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Apr. 30th, 2018


I do not belong here. Send me back immediately. I am Queen of England.


Parental filter

Are you both...

Please tell me you still know me. If you still know me, that is.


I didn't have to wait long to see the crazy things this place does. Does anyone know what causes these things to happen?

[Poe & Leia]
Are you both still yourselves? I think everyone I've met so far is still themselves but I don't know anyone well enough to know any different.


Pharaoh 90, I have returned. I do not know how and this place is unfamiliar, but I will find you. We will have that crystal yet.

Apr. 29th, 2018


I guess this is what we've all been waiting for. Not everyone is affected directly, but I'm guessing we all know someone who hasn't been themselves this weekend.


Too many people aren't who they're supposed to be. I don't like it. I want my mom to come back.


Who: Chris Argent Tom Price and Allison Argent
What: Most uncomfortable interaction ever
When: Sunday evening
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I have the sudden feeling that I'd be better off asking who I know that didn't turn into somebody else.


( Dawn Summers )


Are you... you?

If you are, want to go to Hinkles?


WHO: Sonya Blade and Natasha Romanov

WHAT: Match up/

WHEN: backdated to Saturday

WHERE: Just outside Maurice's


STATUS: gdoc/complete

Read more... )

Apr. 28th, 2018


Who: Elizabeth Bennet and Usagi Tsukino
What: random meeting
Where: the park
When: severaly backdated to weekend before au plot
Status: gdoc/clomplete


Is there a D&D group around here? I don't care which version.


This is... this is like home, minus cell phones having driven everybody fucking insane.

What the shit is going on?


Bright side of my husband not being himself right now? I can get very, very drunk on half price drinks tonight.


Who: Adam Milligan Cameron Downes and Gale Hawthorne Elliot Alderson
What: Well, it ain't skipping through the daisies
When: Saturday evening
Where: An abandoned building
Warnings: Torture, violence, we'll come back on the rest
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


What is this place? How am I here?


[ooc: posted after sunset]

Hell no. This is not good. I can't be trapped in a small town with a bunch of people and no True Blood. This ain't going to work out for anyone.


So. This is the crazy stuff people talked about I take it?


The dome strikes again. Half price drinks at Verdant tonight for everyone who is who they're supposed to be.

So, that guy Steve Trevor? Pretty sure he's actually Sam's housemate, Adam. Except Sam is some weird emo kid right now.

[Star & Marco]
Are you guys okay? Do you want to stay with me and Dean until this blows over?


All right, where is Waverly, Dolls and Doc? I know I didn't drink that much.


So, another day of people believing themselves to be who they aren't.

Perhaps the dome could, at least, find something original to plague us with.


I thought people said that incursions, even on a minor scale, weren't possible.

Doesn't look that way if you ask me.



Well, the lovely young lady I seem to be living with was able to explain this place somewhat to me. I have to say, this could be a nice little vacation of sorts. My name is President Josiah Bartlet.


Sometimes I really hate this fucking place.

[Filter to Avengers, friends and family]

Everybody check in.


Oh this is just fucking awesome. Glad all my Freelancers are still themselves.


I am FBI Agent Dylan Rhodes and I demand to speak with whoever brought me here.



Fuck me running. What the hell?


It wasn't much, but the comic book store was mine.

What do I have now? Nothing, that's what. I have nothing.


This ain't where I'm supposed to be.

Look, man. Whatever. Just take me back.

Apr. 27th, 2018


[translated from old norse]
[Anyone who isn't Lagertha/Sigrun or Cato/Bjorn]
My husband isn't my husband. What is going on?!


Who: Cassandra Railly and James Cole (Cassie Sandsmark & Seymour Birkhoff)
When: Friday night
Where: Birkhoff's Apartment
What: Things~ (AU Plot 2 Stuff)
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/In-Progress

Cassie hadn't been far away. )


Who: Kristof Nast and OTA
What: Running errands
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I am told that this is how people speak to one another here.

To whomever kidnapped myself and my servant, if you promptly return us to Camelot I can reassure you that no harm will come to you. I cannot promise the same should the King send his soldiers here.


Thinking it's going to be one of those weekends, kids.


[Beacon Hills + Pack]
I don't know what's going on but earlier today there was a guy in my house who looked like my dad but it wasn't him. He left pretty fast though, but I swear he walked out of my dad's bedroom when I first saw him.

Something weird is going on.

ETA: Nico says he doesn't remember who he is. He thinks he's some guy named Tom from his world. So the dome is doing things again.
[Nico Jackson + Amy Santiago]
Have either of you seen my dad today? Or someone who looks like him?


Who: Chris Argent Tom Price and Nico Jackson
What: Nico's right this time
When: Friday evening
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I swear, Sheldon...


This is definitely not Panem.


Voice Post

Hello? I do not understand this device but it appears to be meant for communication.

This is Captain Steve Trevor. I'm looking for Diana, Sameer, Charlie, Chief Napi, or Etta Candy.


As I told the gentleman in the overly sterile room, my name is Doctor Cassandra Railly. I work for the CDC and this is definitely not something I need right now.

Has anyone seen a little boy? Or his future self He answers to James Cole. I need to find him and get back home as soon as possible.


I appreciate the welcoming gesture, but I don't think they realize that it's imperative I find a way back to Port Canaan. There is a little girl who needs my help.


Who: Georgia and Presto
What: Mistaken identity
Where: Their apartment
When This morning
Warning: None

Gdoc TBC in comments )


No! No I can't be here. I have to make sure the sixth seal doesn't get broken. Send me back!


Anyone named Mercedes or Rachel or anyone I know here?


This is so weird.


This is definitely not where I am supposed to be.

Becky is going to kill me.

My name is Jesse Katsopolis, nice to meet all of you.

Now get me home.


I laid down in the on call room for two seconds for a nap and now I'm suddenly somewhere that is not Chicago?? Dr Banfield is going to be pissed. I might as well just say goodbye to my intern spot right now.


Well, well. Isn't this about six kinds of what the fuck I don't want.


This podunk town ain't on my tour schedule.


Um. I...what the hell just happened?

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