MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'spencer+reid'

Aug. 28th, 2017



443 - Final Mingle


[ It's the final day. Sector 0 is all that remains. Where will you go from here? What will you do, now that your sentence has finished? ]

Aug. 16th, 2017



Day 441 Video

[Martha's face is fairly hard when she appears on the screen. Her voice, steady. She looks like she's at a mission briefing.]

Right. Looking at my bingo card, I can safely say that losing full sectors seems to be a new incident. And we're supposedly not part of the prison network any longer. Seems we would have been transferred somewhere else by now were that the case. Any thoughts?

Aug. 8th, 2017



440 | Video

[Rebecca's not sure how she takes this ominous losing of Sectors or how far she should really be worried, but her brain's back in action mode and prepared for the worst. It's one of the few times she feels a pang of what it was like to be back home, when each passing second might be your last. That reminder that she's alive, not a resetable piece of data. That loss of the safety net that she had begun to cling to here.

She opens a feed and claps, dressed in a tank top with her hair pinned up. The room behind her looks disassembled, like she's in the midst of packing for vacation. In a way, she is, in at least that she's got her bag full of necessities ready by the door.]

So we're losing two Sectors. I know we all know to move it, but in those Sectors are some places that are going kaput for God knows how long. The hospital, the Shack, the convenience store and the pet cafe are in them. Now would be the time to root through them for anything to take with us, food - supplies, especially for pets that are getting displaced with us.

Ton, you and yours at the clinic - will you be alright on any supplies or should we loot the hospital while we still have a chance?

[Private to Aidan Reilly]

I want to say goodbye to the gardens, before maybe they're next to go. Meet me there?

[Private to Spike]

Will you be okay without the Shack? Is there enough blood to move for you to keep alright for a little while?

Aug. 6th, 2017



[439] video


[The camera opens up on a dimly lit room, only the sight of a man's hands hovering over the keys of a piano. He cracks his knuckles and then his fingers glide over the keys, starting into and playing out a solid rendition of Für Elise without error. The further into the song the faster his hands move, until the end where he abruptly shuts the lid of the piano closed.

He leans down to look in the lens, offering a wide (and wicked?) grin.]
I'm up for taking some requests on what to play next.

Jul. 4th, 2017



Day 435 | Voice

I need, a really big aspirin, or several bottles of wine ... A face massage maybe? No, that would probably still hurt my brain. I used to wish I knew what people were thinking mostly one person really; can I amend that now? Can I just get one person at a time and not everyone all at once?

Oliver, Laurel, thank you so, so much for all your help yesterday. You are literally my heroes; in some cases again. I should buy - or get, you guys a drink, or dinner or something. Just name it.

Darcy, I also owe you a drink or dinner or whatever too for helping me keep Oliver from eating Ray.

Action )

Jun. 28th, 2017



434 - Power Play Mingle



Jun. 13th, 2017



432 - The One With The Photographs Mingle


(OOC: Event Info)

May. 28th, 2017



429 - video & action


[So guess who is rocking a home made dress today, formed out of a trash bag and one of the few accessories still sitting in her closet. She's not at all put off though, it was kind of fun sitting around naked all morning. The only reason she's dressed is pretty much for the sake of others while she ran about doing a few errands and started the video feed.]

Hey - uh, some day, huh? Talk about a breezy morning. [Pft.] I just wanted to show off the latest in trashbag fashion, but also to throw an idea around. Maybe today's not the best day, since I think we're all distracted, but I'm putting it out there anyway. It being that you guys are totally invited to my birthday party. And Aidan's birthday party. And our anniversary, and your anniversaries... and birthdays, half-birthdays and all that too.

[Heh.] I know I must've missed my chance for a birthday cake and can't be the only one, so I was thinking a get together to mass-celebrate all the things we could've if we'd known we should've? I was thinking beach by day, bar by night kind of thing but... today's really making me reconsider all things sandy. We'll see.

I'll do an update on location after I scope it out a bit more, but how's 431 sound? You've got two days to buy me a gift or tell me I gotta get you one - cool?

[Action] )

May. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

Morning video

[She's dressed in a thick coat and winter hat, it was what she woke up in.]

Um, hello, I'm Erin. I was suppose to be headed to New York, I'm unsure why I ended up here. Where is here?

[Unsure what else to say she ended the video..]

Mid-Afternoon Sector O

Losing the coat and hat, Erin was walking around in her jeans and long sleeve shirt with the sleeves pull up to her elbows. She had been checking the place over, checking out ever sector that she was allowed to. She was standing in front of the food stands, debating if she would get something to eat.

From being so busy with her mother and not trying to get involved with the case, when was the last time she had eaten?

