17 February 2012 at 02:54 pm
Tieria Erde
Oops... forgot to mention that I was going to Katsucon this weekend. I drove yesterday, so I'm here now. I'll be slow, but basically hiatus'd until at least Tuesday when I can finally catch everything up. See everyone then!

This affects:
Tieria Erde | Gundam 00 | [info]trial_by_veda
Duo Maxwell | Gundam Wing | [info]devine_braid
Kitty Pryde | X-Men: Evolution | [info]kitty_phase
MOMO Mizrahi | Xenosaga | [info]pechesagittaire
Touma Hashiba | Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | [info]streamofthesky
Mood: busy
possible mini-hiatus
17 February 2012 at 08:17 pm
Just giving you guys a heads-up that I may possibly not be around for the next 4 days. It's a holiday here in Ecuador where I'm teaching and as I use the school's wifi for free, there's a chance that it might stop working some time over these next four days. So...don't be alarmed if you don't hear from me again until Wednesday!

[This effects Raistlin Majere [info]raistlinmajere and Edward Elric [info]pipsqueakfma. Sorry for any inconvenience that it might cause you guys!
