MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'sara+lance'

May. 20th, 2017



428 - Video at nighttime.

[Laurel switched on the video on her phone and sighed as she made a face trying to angle it right.]

Not too sure I'm doing this right. Anyways, Hi, I'm Laurel Lance! I just arrived this morning.

[She gave a little awkward laugh.]

I just wanted to introduce myself and see if perhaps I wasn't the only one here from Star City. I know it's a long shot, but worth trying and to say hello to everyone else.

I feel like a dork so I'm going to end this.

[Awkward wave and she sighed as she turned the video off.]

May. 17th, 2017



Day 428- Open action


Lots of things to do today. Deliver the inventory system, find Ianto and teach him how to use it, if not help him with the stock at the shop, find some raw materials to turn into computer components, and scout out a place to melt the material into parts for said computer components. He had to do everything himself, but he's mostly spending his time in sector 2 to figure out a place within reasonable walking distance between the tech store and the computer lab. He's also gotta find a lab-lab for which to build all of the things he has in mind.

Oh wait, is there icecream? Definitely going to go try every flavor.

Afternoon at Jack's shop.- For Jack, Ianto or Felicity.

Did he think he'd be doing a tech install at a sex shop, really ever in his career? Nope. Not at all. But there's something kinda hilarious about it and right now he's crouching under a table and hooking up one of the computers he's stolen from the computer lab. They can spare a few. Now were's Ianto.

And what the hell is this thing supposed to be? Yes, Ray has crossed paths with a strange looking toy, and he wasn't sure what to make of it.


He's heading back to his apartment in sector 2 with a few new toys. A chemistry kit, a torch for starters, as well as other hardware and equipment. Plenty of stuff that might look dangerous to the uninitiated. To build the type of tech he wants he needs more control over circuit boards and the like which means having to personally melt metal into connecting strips. So, arms full of mega-nerd gear today.

May. 8th, 2017



427 - Group Therapy Mingle


More linked as they come up!

Turning a New Leaf
Polyamorous Individuals
PTSD and You
Murderers Anonymous
Addicts Anonymous
Counting Days - Managing Life with a Chronic Illness
Phobias and You
Impostor Syndrome
Abandonment Issues

Event info!