25 July 2010 at 01:17 pm
... Here's a question.

What do you do when you can't sleep?

[Given that it's very late, he's not likely to get answers from people who don't have the same problem, but oh well.]
[Action | Open - Backdated just a little to mid evening]
25 July 2010 at 02:21 pm
[Diva's sitting on a couch in the shelter common's room, digging her nails in the fabric, flexing her fingers, trying not to damage the upholstery as much as she would like. Just one more night, and she would be free. She was trying to be a good girl. One of the last if not the last still in restraints.]

[Just a little longer, and she'd never have to clean another toilet, do another load of laundry, clean another plate or do anything ever again. Just a little longer and she could feed again. She was starting to get… just a little hungry. She missed her chevaliers. All of them.]

[Huddling on the couch, Diva tried not to think, tried not to want. She only had one more evening left to go. Just one more. Just a few more hours. Just a little…]
[action | open...I guess?]
25 July 2010 at 09:42 pm
[It's much too late for anyone to be up right now! At least to GIR, that is, and even though he'd love to wake up the whole dome he'd rather keep this whole thing a surprise. So, in the early morning he ventures off in search of Acumen, minus his doggy suit because apparently that didn't work last time. Acumen can't just be a disembodied voice, can it?

And then, right up ahead: an unsuspecting robot cleaning up some trash off the side of the street. Is that Acumen? What if it is? It's a robot, so it must be! GIR giggles and tiptoes up behind it with the utmost of care.]

Babies, babies, babies~

[If he can't convince Acumen from the outside, then he'll have to try on the inside, right? So, concentrated look on his face, GIR pops his head open, shoots a few dangly bits of wire out and suddenly there's a bright spark, a giddy laugh...and GIR's body greyed out and completely unoperational.

But don't worry. He still has room to laugh. And maybe, just maybe, you'll hear it in your nightmares.]


((ooc: Sorry for the late;; I was out all day. GIR is in a fairly undisclosed location, but I you want you can react if you want to either the giggling or the molestation. ♥ Get a good night's sleep, Marina.))