May. 8th, 2017



427 - Group Therapy Mingle


More linked as they come up!

Turning a New Leaf
Polyamorous Individuals
PTSD and You
Murderers Anonymous
Addicts Anonymous
Counting Days - Managing Life with a Chronic Illness
Phobias and You
Impostor Syndrome
Abandonment Issues

Event info!

May. 4th, 2017



426 Video

Hey. Good afternoon everyone.

I need two things.

Specifically where you'd find good chinese food around here. Recommendations for that sort of thing, because my cooking skills are not as developed as I thought they were. Or if I had any skills in cooking at all, having to survive off lizards and shews and t-rex eggs probably have dulled my taste buds a little too much.

The other thing is that I'd really like to get access to fabrication technology, but since none of it exists here I'd have to build it myself.

Which brings me to asking for help. Building tech like that is doable and will ultimately lead the way to constructing more high tech parts that we can use for basically anything.

I'm looking for a few people interested in engineering, experienced or not. I can probably teach you.

Third thing, sorry. I also need to know if anyone's built a forge here.

Oh and fourth thing. Is there a working theory on the motivations of the people behind this prison program?

That's about it. Get back to me if you're interested. Should keep us busy if nothing else.

Read more... )

Apr. 25th, 2017



Day 425 | Voice and action

[Felicity has decided to stick with voice for the foreseeable future. In fact they're probably lucky that she's not using her evil overlord voice. Then again she doubts most people would find it as entertaining as she does. Instead it's just her with her normal boring voice.]

So, I was talking to a guy over these stupid things the other day and he said I needed to get in contact with a Spencer Reid. So that's what I'm doing right now. Spencer Reid, come out and show me what you've got; code wise that is. He said you had code for this place.

Action )

Apr. 19th, 2017



Day 424 | Private Voice to Reid

Closer to 9 or 10 PM

[With the exception of Jack, Martha hadn't talked to many people about this. Things had been weird between her and Gaeta in the end. They had talked about becoming closer and then never had. It seemed to happen a lot when she tried to get closer to people here. It was enough to give her pause before calling Reid. She considered a moment before scrolling to his name and dialing.]

Remember when you said maybe I should talk more instead of holding things in? I'm holding things in and I suspect you're holding things in. And maybe we should... hold things in or try to let them out together.

Apr. 18th, 2017



Day 424 | Audio | Private to Reid

[Of course he's not okay, he doesn't sound okay. He's handling it better than he would have even a few weeks or months ago, better than the last time he called him during an emotional crisis but it's a neat thing. And while everyone here will miss Kitty there's really only one person he can think of calling today, one person who will probably be taking it as badly as he is even with all the ups and downs their relationship had.]

Feel like sitting on a roof and being sad with me?



Day 424 - Video/Action - Open


[Jack comes on the screen looking sad, his lips pressed together in a thin, hard line.]

Looks like we've lost Kitty. And Chekov and Gaeta.

[In other words, three of his closest friends here, especially after the twenty years' future event. He's feeling more than a little lost in the wake of this discovery.

Also? If Kitty hadn't dissolved the Defence Force a few days ago, it would almost certainly be falling apart now, especially the Investigative Team since that left exactly just him and Ianto in that category.]


He makes an effort to keep to his usual routine - swimming, patrolling (hard to break the habit of a lifetime, even with no official entity to report back to now), eating, getting coffee etc. etc. etc. But he's definitely looking unusually pensive as he goes about his day.

Apr. 5th, 2017



422 | Action | Open

This is not creepy at all.

[It's very creepy. He would almost like to stay shut up in his apartment, if he hadn't seen many small black buggy things crawling up the walls and across the floor. He noped out of there as fast as his legs would carry him.

He grabbed his camera at least, and if anything, the foggy atmosphere might make for some good photos. And it's fine, for a while. Until he starts to see wiggly, crawly black spots dart around from the corner of his eyes - gone by the time he turns to look. And there's a constant, low buzzing, like a giant killer wasp is hovering around somewhere behind him at all times.

He feels itchy all over, and shudders more than once. Most especially when he tries to escape into a store and grabs a piece of fruit to eat, only to find it infested. He chucks it in the trash with a frustrated whine.]




422 - action

[ Reid has been here long enough by now to suspect that something isn't right. For one, he hasn't worn a flak vest in months but this morning there's one securely strapped to his chest. There's an eerie stillness over the dome, a darkened gloom that makes his heart race. There's also a singular purpose, the marrow-deep knowledge that there's something out there, someone out there and he's been cut off from his team, needs to handle this on his own. It's such an undeniable truth that no rationality in the world can keep him from believing in it.

