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Dec. 26th, 2016


It's hard to believe that Harry will be a year old in just a few days. We've decided against a party since he likely won't remember it and it's a holiday, but we're going to get a cake for him.

He rather enjoyed Christmas though he seemed to find more pleasure in the wrapping paper and boxes than his actual presents.

Dec. 20th, 2016


WHO: Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood
WHEN: Two days ago, we'll say. Do I have to be specific?
WHERE: Red Pepper
WHAT: Neville takes Luna out for a friend-date.

And when the wizard gets to me I'm asking for a smaller heart )


WHO: Neville Longbottom and OPEN
WHEN: 12/20
WHERE: Madison Valley Animal Shelter
WHAT: Neville considers an animal

They call him Hermit the Frog, he's looking for a dog )

Dec. 19th, 2016


My people don't believe in ghosts.

If we did, it would be far too easy to fall prey to thoughts of our victims. When you're dead, you're dead. You don't come back. It's over.

I know that Madison Valley is sending these images our way, but they aren't real, they can't hurt you. And it's best to leave the past in the past.


There are just too many people that I've lost. And every one of them has the right to be mad at me. I think the worst part is that they don't look angry, they just look sad. Anger I could deal with. But...not this. Just...not this.


[sometime after her conversation with Constantine]

I am over ghosts. I am just beyond done.

I'm ignoring them. Totally not working.

can't sleep, gotta keep an eye out over Constantine, I trust my magic but.. I worry

Hey, this place, next time can you give us something warm and fuzzy not freaking exhausting?

Though sometimes you come face to face with something out of your past and realize... you need to stop running and start facing it down. Ugh life lessons from ghosts. I need more caffeine for this mess.


This is your last chance to give the gift of a new home and love to one of the animals up for adoption! I'm told we get a lot of animals brought in or returned to the shelter after the holidays because of impulse purchases/gift giving so please think it through and talk to the people who are to receive the animal. Don't let it be a surprise. This is a gift that will suffer when it's returned instead of just being reshelved or returned to the warehouse.


Dec. 18th, 2016


I'm going to try and use this little box thing to communicate.