MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'martha+jones'

Aug. 28th, 2017



443 - Final Mingle


[ It's the final day. Sector 0 is all that remains. Where will you go from here? What will you do, now that your sentence has finished? ]

Aug. 24th, 2017



Day 442 / Video and action / open

Video – 9 am

I assume it doesn't need to be said, but everyone get yourselves and anything you want to hang onto to Sector 0.

Anyone need help with anything, let me know.

Action – open

He spends the morning in Sector 2, picking up a few bits they might need in MAHR and then checking for anyone he needs to shoo out of the sector. He pauses to gaze at the Defence Force Headquarters where he spent so much of his time until the last few weeks, and the Library, where Ianto spent so much of his. A whole lot of memories there and who knows if they'll ever return.

The early afternoon is Sector 3, where he checks in briefly on the clinic, visits the hot springs for memory's sake, and then heads for the Bull's Eye store, where he starts loading sleeping bags and other equipment onto trolleys and shuttling them through to Sector 0.

Sector 4 is more personal. He's lived here the whole eight months he's been here, and built up a lot of memories. Bean Crushers, where he gets the last perfectly brewed coffee from his pet bot Taylor. The Daffodil Dive, with the conflicting emotions it invokes. The little row of restaurants called Little Earth where he and Ianto have eaten so many meals. Captain Jack's Exotic Emporium, a more recent venture but one he's put of effort a lot into; he bags up a few of his favourite items to take with him, just in case. And then there's the apartment he's shared with Ianto all this time, chock full of memories, and quite a few little mementoes he's determined not to leave behind, things like the little book of photos Ianto gave him at 'Christmas', and the box of photos he'd lost in the Hub that the wardens had thoughtfully recreated for him.

Come evening, he can be found in Sector 0, mentally checking people off to make sure everyone's there, and wandering around to see if anyone needs a hand setting up.

Aug. 23rd, 2017



Day 442 | Action/Video | Open


[The clinic can be seen behind him in various states of being packed up. Maybe the other doctors are even hard at work doing just that. He already helped move all his personal things worth saving to Sector 0 and he's trusting Chuck to guard them and set up a home away from home while he helps transport some hopefully unneeded medical supplies.]

If anyone feels like proving how big and strong they are feel free to stop by the clinic and move heavy things with me.


[And later he can be found assembling a makeshift medical tent in the last safe sector. Hopefully they won't need it. Hopefully everything will be back to normal tomorrow. He isn't exactly counting on it though.]

Aug. 16th, 2017



Day 441 Video

[Martha's face is fairly hard when she appears on the screen. Her voice, steady. She looks like she's at a mission briefing.]

Right. Looking at my bingo card, I can safely say that losing full sectors seems to be a new incident. And we're supposedly not part of the prison network any longer. Seems we would have been transferred somewhere else by now were that the case. Any thoughts?

Jul. 10th, 2017


Day 436 (Invite)

Good evening my fellow lost souls. I have managed to get my club Caritas up and running. Opening night is this Friday night and first drink is on the house.

Jun. 13th, 2017



432 - The One With The Photographs Mingle


(OOC: Event Info)

Jun. 5th, 2017



DAY 431 — Morning Greeting

Good morning residents.

I've programmed sunny skies and warm breezes for you today — a perfect excuse to indulge in some self care at the spa in Sector 3. We have skin treatments, massages with fragrant oils and for today only, a hot yoga session if you're feeling stiff and in need of some physical relaxation.

If you need another reason to primp today, a little bird told me there's a... birthaversary party taking place today. Why not stop by and socialise? Maybe bring a gift to that special someone?

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, a jaunty tune! ]

May. 23rd, 2017




[ Closed to Wade Wilson ]

[ Kirk had woken up before Wade, which wasn't all that unusual. He didn't sleep long when he did, and he tended to get up early no matter how late it had been the night before anyways. He loved his morning jog or his morning swim, just something to kick start the system and clear his head from whatever had worked its way in while he slept.

He'd intended to dress and leave quietly, letting Wade sleep and hopefully wake him up with breakfast, except... where were his clothes? He frowned, looking through all the drawers, but everything was empty. For a brief moment he thought Wade had done something, some sort of prank, and made for the front door. He opened it up and peered out, briefly stepping into the halls to check over balconies and out windows. Wade seemed the type to enjoy the underwear up the flagpole type of tricks.

Except they weren't there. They weren't anywhere, and a quick check of the network... oh.

Sighing, he went back inside and made his way to the bed, flopping back down beside his partner with a thump. If that woke Wade up, then grand, otherwise he would find something to occupy himself until Wade woke. Possibly pushups, or maybe he should finish that book he took out from the library. He did only have a few chapters... ]

[ Open ]

[ Later that afternoon, Kirk has worked up a make-shift sort of outfit from spare bed sheets - outfit in this case equalling a knotted sort of skirt that came to his knees. From the looks of things, everyone else had similar ideas or wasn't out at all, but he would be damned if he wasn't getting out at least once today. He needed to stretch his legs, and he wanted some fresh produce to cook a meal tonight. Might as well kill two birds with one stone.

That of course meant a stop by the market, crouching and reaching for items, which required quite a few minute adjustments of his skirt (kilt?). On a whim he decided to detour briefly to the library. He should have a book ready for when he finished the other one, after all. It was such a drag when you didn't have something nearby, just in case. Oh, and maybe he should see if he could pick up some beer to take back to the apartment too. Yes, absolutely, this was a 'need a beer' kind of day. And churros. And ice cream.

Was body fat and cholesterol even a thing in a digital prison? Time to find out. ]

May. 8th, 2017



427 - Group Therapy Mingle


More linked as they come up!

