An Asian Entertainment Harry Potter Verse RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
An Asian Entertainment Harry Potter Verse RP

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CLAIM: Lee Jun-ki [10 Apr 2008|02:00am]
Muse Information:
Muse’s Name: Lee Jun-ki
Muse's Band/Solo/Actor/Model: Actor
Muse’s LJ: [info]ironicpassion
Muse’s SN: ironicjunki
Year Level: 6th
Wand Type: Willow, 11", phoenix feature core
Desired Activities/Clubs: Care of Magical Creatures Club, Astronomy Club.

Comments: Jun-ki doesn't like lemon drops. D:
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Mod Post of Fire and brimstone? :3 [10 Apr 2008|08:47am]
[ mood | angry ]

Yeah, we know the claims list and rooming list haven't been updated in two? days... Oh well? The floors of the castle are hard, but you'll still survive. ^.^

Okay people, here's how it goes. We, your mods are human beings amazingly just like you. Therefore as human beings we have these things called lives and responsibilities. Some days we have more than others. There are two mods. One of them works a more than full-time job and the other just started a new part time job the day before yesterday. Yesterday that mod worked 9 hours and crashed when they got home. The other mod has several familial responsibilities and works over 40 hours each week. Yesterday she worked 8-9 hours on only one hour of sleep so guess what, she SLEPT (heaven forbid- actually for those of you who know her, you know she rarely does that). But simply, We have lives. Some days we just can't take care of everything but we are HERE and we are watching and things that need to get done will fucking get done.

On another note, [info]two_hearts works with a mac laptop that does not make it easy to do mass updating of claims and rooming lists, so there is only a short amount of time available to them to update those on some days.

This is a community that we created and if you don't like it you can leave. You cannot take modly type things into your own hands, especially without talking to one of the mods.

Also, god-modding is NOT ALLOWED. There will no longer be warnings for it because it's rather a ridiculous situation. If you want to "roleplay" like that then go find a community or other person that wants to co-write stories.

The journals you use for your muse, are your MUSE's journals. Anything posted in them should be posted by your muse! Please do not put any personal posts in them. If you would like to make posts like that create your own personal journal to do so.

Furthermore, any post that is something of mod level ignore if it is not posted by the following journals: [info]dumbledorealbus, [info]two_hearts, [info]voicelikesmoke, [info]ryo_nishikido or [info]kame_chan. Even if you don't see muses you know to be the moderators around we play a number of others on this community and we -are- watching.

To all those out there who have been following the rules, THANK YOU! We love you and appreciate you, and hope that you are having a great time. ♥

Quidditch tryouts will be this weekend. We have three captains so far and they will be incharge of assigning positions on their teams based off of who applies to be on each team. THERE WILL BE A POST ABOUT THIS, THIS WEEKEND (in other words, this not the post where you request to be on a team)
Slytherin: [info]bigbadnamja
Ravenclaw: [info]two_hearts
Gryffindor: [info]voicelikesmoke
Hufflepuff: ~still to be decided~

This post was not inspired by any one person, more by several situations caused by a variety of people...

Comments are screened

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CLAIM: Lee Sungmin [10 Apr 2008|11:32am]
Muse Information:
Muse’s Name: Lee Sungmin
Muse's Band/Solo/Actor/Model: Super Junior
Muse’s LJ: [info]sungminnie
Muse’s SN: No AIM currently. :/
Year Level: 4
Wand Type: Birch
Desired Activities/Clubs: Wizard's Chess, Care of Magical Creatures

