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Sep. 18th, 2013


001; || video || standing still when the world falls apart

[ The words were clipped and short. Just a video call where she doesn't seem to be paying attention and seems to have hit some kind of button. ]

Have a purpose in your staring or get out of my way.

[ The words are barked out with no small amount of frustration. She walks and there is the sound of metal clanking. She sighed, still evidently irritated. ] I'm back to this wretched place. [ frown, she's trying to remember through a great deal of time... ] Fifteen years and a war and I can barely remember thing... How do I work this contraption... [ she hits a button and the video function flares into life. There's one Elizabeth, but there is no longer a young woman. There is a fierce scowl on her face, time etched into her skin in a million signs of worry and stress and fatigue. She's barely slept, barely ate. What little she had of either had not been sufficient and it shows. She's bone wary but forcing herself to stand still. The sun shines brightly on her silver plate that covers her chest and shoulders. Dirt stained into her white dress underneath. ]

There we have it. [ she looks away and then back again, with still no hint of mirth. ] Ah, yes, Masters Winchester and Winchester, the Prince David, Lady Kyle, Lord Stark or Captain Kirk. Do they still attend? If so, I want to know where they are. [ beat. ] And if they gutted the bastards that cut myself a head shorter yet.

[ She smiles and it's a brief flash of teeth that is no where near nice. ] I am glad to see things didn't completely fall apart in my absence. If you see any of those mentioned tell them -- [ she straightens, shoulders shifting back. ] -- that Her Majesty, the Queen of England expects their attendance immediately.

Jul. 21st, 2013


011 rose; video // you've got the ocean blue

[ When the phone is switched on, the phone has been knocked as it hits the ground. About her chaos, the patrol she'd ridden out with under a full attack by the cult, the men pour around them, killing her own. Not that she takes it lightly, Gabriel's blade is unsheathed and she's turning it in her hand as she brought it down onto a man's head, the bright light flaring as he died. Behind her is Selina, fighting just the same, smooth cat like grace and far better at it than Elizabeth. Dismounting by swinging a kick at the closest man's head. ]

Fall back! Now! [ the order was too late. Too many of them, far too many of them. The feed ended as one of the cult members found the phone. Picking it up and turning it off as somewhere behind all that Elizabeth's screams could be heard, cursing them at the top of her lungs. ]

just don't try and fight the angels (cut for length & violence) )

Jul. 1st, 2013


010 rose; video // how do you suppose I get anything done?

[ Hello, it's time for your annual post from one Tudor Monarch about The State Of Army Things. She still in that constant state of exhaustion that she's been in since Gabriel left, pale skin that much worse against the black she seems to keep wearing. Her hair otherwise is hidden under her hood, but some of it still escapes, little wisps of red curls that escape and fall about her shoulders. There is ink staining her fingers, a smear of it on her cheek.]

Where to begin...? [ She rubbed at her eyes, trying to clear her mind. She might of been awaken for the last fifteen hours, but whose counting? ] I will try and keep you all abreast of the situation as often as is possible. Consider these announcements to become annual as often as I have something important to say. So to my Captains and Generals, this will also largely concern -- as for everyone else, this might just save your life, so I'd ask you to pay attention. [ Even if she's tired, her voice is still sharp. She's not speaking like a woman, but like a Queen and her voice is pitched to command and attention over the usual chatter on these things. ]

[ she rather determinedly cleared her throat. ] Firstly, to the safe houses. I have established one in every district with the help of Lady Magnus. The buildings all look the same, so you cannot mistake them. They all now connect to the Star Ports under the city should you need to hide yourself away. Which we do need to do here and often.

Next, due the army now being large enough, I am sure you have noticed the patrols that run through the different districts. Largely because I am sick of being caught unaware or suddenly in this place. To that end this month there will be barracks constructed to the North, East, West and South of this city, as well as the Barracks already in the Central District. Most of the men will be facing the desert, as a great deal of our enemies seem to come from there. But all other points will also be defended. I expect most of the construction to be completely finished within the next month or so. I expect

[ she yawned widely again, and it took her a good minute to stop. ] Selina, Arya, I might be late to dinner, I need to go over the function with -- with... [ another yawn. ] ... Arya please make sure your tutor has no reason to complain to me again...

