13 May 2010 at 12:10 am
Nunnally vi Britannia
Ummm...do these belong to anyone?

[And into the camera's view come several horribly cheesy-looking romance novels. They're not the trashy kind with, well, questionable content but they're still terribly written and Nunnally is quite sure that no one in the house would read them. They're certainly not hers or are they?]

They were behind the couch pillows, so I think someone must have lost them when they came over...
[Voice/Action/Video] No one can escape
13 May 2010 at 12:11 am
[Just outside sector 0, there is a teenaged girl standing on top of a chair with a megaphone in her hand. Standing next to her is a nervous looking red haired girl in a form fitting and extremely short waitress uniform. It was obvious that the girl was extremely uncomfortable in this outfit and was doing her best to hide herself.

The brunette standing on the chair on the other hand looked completely in her element. The smile she wore lit up her face like a thousand watt bulb, a mix of mischievousness and excitement. Around her bicep was a bright red armband with the words 'Ultra Director' scribbled on it in black ink. The megaphone in her hand to ensure that no one could say they hadn't heard her words or she hadn't drew their attention.

Lastly, standing a distance away from the pair, holding several bags and looking not very enthused was none other than Kyon.]

Tonight! For ONE night only! The Oscar worthy, directorial debut of yours truly will be featured in the theater.

It's a can't miss--[there is a pause as the girl's attention is drawn to the shrinking violet in the corner.] Mikuru! You're supposed to be the star. Stand over here, right next to me. Ugh! Now I have to start over.

[She waits as the other girl makes her way to her side before starting over.]

Smile, Mikuru! You're acting like this isn't a good thing.

Okay! Where was I...oh yeah! There's romance! Intrigue! Secret Identities! Evil magicians. Mikuru in a Bunny Costume! She's a battle waitress from the future! Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity.

The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina for TONIGHT ONLY!

[OOC:Yes, it exists. In all it's bad acting and craziness. Watch the movie within the show. It's so bad it's good.]
13 May 2010 at 12:00 pm
Johnny Rayflo
Hmm...we need more fun entertainment around here.

[But Johnny has been a good boy and didn't sneak out when Chris wasn't looking. At least his wounds had healed--on the outside anyway--and a couple packs of blood helped boost his energy.

Right now he's relaxing in the grass in the park on a big cushioned chaise with a book. Where it came from? Who knows?]

If you could request an amusement park to be built here, what rides and games would you want in it?
13 May 2010 at 01:37 pm
Hanabusa Aidou
[His memories of the day he lost control were vague in some ways and startling clear in others. He remember the face of each person he came across, but not always their voices.

He remembered the taste of Minako's blood.

The look on Lenalee's face when she stared him in the eyes.

If it hadn't been for Zero...]

[Private to Lenalee and Minako]

Lenalee...? Minako?

{OOC: Look here and here for information. Aidou will be pouring his heart out in private.}
[Action!] Turing Society Meeting 3pm
13 May 2010 at 01:41 pm
[This...had seemed like a much more organized, purposeful idea when she was browsing around the network a few days ago. A chance for like-minded computer users, or just plain supporters of Sentience, to just...mingle. Share ideas. Hang out. Like any forum discussion.

Except it was in person, and so Lain felt terribly awkward. She waited anxiously in the computer lounge, sitting hopefully with a box of snack cakes left out on the center table, on the verge a silent, motionless panic attack.

She didn't know anything about organizing group face meets! Even if some distant, foreign part of her recalled being the most popular girl at Club Cyberia.

Maybe nobody would bother to show up.

That would make her feel terrible though, because she...desperately wanted more friends, real friends. She also desperately wanted Sentience to feel affirmed, even if the AI was declared obsolete and wasn't asylum warden any longer. And after...after whatever she'd managed to say without thinking, the other day...

That other Lain, the one she'd thought was banished along with the Wired...seemed to be waking up again and making trouble.]
Location: Sector 2: Computer Lab Lounge
[open voice/action]
13 May 2010 at 07:37 pm
[senshi] Mizuno Ami
[ She tries to hide the worry behind exasperation, but it doesn't quite work. She hasn't seen Minako since yesterday and...maybe she really had disappeared...it seemed like a common occurrence here. ]

If you're still here Minako-chan - then please answer.

Mercury power! )

ooc: action = everywhere
[open voice/video] belated intro
13 May 2010 at 07:50 pm
Takeshi Yamamoto (武 山本)
[has been restrained since he arrived the day before, except for the exciting regimen of tasks the bots have been escorting him around on, and is getting decidedly less amused by now. This is, after all, day two of laundry and he's getting pretty bored]

Haha, the ball and chain thing is pretty authentic and all, but isn't this kind of old-fashioned for a futuristic prison thingy? It doesn't really go with the robots. [pokes the communicator. Might or might not be aware that the image is upside down]
[voice/action | open]
13 May 2010 at 11:29 pm
Euphemia li Britannia
Hello everyone.

I was hoping to have this together sooner, but I've posted a listing of the classes and who is teaching them for our new school in the shelter and at the educational facility. Please look it over if you signed up. I had to make a few changes after talking with Acumen because The Doctor and Willow are no longer here, but of course if anyone isn't happy with something, just let me know so it can be changed!

It would also be really helpful if you could fill out details about your class to make it easier for people to decide what they'd like to take. There are some guidelines to help and some slips of paper to fill out.

I'd also like to apologize to all our new arrivals. I'm sure not very many of the welcome baskets went out on time, but they are still coming! I'm working on a way to fix that from happening again even if something like the sleeping sickness is going on. You should have treats by tomorrow though.

[So much business to attend to! She isn't a princess here, but it almost seemed like she had more responsibilities now than she did as sub-viceroy.] On a more personal note, I'd like to thank Soubi, Gino, Cross, Kazuma, and of course, my sister, Cornelia, for helping me when I was being too stubborn to realize I was sick before. It's certainly nice to be feeling awake again. I'm very glad to be out of bed! [And at the moment she is sitting on a bench in the garden.]

[Private to Cornelia/Hackable]
I checked with Acumen [a longer pause than is strictly necessary] and the disc was still ready so I picked it up.

(OOC: Please use the OOC post for actually filling out the course info.)