What Day Did Your Character(s) Arrive?
07 December 2011 at 11:16 pm
So, we got to talking about which characters have been here the longest and...A MEME WAS BORN!

1. Copy the format.
2. Insert your character's info.
3. Post it under the correct day header in the comments below!
Days 1-25 | Days 26-50 | Days 51-75 | Days 76-100 | Days 101-125 | Days 126-144*
*Mislabeled as 125-144

• Please post each character separately even if they fall under the same heading!
• See the example for what to do for dropped and reapped characters! If a reapped character belongs under two different headers list them in both, but include the complete info so people realize another day(s) apply(s)!

Yuuri Shibuya | Kyou Kara Maou | [info]demon_king | Active | DAY 10
Spike | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | [info]heart_at_stake | Dropped | DAY 15
Euphemia li Britannia | Code Geass | [info]friendly_fire | Reapped & Active | DAY 32 & DAY 101

Tell us your favorite early memory, fun fact and/or link your first thread if it wasn't on Inksome /sniffle!
OOC Friending Meme!
01 November 2011 at 04:43 pm

This is for everyone who wants to find more people to plot/geek/hang out with but don't know how to go about finding them. Basically, just comment with your contact info and receive a billion plurk/whatever adds. (Then, go through a mysterious phase denoted by a series of question marks and, towards the end, profit!)

Here's a textarea!

Obvs, feel free to add any hangouts I might've forgotten!
[ Fourth Wall Love Meme ]
22 August 2011 at 10:48 pm
By player request...!


  • The fourth wall event is winding down, and even though threads are still ongoing, now seems like a good time to share the love with everyone!

  • The mods will start things off with a few general categories of things to love! You comment to share details of your love for these things!

  • Comment here with fourth wall characters and receive love for them!

  • Feel free to post other categories to love that you feel may have been left out, or any other lovely observations you may be inclined to make!

  • Logged-in or anon love is accepted.

  • Happiness for everyone ensues. Protip: That means non-love will be deleted.
23 June 2011 at 07:20 am
Bringing back an old, simple meme because everyone loves icons!

-> Post a comment for each of your characters. Blank comments can be made with < ! >, sans spaces.
-> Others will comment to show you which of your icons are their favourites!
-> Discuss, squee, disagree, it's all up to you from that point on. But play nice!

Mood: cheerful
Voice Survey
14 June 2011 at 09:46 am
This isn't so much a meme, but I thought it was too big to go in the Monday Meme, yet was still important. Something similar was also done before, but with all the new characters always pouring in, I thought it was time for another one!

We describe a lot of things in our action tags - outfits, posture, gestures, facial expressions - and icons help a lot with issues of appearance. But one thing it's hard to know about a character outside of your known canons, beyond the occasional note about their intended tone, is what their voice sounds like!

So, if you'd like people to have an easier time 'hearing' your character, fill this out:

You are the voice. )
Mood: curious