... [ her body seems to slump and the phone drops onto the desk. ] ... and Kirk your replacement soldiers ought to be... ready... soon.

[ her head hit the desk, and she seemed to go straight to sleep, right there over her desk, mumbling something in Latin about soldiers, numbers, and weapons and the video cuts off. ]

[ ooc// and she's asleep for the next few days! jump each other's threads, if anyone needs to trade army info or any such thing. ]

Jun. 16th, 2013


009 rose; action // a legacy of comfort

[ / to everyone not on the expedition ]

To the residents of Mandalus,

It seems as always the adventurers have gone adventuring, as they have a want to do. God speed to them in such endeavors. Which leaves the rest of us to man the fort, as it were. In lieu of that otherwise boring endeavor, I invite those that are free to join in my great hall of Hatfield Palace, Venetian District in the evening. Nothing so formal, just a quiet way to pass the time for those of us that are not on the journey.

Food and wine, of course, shall be provided by myself, all you must bring is your company.

Elizabeth I.

[ / ]

Jun. 7th, 2013


009 rose; video & action // swallow your heart

video ;

[ Elizabeth's still dressed in mourning, and she still doesn't smile. Gloriana is not loved for her happiness, after all. The news of Tony and Dean had only so made her heart even more bitter. She doesn't want to talk, not truly -- but she must. They had after all so reminded her of duty. It made her laughter cruel when they said it. So she would be a figure, not a woman. For no one but Gabriel had need of that. Somewhere behind her is the sound of horses, stamping and neighing.]

We have new guests, so I am told. [ her spies tell her much, but that is neither here nor there. ] I bid you welcome to this city. I am Elizabeth Tudor, the Queen of England, Ireland and France. Should you wish to refer to me, it is 'my lady', as I am not your sovereign, unless you should be English. As it stands however, I head the armies of this city. There is a place for you there, should battle be something you know. Merely contact me at your earliest convenience. There is work for you.

Even if the way you know how to fight is less savory... ah, I have just the place for you.

As to the rest of this current mess. [There is a dismissive snort.] There appears to be no malice to it this time. All the same, small groups of guards will be on patrol along the... oh what is your word for it? Battlements is not it. Latin is a much better language for this. Perimeter. That will do. Near where we have had trouble before, but as such, they have not found very much. I go with them, for awhile. King's rose into battle once, and so did Boudicca. [She walks through one door, catching reigns to one large black horse as it is tossed to her, the gauntlets on her hands shine in the half dark. But it's the short blade strapped to her hip over her long black skirts that seems out of sorts, Gabriel's blade, and her wedding present.]

God speed, and be kind to our visitors.

[ and the video cuts. ]

action ;

[ After that, Elizabeth is out where she said she would be, on the edges of the city for quite some time. Talking with the guards that rode with her, though they respected her need for silence as much and did not press her very much. Eventually the patrol came to an end, and she broke away from them, making her way through the back streets on her horse. The now fully grown tiger behind her that so much of her bitterness was connected to, snarled at anyone it didn't know who approached.

Every so often, when some stall caught her eye, she would dismount, the horses reigns in hand, and look at whatever it was.

May. 15th, 2013


008 rose; video // calling like a crow for a boy, for a body

[Bar once, Elizabeth has never addressed the network with any kind of true emotion, not if she can help it. Calm, measured and controlled, these people look to her to maintain that, to govern fairly, and she kept to it.

Now there is nothing controlled, she was falling apart, her hair falling about her face, where it seemed to have sat neatly below a golden crown, red scratch marks on her face and her clothes seem to be torn. A woman possessed in her grief, and she can hardly breathe for it, ragged and worn through.