Turning a New Leaf
Polyamorous Individuals
PTSD and You
Murderers Anonymous
Addicts Anonymous
Counting Days - Managing Life with a Chronic Illness
Phobias and You
Impostor Syndrome
Abandonment Issues

Event info!

Apr. 19th, 2017



Day 424 | Private Voice to Reid

Closer to 9 or 10 PM

[With the exception of Jack, Martha hadn't talked to many people about this. Things had been weird between her and Gaeta in the end. They had talked about becoming closer and then never had. It seemed to happen a lot when she tried to get closer to people here. It was enough to give her pause before calling Reid. She considered a moment before scrolling to his name and dialing.]

Remember when you said maybe I should talk more instead of holding things in? I'm holding things in and I suspect you're holding things in. And maybe we should... hold things in or try to let them out together.

Apr. 18th, 2017



Day 424 - Video/Action - Open


[Jack comes on the screen looking sad, his lips pressed together in a thin, hard line.]

Looks like we've lost Kitty. And Chekov and Gaeta.

[In other words, three of his closest friends here, especially after the twenty years' future event. He's feeling more than a little lost in the wake of this discovery.

Also? If Kitty hadn't dissolved the Defence Force a few days ago, it would almost certainly be falling apart now, especially the Investigative Team since that left exactly just him and Ianto in that category.]


He makes an effort to keep to his usual routine - swimming, patrolling (hard to break the habit of a lifetime, even with no official entity to report back to now), eating, getting coffee etc. etc. etc. But he's definitely looking unusually pensive as he goes about his day.

Feb. 24th, 2017



Day 416 - Private Video to Jack and Ianto

[Martha wasn't sure where Jack's and Ianto's relationship was since her talks with them two days prior. And she wouldn't have bothered them, except the Doctor was gone. She'd been by his place to make sure, and checked the communication device. No Doctor. Her face and tone are carefully neutral when her image shows up.]

Just wanted to let you two know, The Doctor seems to be gone, again.

Feb. 7th, 2017



Day 414 / Open action

Jack's out and about today but he's starting to like Mistletoe Days less and less the longer he's here. And especially just now – given the current delicate state of his blue-band relationship, getting caught by a bot today just seems like it'll be asking for trouble!

Nevertheless, he will inevitably get caught. A man can't live without his coffee, and he's determined to make up for his binge drinking over the last couple of days (or twenty years) by getting back into his early morning swim routine.

He's kind of looking for Ianto too. A little too nervous to actually call him and get this talking thing started, more kind of hoping he'll just run into him and – well. Things will just happen.

((OOC: Decided to put this in a separate post for easier navigation on potentially long threads!))

((Note: NSFW happenings in the Ianto thread (surprise surprise!!!) ))

Feb. 6th, 2017



Day 414 - Mistletoe Mingle



Jan. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

There were people Martha should talk to. People who she needs to check up on, to provide a shoulder to lean on if they need it.

Martha shook her head to clear that thought from it. That was what she did in the future. Lost all sense of what she wanted... what she needed... so she could be there for other people. What a miserable life. No. Today she was going to take care of herself.

She went to the spa. Starting with a soak in the hot springs and then a massage. A mani and pedi... She felt good.

And then walking. The labyrinth was a good place for self reflection - a place to lose herself in a walking meditation.

And of course she needed food. And coffee. Bean Crushers was a definite stop for her today. There were people she should talk to, but they could wait. Martha had to take care of herself.

Jan. 16th, 2017



411 - Fast Forward Mingle



Dec. 27th, 2016



Day 408 | Private to Reid

[It had been a few days since their last encounter telling stories, but the idea Reid had thrown out stuck in her head. She felt it was time to do something about it. She smiled into the camera as she clicked on his name.]

Fancy a stroll through the school to look for an appropriate venue for a storytelling club?

Dec. 20th, 2016



Day 407 / Action / Open and closed

Action – closed to Ianto

He's finishing getting dressed and bending to get his boots out of the wardrobe, when the sight of something at the back of the wardrobe, sitting innocuously right behind his boots where he'd swear it wasn't yesterday, gives him pause. A box. A box he had for decades. A box which couldn't possibly be here if this existence wasn't virtual and/or outside of time.

Hardly breathing, he scoops it up and takes it through to Ianto, who's already in the kitchen, getting coffee.

"Hey. Look what I found!"

Action – open

Jack's gift is a box of photographs of past lives and lovers, incredibly precious since it was blown up along with him and the rest of the Hub over a year ago and (in real life, at least) lost forever.

Find him sifting through the photos, or just gazing fondly at one of them, at various points through the day – at the Defence Force HQ, in a restaurant at lunchtime or dinner time, wandering along with a coffee in his hand etc. etc. etc.

((OOC: NSFW content in the thread with Ianto (surprise surprise)! ))

Oct. 31st, 2016



Day 400 — Spooky Anniversary Mingle


(( OOC: Happy Halloween - sort of! EVENT INFO ))

Oct. 27th, 2016



Day 399 | Open Action

Having found little to interest her in tattoos to cover up her newest scars, Martha had turned to Jack's suggestion at getting them removed. And knowing she had little to no rehabilitation points, she was willing to take whatever the wardens would give her regarding work to earn more.

Which was why she was now rolling a ginormous pumpkin through sector zero to place somewhere. It was also why she was placing hay bales in various places and hanging orange lights. None of the decorations were as impressive as she would have expected from the wardens for a big anniversary bash, but there was definitely plenty.

"Excuse me!" she called over the pumpkin.