MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'carol+peletier'

Feb. 8th, 2016



362 - Mistletoe Bot Mingle!

[Pucker up, inmates! It's that day again—your favorite prison holiday! And, of course, the wardens provided lip balm stations for your convenience.

(OOC: Mistletoe Bot INFO)

Dec. 10th, 2015



Day 353 - Action - Open to Everyone

Sector 1

Shooting Range
Finding the shooting range had been a boon. The weaponry, not so much. Link actually didn't know most of the weapons, but a bow and arrow were universal... though these didn't have any sort of arrow head. Furthermore, he wasn't able to take either out of the range. Still, he could be found doing his best at the moving targets, something he was actually fairly good at.

Link jumped through the proper hoops to get access to the horses. Epona wasn't here. He sat on a hay bale as he let that sink in. It had been a long time since he'd be separated from her. He picked another one though... one who looked remarkably like Epona. No names though. Link found the proper tack and saddled her up before taking her for a ride around Sector 1.

Sector 0
The robot assured him the food item wasn't made with actual dog. Still, Link eyed the hot dog dubiously before taking a bite.

Nov. 30th, 2015



352 - Relocation Mingle

[You might be surprised just how many things you open in a day's time. Just imagine the browser windows alone! Today, you'll open up many unexpected things, but the one thing you're likely to find more than any other is trouble!]


Oct. 26th, 2015



DAY 347 : Haunted Hotel Mingle


[You have a lot of baggage for your stay. Not the kind you stuff free robes and toiletries into. No, the kind of baggage that helps drive the sort of scenarios you experience. Your fears and your hang ups. Or maybe not everything is about you after all and you have a perfectly random, horrific time. Either way, the adventure starts now. Ring the bell for service.]

OOC: Haunted Hotel Info/Plotting

Sep. 11th, 2015



Day 340 Video | Open Action

[Video | Private to everyone excluding Kitty the elder]

[The video goes out in the morning, before all the therapy and inevitable drama. Ianto looks predictably business-like even for this message.]

Hello. I know it seems like it's shaping up to be a busy day this morning but it's also Kitty's birthday. We'll be hosting a party in our flat this evening if anyone would like to stop by. It's a surprise, so please try not to utterly ruin that aspect for her in the few hours between now and then.

[Open Action]

[Fastforward to evening and party time. Somehow Ianto has found the time between therapy sessions to get the apartment he and Jack share tastefully decorated and throw together some food and, of course, coffee. He's not sure how many people will be feeling up to this after spending the day talking about their problems but even if no one attends he suspects she'll still appreciate the gesture. He's told Kitty to come over for drinks and talking, conveniently leaving out the bit where people are going to jump out and yell surprise when she arrives.]

Sep. 7th, 2015



[Day 340] Murderers Anonymous Therapy Group

[You'll find the Murderers Anonymous group in one of the rooms at the Education Center. Snacks and drinks are provided. Chairs are set up in a circle in the center of the room. The door will be kept shut for privacy.]

[Paper and pencils and materials are provided on tables throughout the room. Feel free to move around.]

Warm Up
- How do you feel today? Circle all that apply. Why do you feel the way you do? Pick some other other emotions on the chart and discuss those. ("I feel angry when...", "It makes me happy when...")

- Fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, draw a representation of the part of you that is dangerous, violent, or evil. On the other side, draw a representation of the part of you that is kind, nurturing, and good. Share the result. Explain why you drew what you did and how you feel about each aspect of yourself.
- Silhouette Collage - Make a silhouette of yourself and fill your head with whatever is going on in your brain. What do you think about? What do you like? Dreams. Fears. Hopes.

- Write your own eulogy. What would you want to read at your funeral if you were to die tomorrow?
- Write a eulogy for someone who has died/could have died as a result of your actions.

- Discuss this paraphrased quote from Elie Wiesel: "Violence is a form of communication for a person who fails to find words." What are you trying to communicate?
- What are your views of death and the afterlife? What happens to us after we die?
- Do you have any regrets? Things you would take back, do again differently...
- Do you feel murder is justifiable? Explain your position.


((OOC: Feel free to add in your own activities or prompts! Info.))




[The Loss/grieving therapy group was directed to the pet cafe. There are treats for humans and animals alike as well as activities to keep you busy and sharing and growing.]

Animal therapy
Talking about painful things is always easier when buried under kittens.