Preaenuntius! Entity! [it's no shriek, her voice is hoarse and low, lower than normal. She'd spent hours, hours calling and screaming out his name because he promised, he promised he'd always come when she called.] You bastards! Answer me! Where have you taken him? I fight for you, I bleed myself dry for you. You Godless creatures, you - you -

[She begins to shake, all over and her rage gets no better.] Give him back to me! Now! I will hold it all forfeit, I'll bring down rivers of blood until you do, I'll butcher them all! I'll send the armies to fight for the Serpent, I will -- you cannot take him from me. I did not say you could. You take my father from me again and now -- now -- Who are you to part husband from wife?

[then she sinks down, the device clutched in her fingers, gripped as tightly as she can. The rage seeming to burn out and she begins to cry, a pitiful and wretched sound. Perhaps the Serpent does not need to send her a nightmare, waking is hell enough to her.] Give me back my Gabriel, please, give me back my angelus, I will do everything you ask. Only so that I may look at him, may talk to him, I will not do anything else and fight your war until I die, only that he may come back and be safe here. [She begs, pleads, for so long as she seems to have breathe and it seems to go on and on, till even that wears her thin.]

I did not even get to tell him I loved him once more before he went. Please, I just need to tell him I love him, love him more than I can speak, he cannot go to his death like this. He cannot go so alone, I promised him.

[and with one last burst of rage, she throws her phone with all her strength, and it shatters on the wall, ending the transmission.]

[ooc// open to action only, sorry for the sads.]

Apr. 19th, 2013


007 rose; accidental!video // would you get down on your knees for me?

[ The video is on by accident, it's just recording Elizabeth and she's not addressing it. She's lent back in all too regal pose, her soon to be full grown tiger with his head in her lap, his golden eyes closed in contentment as his mistress ran her fingers over his fur, her eyes lowered in what could be modesty, but more likely careful contemplation. There is a man speaking, rambling on and on it seems, about the weather and day to day business. ]

Madam -- I mean Your Majesty,
[ the man sounds far older, refined in his speaking. Elizabeth's lips quirk and at the use of her title finally brings her to look at him, her signal for him to go on. ] Really I am must discard with the pleasantries, I need these guards for my daughter's birthday this evening.

Of course, Jessamine's Birthday isn't it? I could never let her birthday go unattended given the tragedies that have struck us lately. But you must forgive me, I have no true way to give you what you need. I have much in the way of soldiers, little in the way of guards fit for such gatherings. They are rough men, all of them.

Please, I really must insist. You have the best men in the city.

[ Elizabeth's smile quirked again. ] Mm. But they aren't yet given that sort of training. The only men I have are my personal guards -- I am so proud of them, the only men I have better are the ones that have died for me. But these men of my own are trained by the Masters Winchester and Winchester, as well by the Lady Harvelle I am sure you know. These are not just any guards. They are my personal best, and it would grieve my beloved so to know I would be parted from them for even a night. He has such a temper, especially about my safety, I never knew angels to be like that until I loved one of them. [It's an exaggeration, just slightly, but half the city remembered Gabriel's little stint.]

I would compensate, generously, please. What do you need?
[He's pleading with her, tired and strained. Elizabeth's smile is sharp and instant, like her tiger and she has her prey in her sights.]

got you wrapped around my finger )

Mar. 26th, 2013


006 rose; video / action; we step into war with our hearts on the line

[ (This is your life, and it is ending one second at a time).

When Elizabeth clicked on the video, she's knelt in the temple, dressed in black from head to toe, the veil pulled back. Black lace on black silk and her hands are tightly curled around a set of pearl rosary beads. Carefully she set the phone down before she speaks, fingers pausing over a bead..

I am to die this week. On the twenty fourth. Or rather I will.

