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Dec. 10th, 2013


So how do people celebrate Christmas around here?

Grantaire, do you want to help me decorate my apartment?


Beacon Hills

Seriously. What's with all the death threats around this place?


I still don't see the point of this Christmas Day.

Dec. 9th, 2013


WHO: Peeta Mellark and OPEN
WHAT: Grocery shopping, and thinking
WHEN: Monday, after work (around 2pm)
WHERE: At the grocery store
WARNINGS: Hunger Games warnings
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 7th, 2013


[Peeta Mellark's Journal, Unpublished]

I worry about her. I can't help it. She doesn't like to talk much, and that's okay, I can handle the words when they're needed. But I know Gale arriving has to be hard on her, and it's got to be bringing up all sort of terrible feelings about Prim and her death. And she's just closing up. I can be there for her, and I always will be. I'll be there beside her until the day I die, whenever she needs me. But I don't know how to help her more than that. I don't know how to make her stop hurting. How to stop the bad things that keep happening to her. And that's all I want to do.

I can talk to her about hope, and how things are going to get better. How they have to get better. But she doesn't believe it sometimes, I can see it in her eyes. And I don't know what else I can do. I don't want to smother her; Katniss has always needed her space when stuff like this happens.

It's so hard. She doesn't know all the stuff that's come between us in the last year, or the stuff that's brought us together. I don't quite know how to act around her. I keep forgetting all the things about me that she doesn't know anymore. All the things we shared in 12 after getting back there. I miss that. I miss being comfortable with her. I miss her being comfortable with me.

But it doesn't matter. I love her, and I'll be as patient as she needs me to be. I'm not in any hurry. Sometimes it's hard to believe, but I'm still only nineteen years old. Sometimes I feel much older than that, but I'm not. And I have time. Plenty of time.

I only wish I knew how to give her what she needs.


I found a store today that sells painting supplies for pretty cheap, and I bought some things and went down to the river. I tried to paint something pretty, you know? Something that's not...that doesn't...

I ended up painting Mags. Right before she died. Before I killed her by being stupid.

It'll never go away, will it? Not ever.


What motivates you to do the things you do?

Dec. 6th, 2013


So, Christmas. It's everywhere. We don't have...religion in Panem so much, but I like the idea of a holiday where people get together and eat special food and celebrate each other. That's pretty universal.

What do you do for Christmas? Should we do something here? Like, among the refugees? A party, maybe?


How are you feeling?

Dec. 5th, 2013


Filtered to Katniss

I saw Gale's here. I figured you'd want some time with him, so I'm going to help Mr. Horst with the preparation and stuff tonight. I'll be at work from about 1am to about 2pm tomorrow. There's food in the fridge, should be enough for both of you.

Have a nice time.


Hey, peeps!

My name is Darcy Lewis and I arrived in this fair town last night. Wasn't expecting to be here, but I like to make the most of things!

Where do I go to meet all the hot guys and gals? What do I need to know to have fun around here?


Filtered From The Town Council

I am not going back to that school. They try to teach some of the most ridiculous things and when you try to point out the incorrect information, they threaten you with some kind of disciplinary action. Disciplinary action?! For speaking the truth?! I know the history of Louisiana and different witch trials a lot better than most people and she was wrong. That bitch should be very relieved that I kept my temper and left when she decided to send me to the damn principal.

I came home instead and I refuse to go back. Surely there are people that are willing to be tutors? Elijah? Klaus? I'm sure you could tutor me in anything I need to know like Marcel did?

Dec. 4th, 2013


So on the way home from work today, these guys - about my age, I guess, maybe a little older - started yelling things at me. Not nice things, either. Calling me all these rude names and, well, uh, casting aspersions on my masculinity because of where I was working.

I don't get it.

In this world, it seems that there are things that men are supposed to do and things that women are supposed to do, and it doesn't seem right. It's not that way so much at home, I don't think. I mean, just as many girls have won the games as guys have, and I can think of a lot of guys I'd rather face in a fight before I faced Clove or Johanna.

Why can't we all just do what we're good at? Yeah, I'm better at baking and painting and stuff like that than hunting or woods stuff. That's what Katniss does. And what's wrong with that, on either side?


People here certainly aren't very polite, especially the men, and especially the police officers.

I would only be 'truant' if I were supposed to be somewhere. So clearly I was not.


[Filtered; Peeta]
So many people go into the woods here, it's really strange.

I see their trails and little set ups all the time. Stupid. I guess no one is really worried about getting caught though, otherwise they wouldn't make it so easy to follow.

