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Sep. 29th, 2013


As places to visit, small towns are useless in the extreme - there's nothing like stepping off a train and being able to see the entire universe of your day's possibilities (and not impressive possibilities, either) to make one despair of a day in the country. As places to live, in my very minimal experience, they're a little better. Cambridge hardly counts, perhaps, as I mostly shut myself up in its very limited world, and it's no more a town than a doghouse is an inn.

As places to be confined, they're quite on the luxurious side of things. In a few minutes I'd know a cell like the back of my hand; this place has taken me a few weeks. And, it should be added, occasionally decides to be damned peculiar.

Still, the phrase climbing the walls leaps to mind.


How does this network thing work, exactly? Not so sure I understand it.

Sep. 16th, 2013


I have a splitting headache. If anyone else has one at the moment, I'm probably sorry. I feel like I've been sitting beneath the stage of a The Kingsmen concert whilst dragging a yowling cat's nails across a belligerent student's chipped blackboard... for the last eight years of my life.

Does anyone have a box of Panadol and a bottle of whisky I can destroy myself with? It would be much appreciated.

Sep. 8th, 2013


WHO Greg Lestrade & Sherlock Holmes
WHAT A bit not dead
WHEN Sunday
WHERE The streets of Madison
STATUS Closed - Ongoing in Gdocs, will be updated

Theory of a Deadman )

Sep. 5th, 2013


Filtered Against the Council.

Right. Apparently to be employed, I need to surrender a blood sample? Or at least, perhaps make those responsible believe I've surrendered a blood sample That's all well and good, but I imagine there isn't a very large demand for a Genetics specialists with additional PhDs in Biophysics and Psychology, now is there?