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Detective Conan/Magic Kaitou Fan Fic/Art Community

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[Jun. 14th, 2009|10:38 pm]

Link goes to my IJ.

Title: Timestop
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: Crossover with Doctor Who
Rating: pg
Word Count: 678
Summary: A sniper, an impossible save, and a call to a grandparent.

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Title: Alvedans
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: None.
Rating: pg
Word Count: 1400
Summary: They were breathtakingly beautiful, and they wanted Kaito to come with them.

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Title: Chase    (AKA Red Rose 2)
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: Character deaths, blood.
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 1710
Summary: Saguru was going to kill him, even if he had to end them both.
I do not own Magic Kaito.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Magic Kaito.
Author's note: Untitled, just because it was there stuff.


Write 10 different categories of fic, each in 10 words or less.


Short 'what if?' genderbender where 1: The detective from London is a girl(and is still named Saguru), and 2: Saguru really hadn't expected that. Bit of a repeat from the manga, especially the last one.


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[Apr. 21st, 2009|07:36 pm]
Title: Rose Red
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: Character deaths, blood.
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 1243
Summary: When Saguru noticed it, the rose was lying innocently on top of his pillow.

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Short Story [Feb. 16th, 2009|03:41 pm]
Author: peppymint
Title: Titania's mirror
Series: Kuroba 'Verse
Warning: partyoukai!Kaito
Rating: E for everyone
Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one
Summary: Over the course of a heist, the Kaitou Kid comes across something he did not expect to see. Now he just has to figure out what to do with it.
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[Dec. 23rd, 2008|03:57 pm]
Title: Before the Sunset Mansion
Author: natt_barn
Beta: None.
Warnings: None
Rating: pg
Word Count: 713
Summary: How did Kid know about the Sunset Mansion?

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Hello [Oct. 9th, 2008|12:59 pm]
Greetings, for those of you who don't know me I am a big fan of Detective Conan and Magic Kaitou. I used to post my stuff on livejournal but have moved here due to ahem, technical difficulties. Long story. Anyway, below is the link to the fanfics I have already written over the last few years. All fifty-two of them. Hope you enjoy.
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[Sep. 28th, 2008|09:35 pm]
[Current Mood | blank]

Title:  In the dark of the night
Author: </a></b></a>[info]natt_barn
Summary: Because of a magical jewel, Saguru turns his relationship with Kuroba Kaito on its head.
Table, Prompt: Fantasy #8:Sorcerer
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Words: 3301
Beta: None.

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[Aug. 31st, 2008|10:52 pm]
[Current Mood | blank]

Title: A simple adventure
Summary: Two kids, one school trip and a short tip of the path.
Warnings: Little kids-fic.
Authors note: Another one for [info]10prompts, the prompt being Fantasy #4 Dwarf. This one feels a bit odd, but it might be because I'm not used to writing them as little kids.
Words: 1959
Beta: None

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Fic: Conjour's Masqurade (7/?) [Jul. 27th, 2008|01:42 pm]
[Current Mood | bitchy]
[Current Music |The Today Show]

Knew I forgot somewhere...

Note: If you haven't read the story (or it's predecessors, there are links in the main notes section to all).

Story Information:

Title: Conjour's Masquerade
Authour: Saitaina
Rating: R (chapter)/NC-17 (full story)
Characters: Kuroba Kaito, Hakuba Saguru, Koizumi Akako, Edogowa Conan/Kudo Shinichi, Kuroba Mika (Kaito's Mother), Jii, Nakamori Aoko, Nakamori Ginzo, Edward St. Claire, Pierre Lemont, Ask, Eva, Pan, Kuma, Honua, Bohdona, Edogowa Kiden.
Pairings: Kuroba Kaito/Hakuba Saguru, Edogowa Conan/Koizumi Akako, Kuroba Mika/Jii, Nakamori Aoko/Pierre Lemont, Kuroba Kaito/Edogowa Kiden/Hakuba Saguru, Eden/Ask, Eva/Pan, Kuma/Honua, Nakamori Ginzo/Nakamori Maria,
Summary: It's been seven years, since the death of Kaitou Kid, but there is still one thing out there, Kaito and Kiden left un-finished.
WARNINGS: Sex, death, illness, MAGIC, blood/gore, slight religious lunch content later.
Previous Stories: Magician's Waltz, Ilusionist's Ball.
Previous Chapters: Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VII.

Chapter Information:

Title: Silent Alter of a Nameless God
Summary: It's finally time for the heist, but just who is it behind the mask?
Notes: Remember what I said at the end of the last chapter? Yeah, you can forget it right

Chapter Seven: Silent Alter of a Nameless God )
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[fic] Rope On Fire (1 of 3?) [Jul. 15th, 2008|06:04 pm]

[Current Mood | amused]
[Current Music |Trapped in a room in a fortress, running outta air to breathe.]

Title: Rope on Fire
Author: Icka! M. Chif
Beta: Waywren Truesong, MagicBulletGirl
Word Count: 9,928
Rating: Teen
Author Notes: Gods, this ate my brain. Written to the song 'Rope on Fire' by Morphine. Follows the events of Gordian Knot.
Summary: Heiji dreamt of fire.

( There are four canons on the cause of death: homicide, suicide, natural and unexplained. Fear fell under that last one. )
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[Jun. 30th, 2008|03:11 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]

Title:Picture Perfect
Word Count: 542
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Magic Kaito or Detective Conan
Notes: Had to.