You look at them and discuss of course!
[Examples: A and B (Don't worry about actually taking that test.) Use any inkblot you find or make up!]

There will be a handout with the following instructions:
Go through the alphabet with a partner, taking every other letter. Come up with a word that starts with your letter which you associate with someone or something you miss and explain what it means to you. [Example: (you) A — Apples — Dad always peeled his apples first, but then he'd eat the peel too. (partner) B — Baseball — My dog had this ratty old baseball he took everywhere. He always slept with his head on top of it.]

Card prompts
There's a table full of cards to get conversations started.
— Finish the sentence: "Today, my grief feels like..."
— Finish the sentence: "Today, I'm really missing..."
— List 5 things you don't miss about what you lost.
— What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
— What would you say if you had the chance to speak with someone you've lost again?
— What do you think they would tell you they want for you?
— Name 3 things you will do to fill your time and the void left behind.
— And many more...

(OOC: Don't let these prompts limit you. Be creative, if you want a different kind of prompt or activity then run with it! It's fine if your ideas require additional supplies too. This is everyone's post. Mingle! INFO)

Aug. 24th, 2015



338 - Meatball mingle

[Hold on to your meatballs, inmates! Things are getting saucy in the dome. From the cook off to the games to the various themed novelties and foods, everything seems to say this is MarinaraNova Asylum today.]


Jul. 20th, 2015



333 - Rubber Ducky mingle

[Rubber Ducky, you're the one. You make everything so much fun. Which is why you'll find them just about everywhere. Maybe even in that pitcher of tea you just made. Never a dull day here in MarinaNova Asylum. Whether you are trying to beat the heat at the beach or at the pool or running errands you're going to encounter a lot of them.]

(OOC: Event Info)

Jul. 14th, 2015



Day 332 [Action | Open][Videos | Closed]

[Action | Open]
[On today's episode of "adventures in being a zombie" Liv is attempting to order brain from the Vampire Blood Shack without anyone noticing that going down. Watch as the extremely pale girl attempts to be chill and subtle as she checks out the bar and waits for it to miraculously empty so she can work on this craving thing before it's a problem.]

[Voice | Closed to Carol]
I'd ask if you're planning to tell anyone, but from what I remember I guess I should be asking if you're planning to kill me. [Hi, Mom. Miss me?]

[Voice | Closed to Natey!]

[Voice | Closed to Lyle]
[Saved the hardest for last.] Most relationships start off with dinner and a movie. We didn't even exchange names. [But she knew it. Everyone was right. This place does get stranger.]

Jul. 6th, 2015



Day 331 | Closed to Liv, Nathan

[It is a lovely morning - as most mornings are. Carol goes for her morning walk, and returns home with a bouquet of flowers and more the usual amount of groceries, and starts whipping up breakfast.]

[ Closed Audio ]
Liv, Nathan, is anyone joining me for breakfast? I'm making pancakes.

Jun. 22nd, 2015



[Day 329] In Bloom Event/Dance Mingle

[DAYTIME: Walking in a floral wonderland. Not to be confused with an actual wonderland. Completely different event. You could be anywhere and everywhere today and not escape the petals.

DANCE: The sector 2 garden is a little extra pleasant and inviting this evening. Gentle breeze, beautiful flowers, delicious hor d'oeuvres, sparkling punch, and music. And dry. Did we mention it's dry? Not a single flood as far as the eye can see. So, find someone and get out there and dance.]

(OOC: Event INFO. Feel free to have your mingle set up cover both aspects of the day.)

Jun. 17th, 2015



328 | Closed Action (Rebecca, Older Kitty, Carol)

[Carol hasn't been in a place like this in ... ages. She can't even recall. A wedding, ages ago. Long, long before Sophia. Where she settled down, it was bars. Dirty bars, clean bars, fancy bars, dive bars. The winery was for those fancy folk.

She felt a little out of place in the classy establishment, despite dressing up a bit herself, before reminding herself that it didn't even matter. Also, she was here for a good time. She deserved this.

So in she went, and looked around to see if Kitty or Rebecca had arrived yet. (Unfortunately, she did not know what Rebecca looked like.)]

Jun. 15th, 2015



Day 328: Video | Open (assorted closed)

[Early | Video | Closed to Ton]
Hey... How are you? [She'd scanned the network hoping to see Chuck cheerfully telling people not to worry, but with no such report, she assumed she needed to get to him. Make sure he was surviving.]