Dec. 3rd, 2013


Oh, hey, this place does have its moments. I found my favorite axe sitting on my coffee table when I got up this morning.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


What makes a person a good person? Is it intentions, or actions? Is it what they feel, or what they do? Or is it some combination of the two?

When I was reaped the first time, I knew I wasn't going to live. I couldn't. Even if I made it to the end, there's only one person who gets out, you know? It was my plan all along to try to make it that far and keep Katniss safe, and then let her kill me, so that she could go home to her family. And in the Quarter Quell, it was basically the same thing. I knew I was going to die both times. And the thing I wanted most? To die as myself. To still be me. Not to be some monster that the Capitol created for their entertainment.

But as soon as they could, they tried to force that on me, and they succeeded, more than a little. I'm better now, but the things they did to me...I'll never be over completely. And I'm not even sure who I am anymore. I'm not that boy I was on reaping day, or before the games began. I've killed people. I didn't enjoy it, but I still did it. I've almost killed the person who means more to me than anything in the world. And...I guess...I don't know if I really feel like a good person anymore.

I think I will be again, sometime. I've not given up hope. But it's a terrible feeling.


Scruffing sounds heard over the speaker of the smart phone. Random mutterings break on and off over the static.

I-I don't understand-

I said stay away from me!


I think I'm finally starting to accept that I'm never leaving this place.


While I do appreciate the money and the welcome, I really won't be staying.

Dec. 1st, 2013


What the hell is wrong with you people?

You encourage weakness in every possible way, you scorn strength, and you're constantly whining about stupid shit you can't control.

You don't train kids with civic duty worth a fuck,mand you fucking keep weapons away from them instead of training them to be lethal.

You're training a world of pussies, not a world of strength.


Can we change what happens? Even if it's just one decision.


WHO: Peeta Mellark and OPEN
WHAT: Working
WHEN: around Dawn, Sunday
WHERE: The Bakery

~+~+~+~+~+ )

Nov. 30th, 2013


WHO: Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen
WHAT: Discussing a strategy
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: The bedroom of their apartment
WARNINGS: PTSD, talk of death, killing, torture, etc
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )


I don't know who you people think you are, but you can't keep me here! You can't do this to me. The Capitol knows where I am and they'll rescue me and kill you all or turn you all into Avoxes! You're all monsters. Mutts!

Let me go!,

Let me go!!!!!

Nov. 29th, 2013


Katniss, we need to talk. It's really important.

[A bit later, filtered to Johanna, Haymitch, Finnick and Annie]

Could someone please find Katniss? She ran off and I can't keep up on this leg. She'd probably run from me anyway.

Haymitch, could I stay with you? I...I don't feel well. I think it's happening again.


Please help me.


Filtered to Katniss

I invited Haymitch over for dinner tonight.

Hope it's okay?

Nov. 28th, 2013


Death is something that happens to everyone. We can't stop it, although most of us want to put it off as long as possible. But it's not death, or how you get there that really matters in the end. It's how you live the life you were given, and how much you've loved. Because love...it's the strongest thing there is. It's stronger than the Capitol, or the torture, or the pain that's a natural part of living.

Love and hope go hand in hand and as long as you have them you're stronger than anything the world can possibly throw at you.

Because the world will go on. Life will get better. Because things can only stay dark for so long before something snaps and good takes over, and the sun comes out again. I've seen it. And I have faith in it, because I know how strong love is. I know how strong people can be. I've seen it.


What the hell is this!?

We’re done playing games. It’s over.

They claim they don't know what I mean but if this really is a Capitol trick...you know what do what the fuck you want, but you leave those kids alone. It’s enough.

Nov. 26th, 2013


[Filtered to Johanna Mason]

Hey, Johanna, don't tell Katniss about what happens, okay? About Prim, and about me? Let me do it. She needs to hear it from me.


Who: Katniss & Peeta
What: Talking
Where: Their apartment
When: 11/26, before dawn
Warnings | Status: Death, murder, etc. | in progress

Read more... )

Nov. 25th, 2013


What the hell? This isn't home. Not nearly enough trees.

Nov. 24th, 2013


I wish to retract my earlier statement.

This is not a nice place to live, it's beastly, and I was being childishly optimistic and naive when I said otherwise. I apologize to any decent people who were misled by what I said.



I'm sorry. For...for kicking you out last week. I didn't want to hurt you, that was why I did it, you know that right? It was the wrong thing to do, but I had the best intentions.

Nov. 22nd, 2013


So. Church. What is it? And all these lights up everywhere, in the shape of trees and stars and everything. What are they for? Is there a celebration coming up?

[Filtered to Katniss]

You doing okay?

