[ Anniversary Event ]
25 February 2012 at 12:30 pm
Ladies and gentlemen, do you feel that tremble beneath your feet? That's Marina. It's shaking. Shaking up. Here we go.

Please be warned that this event will have piles and piles of game plot. Participate in game plot with caution.

Sentience is agitated with the Engineers and with Acumen, and so it's finally doing something about it. It's been planning a quiet coup to overthrow Acumen. Some characters have an invitation to this plot already, but don't worry: if you missed out on previous opportunities to get an invitation to the little party, you'll still have the opportunity to join in on the day of the plot exploding, which is next week. If you want to sit out of this event, you will be completely unaffected by it, so it's totally okay!

The following is the timeline for the next week of events:

2/26, Sunday: Apps open.
2/27, Monday: Day 156 begins. Event day.
2/29, Wednesday: First mingle is posted.
3/1, Thursday: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Annual love meme goes up.
3/1, Thursday: Shortform AC goes up: only links will be required.
3/3, Saturday: Second mingle is posted.
3/4, Sunday: Apps close.
3/5, Monday: Day 157 begins. Newbie day.

The details to follow. )