[Voice | Open]
I just wanted to thank everyone for how you handled the flood. You came together to watch out for each other and keep as many people safe as possible. [The ones they lost still weigh on her even if at least one is back and breathing already.]

I can be pretty demanding when things are bad, and I usually forget to be appreciative and encouraging the rest of the time. But I am even when I don't show it. [This isn't an easy speech for her. It's hard to be open. She's learned with a handful of people. A handful that feels like it's always shrinking. So, it felt like it was time to let more in and time to motivate in a new way. This place can drag you down too easily. And after watching Ton lose Chuck—even temporarily—it felt like time to say things that should be said.]

If you're wondering why I didn't filter this to the Defense Force, it's because we're all in this together whether you're on the team or not. We don't have a lot here, but we have each other. That's how we're going to get through this. It doesn't mean it's easy. It's just what we're going to do.

So, thanks and that's it.

[Video | Closed to Rebecca and Carol]
You guys want to go to a bar or something tonight? Or hang out here? It's a new here. I just moved to the sector 4 apartments.

May. 18th, 2015



Day 324 - Power Play mingle

[There's no fanfare today. The museum has something about the benefits of sheep's wool. There are no decorations up. The clothing shops have the same sort of stock they had yesterday. And there are no specialized dishes at the restaurants, but you can probably find a power bar at the convenience store, but there's nothing new there.

What is new is whatever power you woke up with or without today. What you do with that is up to you and whomever you encounter.]

(OOC: Event Info)

May. 17th, 2015



Day 323 | Open

[Perhaps it would have been easier to stay in doors until night fell. The velvety cover of darkness would have been a comforter, a shielder in all that was new and foreign to her. But Brienne did not want to cover away from battle, even one that took place in her mind, and so she had stepped outside. She had walked down, head held as high as she could, towering over men and women as she walked past, until she reached an area with water. It looked like an ocean. And yet, not quite, an ocean. An image of an ocean, forced into motion.

Brienne sits in the sand, arms around her legs, and stares at the ocean as if she could force it to become real with only the power of her mind.]

Apr. 27th, 2015



Day 321 : Secret Swap Mingle

["Secret secrets are no fun, secret secrets hurt someone."

Today, secrets will be a little less secretive than usual.]

Mar. 1st, 2015



Day 312 [Open/Video]

Hey. I want to talk about yesterday. [Without actually talking about his own experiences, because why make it personal, right?]

What did you see when you looked at yourself?

If we know more about what happened maybe we can figure out who made it happen and why.

[He'd spent a long time in the mirror this morning making sure what he'd seen—two all black, demon eyes—were really gone.]

And I wanted to make sure everyone is doing okay now. [Because he's been here awhile and maybe he's started to care about the people here as more than just people he needs to protect. There maybe be some specific people he doesn't call by name that he's thinking about too.]

Feb. 20th, 2015



311 | Audio / Open

[Anyone living next door to Carol, or on her floor, or maybe even in her building, might have heard the scream. She stared at her face in the bathroom mirror, and then collapsed. When had she died? How long…? Her skin was mottled and rotting. Her eyes were sunken in, and her lips pulled back. She hardly recognized her own face. She was a walker.

How she still had thoughts and could still fumble with her headset, she didn’t know. Maybe she wasn't all the way gone yet. She was too shaken to bother with privacy settings.]

Carl … can you get a gun? A knife. Anything. Get to my apartment as fast as you can.

Feb. 5th, 2015



Day 309 — Video / Beginning Tech Class mingle / All open

Class is happening soon. If you're not an engineer or computer genius you should probably check it out.

[She lifts up a camera.] We're going to learn about these today. [The class originated for people from worlds or times where technology wasn't as developed as it is in the prison, so it's to help them close the gap, but she's not picky.]

[Beginning Technology Class Mingle/open]
[There's a camera—each different than the one before it on each table and Kitty is sitting on the desk. Chairs are for losers!]

This is a camera. It's great for artists, people who like looking at things forever, and stalkers.

[She goes on to explain the basic parts and the concept of how it works. Then she picks one up, balancing it on her palm.] Give it a try. See if you can figure out how to use it. We'll go from there.

[Video | Closed to Reid]
[Instead of seeing Kitty you're just going to see this at first. Kitty can be heard humming the Jaws theme though.]

(OOC: Respond to video to Kitty here. Mingle everywhere else! Before, during, after class. Whatever you like!)