Comments: Lemon drops
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CLAIM: Kim Jaejoong [10 Apr 2008|12:00pm]
Muse Information:
Muse’s Name: Kim (Youngwoon/Hero) JAejoong
Muse's Band/Solo/Actor/Model: TVXQ
Muse’s IJ: [info]booxxjae
Muse’s SN: boojae333
Year Level: 5th
Wand Type: Elder
Desired Activities/Clubs: Dueling Club, Chess Club
Comments: Lemon drops? ._. taste good in soju. XD
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CLAIM: Kim Ryeowook [10 Apr 2008|12:12pm]
Muse Information:
Muse’s Name: Kim Ryeowook
Muse's Band/Solo/Actor/Model: Super Junior
Muse’s LJ: [info]smart_wookie
Muse’s SN: None at the moment
Year Level: 5th
Wand Type: Hawthorn
Desired Activities/Clubs: Charm's Club

Comments: Lemon drops.
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Second post for the day [10 Apr 2008|03:47pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Two Hearts - DBSG ]

Just letting you guys know that Claims and Rooming lists have been updated. :D

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CLAIM: Bada [10 Apr 2008|04:04pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | The Best - Kangta ]

Muse Information:
Muse’s Name: Bada
Muse's Band/Solo/Actor/Model: Solo/SES
Muse’s LJ: [info]bada_vip
Muse’s SN: N/A
Year Level: 5th
Wand Type: Ash
Desired Activities/Clubs: Charm's Club, Muggle Studies Club (if there could be one)

Comments: Lemon droplets fallin from the sky~

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[RP] Slytherin Common Room [10 Apr 2008|04:46pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | Second Heartbeat - Avenged Sevenfold ]

Open to anyone that wants to join in...erm...mostly Slytherins, since it is in their common room...

Ryo yawned as he finished up the last of the extra potions work he had asked Snape for. He didn't particularly enjoy potions but studying it fully would help him advance in the things he did enjoy. He flipped through the book he had been using for his research before shutting it loudly and glancing around the Common Room that was starting to finally fill up with fellow Slytherins.

He leaned back in his chair, simply observing, trying to remember names and faces of all the students he'd greeted upon enrollment. Unfortunately names were not his forte and it was his displeasure to admit that he was less than perfect in anything he did or was involved in. Not like names mattered though, 'Hey you' typically worked in getting someone's attention anyway. As long as they knew who he was there wasn't too much else that mattered.

With that thought he left his things on the small table, knowing they'd be safe in his own Common Room before moving next to the fire place and sitting down in a soft comfortable chair that was located near the cozy place. He brushed his fingers across his chin and contemplated the mention from Professor Snape that the headmaster had been mentioning each House throw a party to help the students from each one get to know the other student's within the House better and of course to have a bit of fun...but what was fun about parties anyway?

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Claim: Kim Tae Yeon [10 Apr 2008|09:44pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Muse Information
Muse’s Name: Kim Tae Yeon
Muse's Band/Solo/Actor/Model: Girl's Generation
Muse’s LJ: zhyune (both IJ and LJ)
Muse’s SN: to be updated
Year Level: 4th Year
Wand Type: Ash (9" unicorn hair)
Desired Activities/Clubs: Duelling Club, Track Team

Comments: Avid reader and writer:D (fanfics especially) A glutton too. Is easily bribed with lemon drops ^__^

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[RP] By the lake [10 Apr 2008|10:54pm]
Open to: Aiba, Donghae, Rainie, and Yoochun. We're going to close it after a couple of people join, though, as we'd like the log to stay easy to keep up with and posting order is easier to keep with a smaller group. Posting order goes like this: Rainie, Donghae, Aiba, Yoochun. ♥

Aiba hadn't seen the giant squid in days. Not even a tentacle poking up out of the water or a ripple. Nothing. So, once he was done with his classes, he headed down to the lake rather than back to the Gryffindor common room. He was supposed to be working on homework, but it was easily brushed off at the thought of wasting his time next to the water throwing things into it.

After wandering across the grounds and gathering every decent sized stone and large stick he could find, Aiba settled himself at the edge of the lake with his legs kicked out in front of him. It was a nice afternoon and he had a fair amount of time before dinner to try to get the squid to show itself. Quietly humming to himself, he sorted through the rocks he had gathered and picked up the largest one to hurl it as far over the lake as he could from his seated position.
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