He retrieves the revolver from the locked drawer where he's left it untouched for the last few months, straps the holster on, hand resting on the familiar weight before he decides to pull it out. Better be prepared. Adrenaline pumping and instincts half-rusted over coming to life, Reid carefully moves out of his apartment and down the corridor. Step by step, revolver raised, eyes watching for any unexpected movements. Through this method he'll comb through the apartment building in Sector 3 and then continue outside until he's absolutely 100% sure the UnSub has been taken care of — or he's killed. Whichever comes first. ]

Mar. 31st, 2017



421 - action, closed to Rebecca

[ It's a little later in the night when he takes those handful of steps across the hall to knock on her door. He hopes she's in. After that bomb coming out of left field earlier today, they have a lot to talk about. ]

Mar. 7th, 2017



[ Day 417 ] Action

[ Morning ]
[ Kirk's morning was not all that notable - unless one counted completely changing genders as notable. Kirk rather did, and he spent a good couple of hours revolving between panic, being pissed, and curios. After all, it wasn't every day you go from being a six food man to a six foot woman with a short bob and D-cups.

Eventually, he reasoned this must be a glitch, and as frustrating as it was, he could either hide in the apartment all day and be pissed, or live his life. He chose the latter, because like hell he was letting these Wardens mess with him and push him around. But it became immediately apparent that his first stop would need to be the clothing store. His normal black shirt fit well enough (albeit stretched at the front), but the jeans were no longer fit for his hips and his shoes were just a bit to big.

So one could find him wandering with ill fitting clothes, or trying them on in the shop, and after that he made his way to coffee shops for breakfast. Don't mind him licking the sweetness from his fingers as he devours a danish or two. ]

[ Afternoon ]
[ From there he just did what he normally did. He walked through town, stopping in the library to pick up a new book from the stacks - maybe two. He made his way to the beach for a bit, attempting to read, which he couldn't concentrate on despite his best efforts. That being the case, he made his way to a quieter, more secluded part of the beach, stripping down and wading into the water to go for a swim (he found it much more soothing than the pool and it was a fascinating sensation in his new body). Eventually he tired of that, though, and after he dried he returned to his apartment to change into workout gear he'd acquired at the clothing shop and went to gymnasium instead. Yeah, punching things always did make him feel better. ]

[ Early Evening ]
[ With little else in the way of evening entertainment, Kirk took dinner at one of the cafes again and then went to browse the bars, because damn this day had him yearning for a drink. He thought all of them in the dome could use a drink and it was a good thing that the drinks were free. Oh, was that a pool table? Please be a pool table, he needed just about anything to distract him right about now. ]

[ ooc: Kirk is glitched throughout the post and is now a woman for Day 417. If you would like a specific prompt let me know - open to anything! ]



[417] video / action


[You know, when she went to bed last night she knew leaving a line of code to run through a few filters was probably a stupid idea. Having done it plenty or not back home, there's something to be said about glass houses and rocks. But really, when did simple hacks garner any more punishment than a public roasting and some menial tasks? Man, maybe this is her punishment? But the lack of a morning shaming sort of makes her wary - but doesn't take away from some of the curiosity of suddenly having a dick in her panties.

Which she's looked at a little. Little more than maybe she should've.

But after a while, she's stuffed it back in her pants and speaking of pants, her skinny jeans really aren't cutting it today. So for the morning (and let's face it, the entire day most like) Rebecca's rocking this put together look as she races out the door to see what else she may or may not have fucked up.

While doing so, she opens a video channel with a huskier than normal voice:]
In advance, I might be sorry. I'm not sure yet? So don't quote me. Because I might not be - because this may not be my fault at all and strictly a coincidence.

[Laundromat; Afternoon]

[So after a bit of reckless running around in very comfy stretch pants, Rebecca's added some clothing to her wardrobe but still faces the looming chore of doing a few weeks worth of laundry - why not do it today. Because when she's not distracting herself with code (and error messages and the reality of what she might've done) having some offline chore helps? That's a lie. It's not really helping and she can't tell if it's because it's boring or because she can't wear any of her clothing, so why is she bothering to wash it all?

Sitting in front of a rolling wash, she's stretching a strappy red thong out between her hands with a bored look. And a pile of other women's panties next to her that aren't getting folded or put away. Feel free to stumble in on this crucially weird looking moment.]

[Daffodil Dive]

[Becca's swinging by to catch lunch and do a low key check in on some select, favorite people. The doctor kind that are actually really important. And who ironically can't get her pregnant anymore - hey, is that what this is about? Maybe? No. They wouldn't. Still looking like a puked up crayon, Rebecca folds back her hood when she goes in and goes straight for the bar to look for Chuck. She'll be there for lunch, and then some. Angsty darts seems fun too, with all the testosterone in her leggings.]