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[Jun. 9th, 2008|04:39 pm]
Title: Northern Lights
Author: </a></font></b></a>[info]natt_barn
Summary: An invitation from an unlikely source and a night at the beach.
Rating: PG
Character(s): Saguru and Kaito
Warnings/spoilers: None
A/N: X-posted to[info]10prompts, Prompt being Fantasy #2:Dragons
If I've understood this map Aurora FAQ correctly it is possible to see the Aurora in Japan, but highly unlikely. Cape Soya is the most northern point in Japan according to Wikipedia.
Words: 1000
Beta: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Magic Kaito.






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Ficcage - I am Such a Spammer. XP [May. 27th, 2008|03:02 pm]

[Current Mood | indescribable]

[[Sorry for completely spamming, but I'm looking for feedback, and this is best way I know how to try. XD Forgive me! *bows and leaves*]]

Title: Table for Two
Fandom: Detective Conan
Words: 1,082
Character(s): Ran, Conan
Rating: PG-13 (For one bad word, and Ran’s slightly dirty mind)
Disclaimer: All characters named in this fic belong to Gosho. He’s the mastermind. I’m merely a puppeteer, borrowing someone else’s puppets.
A/N: I don’t know what plunnie bit me to get this one. I guess I’ve always preferred the outcome of a No Cure scenario, with Shinichi being stuck as Conan. It’s not like I don’t want him to succeed! I just…dunno. Maybe I like the challenges he’ll have to face and explanations he’ll have to give. –shrugs– Anyhoo – this is a bit of an epilogue for the entire series, but it doesn’t spoil much, if anything at all. Enjoy!
For the Community [info]15_minute_fic. See below the fake-cut for which prompt I'm using. XD
Summary: “I didn’t think you would be bold enough to take me out on a date,” she confessed.
Fake-cut #1
Title: All You Need is a Whip
Fandom: Detective Conan
Prompt: #42 - Road Trip
Rating: PG (For mild insecticide)
Words: 100
Character(s): Heiji, Kazuha, Conan, and a world-weary Ran
Disclaimer: I just don't own anything, alright? You got me.
A/N: Linked from [info]50drabbles
Summary:A little trip can go a long way. Especially when there's treasure involved.
Fake-cut #2
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[DC/MK] Boxed In [May. 23rd, 2008|01:33 am]

Title: Boxed In
Author: [info]auryon
Fandom: Detective Conan/Magic Kaitou
Characters: A Certain Thief, Two Teens, and One Miniature Detective
Prompt: See Below the Fake-Cut
Word Count: 2,201
Rating: PG-13 (For suggestive poses, and some foul language)
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this bit of crack. I wish I did. But I don’t. And I don’t own Trevor the hamster either.
Author's Notes: Crack. Crackity crack crack. That’s what this is. And no, I don’t know where the mice came from. (Probably borrowed some Tiny White Mice). Sorry if I'm spamming, but this one had to be posted. ^_^
Summary: It all started at a Kid heist gone awry. At least, that’s what everyone says….

For the Community [info]15_minute_fic . See below the fake-cut for which prompt I'm using. XD

"How the hell did you two get handcuffed together?!"
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DC/MK - Archetypes [May. 21st, 2008|01:07 pm]

[Current Mood | amused]
[Current Music |if I were young again, I'd pay attention]

Title: Archetypes
Author: Icka! M. Chif
Word Count: 865
Warning: Crack
Rating: General
Author Notes: Random Crack because they wouldn't shut up. Thanks to Bex for discussing Shonen Sunday Series. Un-beta'd.
Summary: Conan and the Kaitou Kid decided they wanted to sit on a rooftop, eat sorbet, and discuss anime archetypes. So they did.

( "So you have two main types of heroes." )
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[[Ficcage]] Formal Attire [May. 20th, 2008|05:51 pm]

[Current Mood | nerdy]

Title: Formal Attire
Fandom: Detective Conan/Magic Kaitou
Characters: Three detectives and a thief.
Author: Auryon
Disclaimer: I want to own the kimonos, but none of the Gosho boys are mine, sadly.
Rating: PG-13 (for interesting choices of alternative lifestyle and naughty words)
Word count: 661 – This was a 15 Minute Fic.
Summary:"Why are all of you wearing blue?"
For the Community 15 Minute Fics. See the link for which prompt I'm using. *bows*
A/N: This is officially a repost, but I thought it was cute. So here it is. Don't kill me. *hides in a corner*

Click here for Insanity of Sorts.
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[May. 19th, 2008|04:42 pm]
[Current Mood | creative]

Title: Protective Kaitou
Artist: natt_barn
Fandom: MK
Rating: PG.
Disclaimer: I do not own Magic Kaito.
Characters/Pairings: Kaitou Kid and Hakuba Saguru.
Notes: I have no idea why or how they ended up there.

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Fic: The Element of Stone and Leaves [May. 11th, 2008|09:00 pm]

A/N: First time posting this thing outside of the drabble circle. Hope you all enjoy. ^^

Title: The Element of Stone and Leaves
Fandom: Magic Kaitou
Prompt: #02 – Earth
Rating: G
Words: 100
Character(s): Saguru Hakuba
Disclaimer: Saguru-chan is owned by no one. Except Gosho, his creator.
A/N: Linked from [info]50drabbles . XD Enjoy the shortness.
Summary: Hakuba had never liked pets, really. Watson was a special case. So was Kaito.

Hakuba-centric )
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Fic: Preggers [May. 8th, 2008|12:09 am]

[Current Mood | silly]

Title: Preggers
Author: Icka! M. Chif
Word Count: 352
Rating: General
Warnings: Crack. Spoilers for Chapter 649.
Author Notes: Based off the happenings in the latest file. A random thought that went sideways after seeing Kudo on page eight.
Summary: “Wait!” Heiji said, quickly dashing towards the vehicle. “Don’t touch the car!”

( Erk. )
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