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Aug. 11th, 2019


WHO Everyone! (Handwaving an alert to everyone on the network inviting them to the party a la a city alert)
WHAT Celebrating our August Birthdays (Amaar Rashid, Paige Matthews, Veronica Mars, Tim Drake-Wayne, Piper Halliwell, Lydia Martin, Nick Sorrentino, Neopolitan, Evie, Erin Shepard, Rogue, Ariadne, and Rocco Johnson)
WHEN Sunday August 11th, afternoon
WHERE The Park
WARNINGS TBD, hopefully none - kick one of the mods if this needs updating
STATUS Open | Party Post

Happy Birthday )

Jul. 29th, 2019


Who: Hansel [info]hans & Adrian Ivashkov [info]ivashkinated

What: Night-time Job Hunting or Hansel Plays with Modern Technology

When: Sunday, July 28, late night

Where: Downtown Madison; A Bench

Rating: Reader Discretion is Advised

Warnings: Hansel curses and is immune to magic. He also happens to be from a very un-modern time which makes him a dunce or a really good source of amusement for people who are from modern times. This sometimes leads to inappropriate adult conversations.

Status: Closed/Match-Up

Nights were a lot easier to navigate with a flameless light to help. )

Jul. 27th, 2019



Okay, I've officially looked pretty much everywhere. Calling one Kate Bishop. If found, please point her in her mentor's direction.

Jul. 26th, 2019


WHO Hiccup Haddock w/ Stormfly and Toothless & OTA (multiples okay)
WHAT Spending time with the Dragons
WHEN Friday afternoon
WHERE The park (on the other side of the park from the movies set up)
WARNINGS TBD, probably none but will update if needed
STATUS OPEN | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )

Jun. 24th, 2019



I definitely didn't drink enough last night.

[Private: Arche A | Jughead J]

I just woke up with a shit ton of memories.

[Private: FP J | Jughead J]

We need to talk. About mom.

Jun. 6th, 2019


There's always the option of just taking it, too.

The heart. Not the hair. Touch my hair and I will probably break your hand.


Seriously can the portal to the vampires open back up, that was wicked fun.

Jun. 2nd, 2019


Who: Everyone
What: Impromptu Rainbow/Pride party
Where: The Park
When: starting at 6pm
Warnings: Um... let's at least try to keep it semi family friendly?
Status: party post!

~+~+~+~ )

May. 29th, 2019


I know there are a fair number of archers in town. We should have some kind of contest.

May. 28th, 2019


Who: Hansel [info]hans & Deirdre [info]deirdreofamber
What: Hunting
When: Tuesday, May 28, after sunset
Where: NOLA by Night Portal
Rating: Reader Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Hansel has a tendency toward crude language, violence, and lack of social graces. He also happens to be completely dumb when it comes to technology, modern world amenities, and dealing with The Future.
Status: Closed/Incomplete

You interested in a hunting trip? )


Who: Nancy Gama and Open
What: Exploring
Where: Nola Portal
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: None at the moment, but will update if this changes.
Status: Open, In progress.

Read more... )

May. 21st, 2019


Who: Hansel [info]hans & Deirdre [info]deirdreofamber
What: Eating in Motion
When: Monday, May 20, late evening
Where: Downtown Madison Valley
Rating: Reader Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Hansel has a tendency toward crude language, violence, and lack of social graces. He also happens to be completely dumb when it comes to technology, modern world amenities, and dealing with The Future.
Status: Closed/Incomplete; to be finished in comments

Oh Hell, I'm sorry! )

May. 20th, 2019


Who: Lissa Dragomir and Open
What: Browsing
When: Monday
Where: Library
Warnings: None
Status: Open/On-Going

Books and More Books )

May. 19th, 2019


Who: Hansel [info]hans & OTA 
What: Lost in Translation
When: Sunday, May 19, evening
Where: Downtown Madison Valley
Rating: Reader Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Hansel has a tendency toward crude language, violence, and lack of social graces. He also has no idea about modern technology.
Status: Open/Complete

What kind of place is this? )