[ She takes another breath, closing her eyes and let her fingers longer, a modest woman in prayer. The gold ring of State glinting dully against the black of her gloves. ] But that was not why I speak to you now. Indeed if I were to speak at length, I would make mention of a man that was here not so long ago, he whom commanded the armies here by the name of Shepard. A brave man, no doubt a better man than I.

He is not here any more. I am -- and we need forces to be organised now. Hate me for not discussing this as long as I should of if you wish. It matters little, I've taken control of them so I may more properly see to their needs and establish a system that will long outlast me. I am told your leaders give paltry promises. I offer none other than I was born to be one thing, and I will continue to be such even here.

I require Captains, to train specialised forces with their own... skills. If you believe you are able to serve and lead confidentially, I will give you men. If you would rather just fight, I have work for you too. If you can heal, if you can torture. I have need of you. I ask you only come to me for the next attack when it falls to us, so we can move more efficiently, so fear not on that account. Any other times, you are at your own leisure as long as the men are trained. Simply present yourself to me, and we can commence.

[ Her fingers were locked together tightly. She hadn't felt like this in months. She ought to be planning her wedding, ought to be curled up somewhere with Gabriel nursing her heart against the strange feeling of foreboding, but she can't. Not with the overwhelming crushing feeling of her own mortality pressing down on her due to anniversary she wasn't supposed to remember. ]

Ezio, Desmond, Helen & Greed )

Castiel )

Dean & Sam )

Selina )

I shall be praying today, find me when you wish to. I will discuss at length whatever you want to know.

[ It's clicked off, and for her part, Elizabeth's head dropped, with the rosary wrapped around her fingers tightly, the golden cross swinging like a pendulum. Hours will pass for her like that. ]

Mar. 2nd, 2013


[Private video to Castiel, Dean Winchester and Selina]

[Gabriel and Lizzie are somewhere in Hatfield, not curled up in bed this time- actually decent for once, sat on a comfortable looking couch. Gabriel looks comfortable too, relaxed. But there's an alertness to him, and instead of lounging back, he's sat up straight, his hand reached out and curled in hers.]

Read more... )

Feb. 14th, 2013


005 rose; action [open to all]; hide your face so the world will never find you.

...ᴀ ᴍᴀʀᴋᴇᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇɴsᴇs; ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ʟɪғᴇ...

Feb. 10th, 2013


004 rose; video // this road is all you’ll ever have;

[When the video clicks on, Elizabeth is holding the phone in one hand, balancing a hand full of playing cards that to anyone else would look like Tarot cards. Sprawled out on a picnic blanket, it hardly seems to be work, in fact she's sitting under a huge sun hat, one girl in her lap comfortably sat in the pool of skirts, peering over her cards with her. Another three sitting around her, all part of the game. Behind them, all of the students in their green and white uniforms are out on the grounds, playing, laughing. Not unsurprisingly, some of the girls are practising archery is a cleared away section.

Different at least to the war. But she doesn't mind playing baby sitter to all these girls, if it keeps them somewhere safe and out trouble while the clearing had to be done.
] Mandalus, it would seem the last time we had battle come down on us, I threw a party in honour of my birthday--

Ma'am, it's your turn. [the little girl in her lap tugged at her long sleeves to get her attention back, painfully shy at being on the camera.]

Thank you, Angelina. Pick a card for me? [The card is taken up, slid into her hand, sorting through them at ease.] As I was saying, I have only one birthday a year, but I am told that certain feast days of Saints are still celebrated. Though I can hardly remember Saint Valentine being very much about love... but I suppose no one remembers my love of singing either, do they? Of course not. Does it ever matter beyond the battles won? Because after a battle, comes the joy of peace, but that is not true, at least not to anyone who endures these things. I believe there is some truth to the saying that those chosen by the Gods are cursed, but I suppose that makes us twice cursed, and for it seems, hardly any peace at all in reward, just more of the same.

[The bitterness wells, and to her mind, the cause is obvious: it's the little girl in her lap, eagerly putting down to cards to the pile and drawing another one. To have one of her own, she wants, and she cannot have.] I am not so content to let our only reward be more of the same, at least not here.

