[Voice|Action|Closed] Backdated to Early Afternoon
14 August 2011 at 02:26 am
[She made sure she kept plenty of the food she'd made yesterday--especially the apple tart and the boysenberry muffins--and added to it again today with some glazed ham cuts, cheese, a loaf of bread, and some cold cider. Hopefully she wasn't being too rude by asking out of the blue, but she felt like she needed plans. Things to do. Fun things! Like maybe asking the best friend of the guy you kind of maybe sort of like out so you can find out more about said guy.]

[Private to Flynn]

Uh...Flynn? Hi! [She is a little nervous so everything comes out in a bit of a rush.] I know we talked about this a few days ago, but we didn't make any set plans, and I know it's a bit presumptuous for me to assume you don't already have plans and if you do that's completely okay and I'll understand perfectly, but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on that picnic with me today?
[Action] Open to night owls
14 August 2011 at 02:43 am
Conrad Weller
[He's not on duty tonight, but with Diva asleep and in no need of him for the night, Conrad is out on pseudo-patrol. He finds himself stopping in front of the club; oddly, some of his strongest memories were formed there. He visits less and less now that Josak has been gone.]

((OOC: Run into him just outside the club or in the park area! o/ ))
[Voice] Late night
14 August 2011 at 02:41 pm
Akito/Agito/Lind Wanijima
[Akito can't sleep tonight. He's already woken up three times due to nightmares. Somehow his other hasn't picked up on them, so the light leaves him to rest, dragging a spare blanket out and settling on the couch, blanket wrapped around himself to keep warm.

After a moment he flicks on his communicator, quiet just in case someone's sleeping close enough to their own comm to be accidentally woken up by it]

What do you do when you can't sleep? [He's curious. Maybe there's something he can do to try and make himself sleep...the music isn't helping tonight]

((OOC: Action open to H/Alle))