[voice | video | action]
12 March 2010 at 02:29 am
[A view of a young brunette sleeping peacefully on a bench comes on screen. The girl begins to wake and at first her brown eyes open slowly before snapping open in shock and surprise. Instead of the four walls of her dorm room, what she sees instead are trees in a park. Sitting up quickly, she notices the welcome message and takes a moment to read it before getting more panicked.]

This..this can't be right! I'm not a criminal! I haven't done anything wrong. It can't be right..

[She takes off the communicator in her panic and places it down on the bench before walking around the bench area. Sayori looks around at the trees and the park in front of her. It all seems so pretty, but its nowhere she's ever been before. It just doesn't make sense to her.]

I..how am I here? This doesn't look like anywhere near the school.. I can't stay here though, I have to get back. Everyone will worry. I can't ...can't stay..

[She stops pacing as she runs through the message once more in her head and realizes that they mean this to be a permanent home. A permanent home for criminals. Sitting down heavily, the word criminal keeps running through her mind. Cupping her face in her hands, she just can't imagine what she'd done to get her placed here.]

Why me?..I haven't done anything. Missing curfew once couldn't have been the reason..could it? I ..I don't understand.

I'm not a criminal..
[Action | OPEN]
12 March 2010 at 04:23 am
Maya Fey
The silent office. )

[After locking Justice & Co.'s door back up, Maya takes a walk over to the library as she futilely tries piecing together all the evidence in her mind, but can't think of anything else to check out. If he's not in court or in the law offices, maybe he has gone home to his time too, like Akito's friend?

With her extra free time today, she might as well read some more comics for now, at least, right? So she parks down at table in the library to flip through some very heroic comics. She's kind of feeling uncertain about the missing Apollo situation, but she's certainly not showing it. Plus the comics are helping her force that all to the back of her mind for now.

But it's not like the library is all that quiet, really, with her there. She's quite into the story and action, audibly gasping and cheering every now and then as the villain unleashes his dastardly plans and the heroes overcome the challenges, respectively. Maybe she's soft enough to ignore. Or maybe she's annoying someone? She's not really paying attention to that, though...]

((OOC: Feel free to tag her either on the road from the law office to the library for bibliophobes, or in the Library itself. I'm going to be assuming the library for the location if it's not stated otherwise~.

Also backdated to afternoon since I failed and put this up to my journal the night before without noticing it. Freaking Firefox crash. : |))
Location: Sector 2 - Justice & Co. Law Office -> Library // Afternoon
[ voice ]
12 March 2010 at 12:00 pm
Charles "Chuck" Bartowski
[ Some fumbling noises, and have some half-slurred product of a drunken geek mind, Marina ]

Sssso, I have a question... Uhura in Platonian garb... or Leia in the slave girl bikini. Who's prettier?

[ quickly ]

Or! Or! Alterna...tiv...ely, if you don' wanna answer that one... how do y'ask a deaf person if they want to buy a duck? [ snickers ]
[action | closed]
12 March 2010 at 01:04 pm
Spike (William the Bloody)
[It's 8 o'clock sharp and he's standing in front of Buffy's door. He put some effort into this outfit, but he always puts effort into his appearance. He just doesn't talk about it. He looks pretty much like he always looks. Red shirt, jeans, leather jacket, boots.

He knocks once.]

Vampire delivery service.
[action // OPEN]
12 March 2010 at 02:32 pm
Lelouch vi Britannia
[He's relaxing out in front of his house, a chess board set up. He's playing both sides of it, idly, waiting for his sisters -- each of them for very different purposes. C.C. is on her date, Suzaku is out... So he's made dinner for the three of them, and a fruit tart, and now he's left with his thoughts while he waits.

[...he's wasted a golden opportunity. There's no excuse for it. He had a perfect opening and he didn't seize it -- didn't even help others to do so.

[But it's worth it, a little, if it helps Nunnally walk. Even just temporarily, even if it takes a while... He couldn't walk away from it.]

[Relaxing might not be the right word. ...Brooding, maybe.]

((ooc: Feel free to bother him, it won't impact his dinner plans~))
[action | closed: open to entire VK cast]
12 March 2010 at 04:18 pm
Sakura Kinomoto
ooc: After this conversation.

Because the ex wants the daughter back. :x )

ooc: Open to entire Vampire Knight cast// Yuuki, Kaname, Aidou, Zero, Rido lolnaow, Sayori. Yuuki gets first tag |D]
Location: Sector 4, Yuuki's room
[ action / closed ]
12 March 2010 at 11:17 pm
[ Waiting outside the pizza shop, Beagle-less and dressed in her cheer leading costume. Though it's still really too cold to be wearing it without something else, it makes her feel better. She twirls, watching the skirt flare out as she waits for Gino. ]
Location: Sector Five, Pizza Shop / Early Evening