12 December 2010 at 12:19 am
Revive Revival
I should really post this, yes? Jess and I are going on vacation so I need to call hiatus for next week. I'll be back next Sunday. Sorry to all the people I have threads open with. I'll get to them when I get back.

This affects Revive and Lyle. Lena and Pip have permission to bring up Lyle.
[ Year-End Non-Random Meme Time! ]
12 December 2010 at 11:45 am
Marina Asylum Mods
The year is ending!! AGAIN! It's crazy! That means our second anniversary is coming up! But not to get too far ahead of ourselves, first:

It seemed like for the end of the year, it might be neat to make new auld acquaintances, in an official capacity. We all talk to each other and enjoy one another's characterizations, but sometimes we can forget that in addition to being Marinarans together, there is also the option of being actual official internet friends!! So here's our second...

~*~Marina friending/gifting meme~*~

...but with a twist!! This year we're doing a gifting meme in here! So when you fill out the friending meme, there's an extra question:

If I could have three things for A Very Marina Christmas...
This question means "What could other players get you re: Marina?" Some examples include graphics (banners or icons), threads you really want to see (it doesn't have to be between your characters!), paid time (don't be greedy), etc! Be as specific as possible about what you want, and someone might give it to you. &hearts

Copy, paste, fill, enjoy, friend!
12 December 2010 at 08:02 pm
Princess Zelda
Okay so I'm upgrading my half-hiatus to a full-hiatus until Thursday, maybe Friday, so that I can concentrate on exams and packing up to go home! \o/