MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'a%27oran'

Dec. 9th, 2016



Day 405 - [ video | action to Trowa & Quatre ] - Pain meds & Boredom do funny things


[The feed comes on. There's empty space over what looks like the top of an armchair. A squeaky Haro voice states that the communicator is on... twice. A hand with a thumbs up comes over the back of the chair for a moment before disappearing again.

Suddenly, two puppets appear above the screen. Some might recognize Duo's watch peeping out from under the bottom edge of one of them. The puppets look like a children's project, like mittens with little heads put on them. One resembles Quatre, and the other resembles Trowa.

Trowa puppet starts the scene, speaking in a really bad impersonation of Trowa's voice.]

TP: Quatre?

QP: [Quatre puppet folds his hands in front of him, squirming. His voice impersonation isn't much better than Trowa's.] Trowa... I-I... love you.

TP: [Trowa puppet puts his arms out to the side.] I... love you, too, Quatre. Since the moment I first saw you.

QP: [Quatre puppet's little mit hands clasp his own face in surprise.] Oh, Trowa!

TP: [Trowa puppet takes Quatre puppet's little mit hands into his own.] Let me make love to you... Quatre!

QP: [Quatre puppet pulls Trowa puppet closer.] T-Trowa!

[The puppets embrace and start to kiss and... ahem...

After a moment of hot puppet love, the video tilts and shakes a little as Haro sudden turns to show Trowa standing nearby, looking really annoyed. Quatre could be heard as well.]

Duo, what are you doing?

[The puppets suddenly stop and then slowly disappear back down behind the chair. Duo responded]

Uh... I was bored? [He leaned around the chair, glaring at Haro for a moment, and snapped at him in a harsh whisper.] Haro! Turn that off!

[The feed cut.]



[During this whole show, Duo was awkwardly seated behind the chair, which is pulled away from the wall, with his injured leg stretched out to one side, his arms stretched up with the puppets over the top of the chairback, his black Haro on the coffee table with communicator filming, and his crutches laying on the floor next to him. How he managed to get there without falling on his face, let alone how he managed to get the chair pulled away from the wall while using crutches, is completely unknown. How he was planning on getting back up again after he was done with his little impromptu puppet theatre was also completely unknown.]


Nov. 28th, 2016



DAY 404 - Mingle


(Event Info)

Oct. 11th, 2016



[Day 397][Video|Action|Open]

[If you are in Sector 4 near the gardening plots, you might have heard the sound of bees buzzing along without a care near their hive, but it wouldn't last. There would be a shout of surprise and then another that was a curse of pain, and footsteps stumbling along. Look in the right direction and you'd see a young man with a mess of long hair flinging his arms around as he fought off the bees he'd unintentionally angered by waking up right next to their hive and knocking into it when he woke up, confused and disoriented, sending several of its inhabitants into a tizzy.]

Damned little demons!

[He's even more confused as to why the stings of the bees hurt--or why he can't simply use his speed to outrun them--but his main priority will be getting away from them and then trying to get some answers. But in his hurry he maybe tramples over some of the nearby gardening plots and doesn't see the people who might be nearby while he's trying to shake the enraged insects off his trail and out of his hair.

He barely notices the device on his head before he grabs it and swings it at them, like a weapon that he doesn't have. Public Video turns on just in time to see him trip over his own two feet while whipping his hair out of his face to see the enemy. The device drops to the ground and he scrambles to his feet, body tense, slit pupils contracted and teeth pulled into a near snarl. It might almost look like he's been in a real fight.]

How many of you are there?!