Feb. 7th, 2008


Fic: 'Choice' (A Great and Terrible Beauty, gen, G, 1/1)

Title: Choice
Fandom: A Great and Terrible Beauty
Characters: Felicity, Pippa
Word Count: 441
Rating: G
Spoilers: N/A. This is slightly AU given that the girls would've been much younger when they first met.
Challenge: Leap for Prompts (7/29): A Great and Terrible Beauty, Felicity
Disclaimer: No one mentioned belongs to me.
Summary: Felicity sizes up the other Spence girls and makes her choice.

Choice )

Mar. 26th, 2007


Fic: 'This Magical World' (A Great and Terrible Beauty, Gemma/Felicity, PG-13, 1/1)

Title: This Magical World
Fandom: A Great and Terrible Beauty
Characters: Gemma/Felicty, Gemma/OMC
Word Count: 1686
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Pretty much the book.
Warnings: f/f, sexual situations.
Disclaimer: No one mentioned belongs to me.
Summary: Gemma's life is far from perfect.

This Magical World )