Nov. 18th, 2013


Hey, everyone.

My name's Peeta Mellark, and I wasn't in the best shape when I got here didn't greet all of you as I should have.

When we introduce ourselves at the games

So, I guess what would be interesting to know, since we're all from different places - what's the thing that's most different between this place and your home?

For me, there's so much food, and everyone has so much money. My father owned the bakery in our town, but I could hardly ever afford cookies or cakes, because the cost of sugar was so high. But here, I see kids coming in the morning before school every day and buying two or three doughnuts. It's crazy.

So, what about everyone else?

Nov. 17th, 2013


Fuck this place and fuck giving me a guardian.

I'm old enough to kill but not old enough to live on my own? What the hell.

Nov. 16th, 2013


Who: Katniss & Peeta
What: Talking
Where: The hotel room Georgia rented for her.
When: After Cato arrives.
Warnings | Status: death, ptsd, murder etc. | in progress

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Nov. 15th, 2013


He's GONE!


WHO: Peeta Mellark and OPEN
WHAT: Feeling terrible
WHEN: Friday evening
WHERE: The bowling alley
STATUS: Open/Ongoing
WARNINGS: Talk of PTSD, Child Abuse/TBD

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


[Filtered to Katniss]

Are you okay?

I left a basket of cheesebuns outside your hotel room.

They were still warm when I put them there.

Nov. 14th, 2013


Filtered to Finnick, Clove, Peeta and Katniss

No one sees or hears what we see. But we see it and we understand. We are friends and we hear the rocks cry. We should sit beneath the stars and listen to them and to each other. We're a strange sort of family, but we are what the Capitol made us. Family should visit.


So this is a charming kind of town and I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason why I’m here, or imagining myself here, because god knows I’ve been pretty much on the verge of a psychotic break for a while, but I kind of need to be somewhere else right now and I can’t be stuck in a place where people have Elvish names and there’s not even a basic firewall around the network here. Although I see some secure patches here and there - sorry if I encroached on your security, fellow hackers, I’m just trying to find a secure wifi signal.

That really wasn’t a very good introduction, was it? Let me try again. Hi. I’m Felicity. And I don’t really believe in god. I hope that’s not going to be a problem.


Is there -

I mean -


What I mean to say is that the bakery is having a special on my cheesebuns today, so you should come by and get some.

[Filtered against Katniss]

Is there someone I can talk to?

[Filtered to Alicia Florrick]

Miss Florrick? My name's Peeta Mellark, and I've spoken with you before. I...I'm not well. And I'm worried that I may be putting Katniss in danger. Could you...she can't stay with me. Not like this. I can't - I can't risk hurting her. And I don't know. I'd never do it on purpose. But...I can't - I mean, I'm not well.

Help me, please, someone

[Filtered to Katniss]

I think it would be safer better if you...found another place to stay for a few days. I couldn't bear to hurt you It would make things a lot safer for you be for the best.

Nov. 12th, 2013


So, it's pretty obvious that a lot of us have wildly different opinions about what's appropriate to post on the network and what isn't. Obviously we can't please everyone, but maybe we could come to some sort of agreement on what should and shouldn't be posted on the network (at least without an Over 18 filter)?

These are my suggestions, but feel free to offer your own.

Please Filter the Following to People Over the Age of 18
1. Graphic talk of sex.
2. Requests for sex.
3. Complaints about lack of sex.

Anything else? This isn't telling anyone they can't talk about this stuff, just trying to make everyone a bit more comfortable.

Nov. 9th, 2013


WHO: Peeta Mellark and OPEN
WHAT: Leaving work and having his first episode in Madison Valley
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Near Horst's Little Bakery Haus
STATUS: Open/Ongoing!

~+~+~+~+~ )


I've been learning what I can about this place.

It's not like Panem. Although-

There are kids with magic here. The Capitol would have loved that, having kids with magic to put in the Games. Entertaining, right?

Nov. 7th, 2013


[Filtered; Alicia Florrick & Peeta Mellark]

I was referenced to you by Oh. I didn't ask her name someone who said you knew law and could provide services to us.

Peeta, I'm not - You do this.


My guardian asked me to leave.

That didn't take long. Figures.

Nov. 6th, 2013


How many of you aren't working?

I'm wondering if it would be feasible to get a list of your particular skills to find related work, or do a workshop for resume building to help you find a job.

Not every place in town requires or will demand a blood test. If you need help finding work, I'll help you.

Nov. 5th, 2013


Who: Katniss Everdeen & Open
What: Arrival
Where: Around the city
When: Evening, not quite sundown.
Warnings | Status: Blood, death, gore | in progress

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