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Nov. 22nd, 2013



[Thor had been on his knees, overwhelmed with emotion, stuck in a world he didn't have the power to escape, with his plan and his life crumbling around him piece by piece. He hadn't the chance to even get to his feet properly when he'd all but stumbled into another world -- Mandalus. He staggered a few steps, bleeding from scratches to his face and trembling a little with the shock of everything. He didn't know how to respond and the sting of tears in his eyes was hard to bite back, but a C'Meni guard of some kind had come to his side, resting a hand on his arm. Thor smacked it off without thought and stepped a few more paces away, breathing hard.

It took a long few minutes for him to calm down enough to be given his phone again and he looked to his wrist, aware of there being no bangle and blinking blearily around the beach he'd somehow appeared on. It wasn't where he needed to be and even knowing that he would return exactly to where he'd been whisked away from didn't make it any easier to stomach the situation he was in.

Finally, Thor started the phone up, deciding only to send a voice message. It was too much for him to show himself on screen just that moment, but his voice and the way it shook and broke just so betrayed his emotions anyway.]

I-- I have returned. [He breathes a shaky breath and there's a long pause before he speaks again.] I need time, but should anyone need me, I am here.

[Without anything else to say, and no heart to say much more, Thor hangs up the phone, deciding that he'll seek out somewhere quiet to patch up wounds and rest.]

((OOC: There WILL be spoilers for Thor: The Dark World in this post. If you would like to avoid spoilers in a thread, let me know in the subject!))

Oct. 29th, 2013



[Thor video comes on just as Mjolnir is swung across the image, smashing straight into a clicker. The creature falls and Thor turns the camera to aim at himself, a mild smirk on his face. Admittedly, he is enjoying himself, but the thrill of battle has always been something Thor has been overtly excitable about. War to a Norse God is just fun and games.]

Between the Cult and these monsters, there is much to be done. I would like to know how to be rid of the small green ones and their needles, however.

[He shakes his head and, as a clicker comes running at him, he throws the hammer, crushing its head as it makes contact.] The ones that bite are the worst of them, but the shadow-like creatures can swarm horribly. Be cautious should you engage any of these creatures in battle, they have very distinct tactics, you should be able to find the best strategy to defeat them.

[Thor's attention is drawn to the sound of hooves, however, and a smirk spreads over his face. He squares up, muscles in his arms flexing as he considers his opponent in the distance, the cultists and monsters around closing towards him. He supposes he might be outnumbered, but that's not a concern. He can cope.

Spinning the hammer in his hand by the strap at the hilt of it, Thor swings the weapon down to hit the ground, sending a shockwave out to knock everyone down. As he does it, the feed cuts from the electric surge.]

Aug. 8th, 2013


[When the video feed starts up, Thor is in just a black tank top and jogging pants, his hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. His skin shines with a light sweat that is cooling on his skin with the breeze that runs through the forest. His attention is briefly on something unseen - someone, in fact - and a frown creases his brow.]

Faster. I will not be lenient. [The sound of movement gets a little louder and Thor returns his gaze down to the phone as he walks away from the noise, the sounds quietening with the distance.]

With the cracks in the sky, I felt it wise to investigate up close. The problem is that the barrier does not allow for me to get as close as I would like to. [He glances up at the sky briefly with a look that shows just how much he dislikes being hindered in any task.]

The System showing us their tree before their departure and the aftermath visible in the sky lend to the theory that this tree is the Worlds Tree, known to my people as Yggdrasil.

[He reaches a hand up to scratch absently at his beard as he thinks.] Should anyone wish to know more of the Worlds Tree, I would share what personal knowledge I have of it.

[With that, he cuts the feed, heading back to the source of his earlier focus.]

Jun. 1st, 2013



[Thor sighs with a heaviness to his expression. He's stood in Stark Tower, in Tony and Pepper's penthouse, on the balcony. He doesn't like this even one bit, but at least they're together now.]

For everyone who knew her, Pepper Potts has returned home, to join Tony Stark. [He swallows a knot in his throat.]

For now, all business they were both dealing with can be brought to me, though I assure you that I am not as skilled as they were with the inner workings of Midgardian business.

[He frowns and shakes his head, shutting off his phone. A second later, he throws it at the wall.]

Apr. 28th, 2013



[Thor's temptation, perhaps innate desire, to simply create a storm has been itching upon him, and the fact that the sky is a little darker today might have something to do with him, though he at least hasn't made it rain a heavy downpour over the city. Yet.

Where he's been staying the last few days, a cabin deep within the woods, he has a fire built outside and a large boar roasting over it. He has mead that has been brewing for quite some time, and as he turns the feed on the barrels can be seen behind him, the light of the fire flickering over his features as he tends to the meat.]

In Asgard, it would be the beginning of our summer, this coming month. Now, we would battle in the Wild Hunt, and celebrate my father, Odin.

[For the briefest second, he looks a little bit homesick, but he has mastered his emotions about being away from home for so long. It's been a year, almost.]

If any wish it, I invite you to feast with me. There is much to eat from the spoils of my successful hunt, and there is mead. [He tilts the phone to focus over his shoulder on the six large barrels.] A lot of mead.

Any are welcome. [Giving a faint nod and a light smile, he cuts the message there.]

Jan. 13th, 2013


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