An Asian Entertainment Harry Potter Verse RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
An Asian Entertainment Harry Potter Verse RP

[ website | Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ]
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[11 May 2008|12:01pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Beautiful You ~ DBSK ]

Sometimes taking the first step is the hardest.
Anyone feel like going out to see if we can spot Unicorns from the edge of the forbidden forest.

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Claim: Mike He [11 May 2008|11:03pm]
Muse Information
Muse’s Name: Mike He
Muse's Band/Solo/Actor/Model: Actor, Model
Muse’s LJ: tokyoromeo
Muse’s SN: tokyoromeo
Year Level: 5th Year
Wand Type: Birch, 12" with a core of phoenix feathers and a couple of lemon drops to boost
Desired Activities/Clubs: Quidditch (definitely)

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[ viewing | May 11th, 2008 ]
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