Hi again! I missed you!
28 March 2010 at 12:50 pm
Miranda Lotto
So yeah, I've been almost nonexistent since I made that slowatus post, which shows you that things got crazy. But things always get crazy when Animarathon is involved.

But I am back! I'll be getting to tagging today, if at a slower pace while I continue to recover from 48 hours of insanity. I know a few posts are up I need to get to and there are some I need to make myself (like Sakura moving in with Itachi and Sasuke), but if there's anything else I've missed, let me know? Especially if it was something from earlier in the week (are we still doing a action thread/post for the Jennifer+Yuuri painting, Parsnip?).

So this is me upping my status to a light slowatus, which can be expected to last at the most through...Wednesday, which is when Spring Break starts.
tl;dr: teaching listeners darling rhetoric. or something like that.
28 March 2010 at 03:52 pm
WELL. Well.


I'd be Pelt, that loser kid who played Kenpachi a way way long time ago for... a week or so - ahaha D8 -- but now I'll be bringing in Kazuma Mikura from Air Gear. He might look poised, but he's really just a giant nerdy derp with an inferiority complex the size of Ikki's ego. Mainly because he is said egomaniac's side-kick. ): He is gaining a backbone, though! It's about the size of this font.

Anyyyway uuh. Hit me up on AIM at any time via Peltted, or e-mail at dogedly@gmail.com. I have awkward turtle tendencies, though, so be warned.

AND. er. this is going to be extremely bad form but agjknkh.

I've done that stupid thing where you shove in an app as quick as you can because this place looks spiffy enough to call for it, so I managed to time it juuust as I'm about to leave town for a week. D: Yeah. Uh. So this intro post double-serves as a hiatus call: I'm going to be missing from April 1st to April 12th. I'm really going to try to get him intro'd before that, but I don't know how it'll play out. :X

So. Sssso. That's... about all. Aha. I'm happy to be able to say I'm part of this place right now. ;w; Really hope to interact at one point or another...!
Ton is experiencing technical difficulties
28 March 2010 at 08:18 pm
I'm still failing at tags, so I guess this is an extension of my slowatus. I've been feeling like total crap and can't find my character voices most of the time. Xion's doing better than WALL-E is right now, so....her tags will probably come faster.

I'm really sorry guys. Hopefully I'll fix whatever's wrong with me soon and tag properly.
off hiatus
28 March 2010 at 09:24 pm
Hey everyone! Just to let you know that both Yaywon and I are off hiatus. She won't be around tonight to tag back though since she's a bit busy at the moment. And since she set up a hiatus post for me I'm setting this one up for her. 8D

The music trip was awesome - except the part where Yaywon kept me up till three talking about the most random stuff ever. And we both had to wake up at 5:30 so that was not very fun. And we went on the duck boat! [stops talking]


Sakura-Clone [info]tornfeathers 

Road Kamelot [info]impaledcandles 
Anya Alstreim [info]screenedmemory 
Faith Lehane [info]five_byfive 
Sakura Kinomoto [info]sakurangel 
Ioryogi [info]angrybluething 
Minako Aino [info]dutiful_love 

Why so many chars Yaywon orz
28 March 2010 at 10:02 pm
Ok. Marking that I'm officially back! School is calming down, but still keeping an eye on it.

Now............To catch up on things. /atleastRinwillhaveapetsoon8D

Rin Kagamine | [info]singforever
Lizzie Middleford | [info]dressup
When a problem comes along...
28 March 2010 at 11:50 pm
Ketsu has a new second character and another lawyer. This is Franziska von Karma: Perfect Prosecutor, in for various crimes such as assault, intimidation, evidence forgery, and so forth!

Despite her icons, she is coming in without her whip. ACUMEN HOW DARE YOU.

Anyway yeah she'll be introing on Wednesday. \o/ Yay!