual soft color. Her chest rises and falls, too quick to be normal as she swallows the air as though it may cure her current plague.]

Hah -

[Her feet halt upon the frozen path, and her hand reaches out to rest upon a tree beside her. A sudden pang causes her to winch, and she kneels down, a hand clenching her chest, while the other wraps tight within her hair. Snowball fights, hot chocolate and visiting with new friends is fun and good but the activities have taken a toll. Much earlier than expected she was forced to retire as scent upon scent combined to remind her of the very thing she hasn't had in several days.

It's why she's broken free of the shelter to walk and hopefully clear her head. Perhaps she ought to move back to the manor she previously possessed before her disappearance. At least, separate from a place where so many humans are jam-packed, she won't be subjected to the constant and continual temptation that the scent of their blood brings. She has to remind herself that if the tablets are cleared, this won't be as painful, even if they are terribly ineffective at curing her thirst.

Throat dry and feeling parched, she swallows several times, but feels worse for the effort. At the back of her mind, she has to ignore the nagging voice of the beast within that becomes much louder in moments like these.]