MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'liz+parker'

Apr. 5th, 2014



265 // video // late evening

[ It's been a long day of being outside cuddling fluffy little animals and Chuck is more than happy to finally be home, key turning cheerfully in the lock... and that's when the happiness ends and the tribble tsunami begins. In every nook and cranny, every cupboard, drawer and box, every available surface and some she didn't think available at all.... tribbles.

She's waded her way to the bedroom when the feed starts, Gadget the puppy protectively clutched to her chest and tribbles tribbles tribbles did I mention the tribbles. TRIBBLES. ]

Haha. Very funny. I hope you know things are just going to get worse from now on, buster! Consider this an official declaration of war!

Apr. 1st, 2014



DAY 265 : Tribble Mingle

[They're soft. They're pleasant. They're...abundant.

As the day goes on the tribbles get more and more plentiful until they are softly, pleasantly everywhere and eating all the food. Feel free to mosey about and interact with them and each other. Maybe you even visit the pet cafe today.]

(OOC: Tribble Info)

Mar. 23rd, 2014



Day 263 [video | open]

[Welcome to Day 25 or at least a piece of it unburied from the network archives. The scene is still of an underwater prison, but this one is a little different. Some current inmates will remember it well. Others may have heard of it, but have never laid eyes upon it until now—Marina Asylum, the first.

The person on display is also familiar and not. It's Yuuri Shibuya—baseball fanatic, friend to pretty much anyone he meets, and avoider of paperwork, school and otherwise. Except he looks a bit more mature perhaps. His hair is certainly longer. His eyes are narrowed and his expression is serious. Energy swirls around him as dangerously and a storm he controls rages on as he carries on a cold conversation with former warden, Sentience.

It all seems very much as if it's happening now, except it happened two hundred and thirty-eight days ago.]

King Yuuri, you are causing a great deal of property damage and unrest among your fellow inmates.

You are to blame for this situation. You abduct people and hold them against their will. You do not protect those in your care! This prison does not serve justice! [And on it goes.]

(OOC: The post was action, but the warden would have contacted him over the network. Their conversation is shown in full!)

Mar. 14th, 2014



[Later in the day, once the latest wave of new arrivals had a chance to settle in, a giant INVITATION will be sent over the dome network. Giving the time and location of a massive Rave Party. Everybody was invited. Except the Wardens, because screw them.]

[Upon arriving, party-goers will be treated to a spectacular sight:]

[The whole of the indoors will be decorated, wall to wall, in these breathtaking glow-in-the-dark displays. The only other sources of light being the occasional octopus-shaped lamp sitting on the wall tables. Besides that, there will be boxes of Glow Jewelry already cracked and waiting to be worn.]

[The music playing from the speakers in every corner of the room carries a heavy bass beat to it. Perfect for cutting loose and making casual conversation all but impossible. You'd have to go outside for that.]

[Oh, yeah, and one more thing?]


Mar. 10th, 2014




[ liz is careful to maintain her composure and choose her words carefully, keeping whatever she might have to say about being pulled into yet another (possibly) alien fiasco to herself. ]

Hi. I'm not— uh, not entirely sure I'm using this thing right. Not that that's the point or anything...

Look, I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding. My name is Liz Parker. I'm an intern for the office of Congresswoman Vanessa Whitaker, the US Representative from New Mexico. If this prank has anything to do with the upcoming election or the Land Exchange Act, I can't help you. You'll need to contact Congresswoman Whitaker's office directly. I'm just an intern. I don't have any pull. Sorry.

So, if you could please could put me in contact with someone in charge here, I would really appreciate it. I'm sure we can sort all this out.

[ she's was on an FBI watch list at one point. for all she knows, this situation isn't alien, but some sort of ploy on their end. something nasedo's yet to put a stop to. ]



DAY 262 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 262 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ mild with light rains in the evening ].

New inmates will be arriving in the facility shortly. Please be aware of this disturbance as you go about your day and help them get started on their [ rehabilitation ]. We value your cooperation.

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Mail submissions go here! )