action // closed
18 September 2011 at 01:33 am
Suzaku Kururugi
[ for once, he's not sneaking into Lelouch's room after dark; Lelouch is coming into his. they're going to spend some time together -- just the two of them. in his room. late at night.

there's a buzz in his belly as he loosens his tie. leftover adrenaline from a night spent dancing? leftover adrenaline from just being Suzaku? maybe. but he feels -- good, right now. more than a little bit excited.

it's like a date, and it feels almost like something they might have done back home, if either one of them had been allowed to finish high school -- if either one of them had been allowed to lead a normal, teenaged life. sneaking off together after a school dance...

like that horrible dream of the future never happened. ]
[ Action | Closed ]
18 September 2011 at 04:44 am
Ribbons Almark
[ As all things go, things must come to an end.

It had been a very long evening for everyone, and also for both Ribbons and Jeanne. Even if the attendees have long gone, the two main organizers have stayed behind just to oversee the bots cleaning up the place.

Ribbons picked up his jacket from the back of a chair just as a bot wheeled by to collect it. And just before another one picked up a flower arrangement from the table, he took a lily as some kind of souvenir.

It is a very memorable evening, as far as he is concerned, in more ways than one... ]
[Action; Open]
18 September 2011 at 05:09 pm
[Zoro didn't care about the prom. Not about dressing up and dancing, and he was really feeling too unmotivated to go searching for the bar and drink. So instead, he decided to stay in and hang out in the shelter's common room.]

[Which is all well and good, yes, except for one thing. He's fallen asleep. Out cold. So maybe you're coming down to hang out because you weren't at prom, or maybe you're on your way in. Maybe you want to throw something at Zoro to stop him from snoring, or gently wake him up to prod him towards his actual bed.]

[Or maybe you want to trip over him in the dark, because it's the floor that he's completely sprawled out on. Whatever it is, it's entirely possible with this marimo-haired pirate. But be warned, he may attack if approached to violently!]