Ma'am? What are you talking about?

[Realize she'd gone and run away from herself, she shook her head and pressed a kiss to the girl's bright blond curls.] Just organising a party, little bird, and matters I should hope never trouble you. Put out that card for me? [Angelina just nodded and did as she was told.] So, a masquerade I think -- for I shall no complaints as to being dressed up, for surely a masquerade's purposes is to be other than you are. I think we all need that, more than perhaps we like to say. On the Feast of Saint Valentine's Day, beginning at -- eight, shall we say? My usual fair, and in honour of my father and mother, I think the theme should be to dress as someone whom you so admire. There will be mummers, fire breathers, performers of all kinds. I know we have plenty performers about us, so if you would like to, you need only ask.

God speed, and all -- [she looks up, expression exasperated, and her voice lowers and booms out in command.] Miss Washburne, what do you think you're doing with that frog?! Get it out of Lucy's dress, now! Go and report yourself and the frog to Madam Blanchard, immediately --! [and off it clicks.]

Jan. 25th, 2013


003 rose; video // for thine is the power

[Elizabeth is pacing, arms crossed over her chest, eyes down. Her long skirts trailing on the ground as she walked back and forth, slow careful steps.]

My Lady Selina has not returned. [She sighed, stopped.] She missed her lunch with Lady Raven, and she did not come home to me for breakfast or supper. [Her hands rose to her neck, rubbing across the back of it.] Silly girl, silly little chit. I have lost too many ladies... How could she be such a fool?

[She picked up the device as she went to sit down in her chair, fingers going to her lips, biting in the tip of .] If you have information, I have money enough for reward. Silks, jewels, name it, it is yours, if whatever information you give me helps. Quickly. I need it soon. If not now. If you are looking for her, so far I have worked out she was taken by someone of a higher status, I am making enquiries into that direction as we speak.

[There's a knock from off screen and Elizabeth raises her head. At the quiet voice.] Majesty, we've got the -- [she flicks a hand to silence them and to send them away.] In the cellar. Near the wine. [One of the grown tigers trots and sits beside her, huge as it is, it's head rests comfortably on her lap. Which is fine if not for the way it yawns and blood seems to be around its mouth, staining its fur. She tsks softly at the sight.] Pompey, what have you been eating? I hope it wasn't Caesar, I need to stop you two fighting.

filtered from here; )

Jan. 20th, 2013


002 rose; fail!locked to Dean & Castiel [backdated a little]

[Elizabeth is clearly not really awake, but she figures she needs to do this sooner rather than later. Wrapped up in Dean's AC/DC t-shirt that only covers just enough. Elizabeth rubbed at her eyes and yawned.]

Dean. Castiel. I meant to make mention of it sooner, but alas, I had more pressing matters, I think you understand. [her family.] I'm quite fine, but... there is no child, that is all. [Not that she's completely alright about it. It still stings deeply. But clearly she's well distracted enough to wallow too much. As far as Gabriel's arm that snakes around her waist indicates.] Nope. Too early, you come back here. [He tugged her back to lay in bed, tucking her against him.]

[Elizabeth laughed, clearly not bothered by it.] I shall be about later... if you've need of me. It had best be important.

[then she's being kissed by Gabriel, rather soundly, and the device is dropped. Not that she was really paying attention as her hand reached out to fumble and find it, giving up on that, Elizabeth shoved the whole thing off the bed when she roll on top of Gabriel, pressing him into the pillows. Broken was close enough to off.]

[ooc: it's fail!locked, so completely open to whoever~]

Jan. 13th, 2013


( tag cloud )

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Jan. 14th, 2013


001 rose; private text

[private to Gabriel;]

There is no child. Your duty to me is relieved.

[With that sent, she curled up again in bed, clinging to her pillow. She could do things -- later. Just... later. When she didn't feel like a complete idiot and everything else that made her feel nauseous.]