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Dec. 21st, 2013


Private: Lissa
You + me = girls day ASAP.

When are you free?

Private: VA cast + House of Caroline & friends
New Years Eve party, yes/yes? This is a thing we should be planning. Unless this crappy little town is already having one.

Dec. 9th, 2013


Filtered to Anna, Bonnie and Caroline

I think the four of us should get together for dinner or something tomorrow -- you know, just have some girl time.

Dec. 8th, 2013


I'm not working today.

If anyone's passing near the church maybe you could stop in for a visit? I could do with...conversation.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Filtered to Stefan

We need to talk.

In a good way!

Not the OMG we need to talk because everything is over way.


So how am I supposed to deal with this?

Oh, hi, I'm dead, pass the bloody peas?

Dec. 5th, 2013


Filtered From The Town Council

I am not going back to that school. They try to teach some of the most ridiculous things and when you try to point out the incorrect information, they threaten you with some kind of disciplinary action. Disciplinary action?! For speaking the truth?! I know the history of Louisiana and different witch trials a lot better than most people and she was wrong. That bitch should be very relieved that I kept my temper and left when she decided to send me to the damn principal.

I came home instead and I refuse to go back. Surely there are people that are willing to be tutors? Elijah? Klaus? I'm sure you could tutor me in anything I need to know like Marcel did?

Dec. 4th, 2013


Beacon Hills + House of Caroline

Is it just me or have we suddenly developed an invasion of Harry Potter people?


Filter: Vampire Academy Cast and Friends*
I demand a night off from the crazy. I'm not suggesting we throw a party or anything, but there has to be something fun to do around here, right? I say we do it. No Council business, no drama. Just friends hanging around and having a good time. You know, like the normal teenagers we're not.

*if you want to be included in this, feel free to assume. I'm happy to handwave Rose having made friends with any of your characters!

Dec. 3rd, 2013


House Filter
You know what we should do? Have a party. With everything that's happened, I think it would be good for us.

Filter: Anna
Hey. I know you're here and we haven't really gotten to.. talk. I just want you to know there are no hard feelings anymore, at least on my end. And I don't want things to be awkward. We're all stuck here for now and- I guess I'm just saying that I'm here, as a friend, if you're interested. I'm shutting up now


Huh. Wasn't expecting this.


WHO: Caroline and Elena
WHAT: a chat
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: the TVD house
WARNINGS: doubtful
STATUS: closed/Ongoing

Read more... )

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Filtered to Caroline and Elena


Would you guys want to come over tomorrow night? I could make dinner or something.


I think I'm finally starting to accept that I'm never leaving this place.


While I do appreciate the money and the welcome, I really won't be staying.

Dec. 1st, 2013


Who: Stefan and Caroline
When: Forward dated, Tuesday
What: Realizations
Where: Downtown????
Warnings: Nope

i've got a lot to say, if you will let me. it's always hard, when you're around me, but here right now, there's interest in your eyes, so hear me out, and hear this the first time )


What the hell is wrong with you people?

You encourage weakness in every possible way, you scorn strength, and you're constantly whining about stupid shit you can't control.

You don't train kids with civic duty worth a fuck,mand you fucking keep weapons away from them instead of training them to be lethal.

You're training a world of pussies, not a world of strength.


Can we change what happens? Even if it's just one decision.

Nov. 30th, 2013


I don't know who you people think you are, but you can't keep me here! You can't do this to me. The Capitol knows where I am and they'll rescue me and kill you all or turn you all into Avoxes! You're all monsters. Mutts!

Let me go!,

Let me go!!!!!


I miss magic.

First Thanksgiving without my dad. I won't say it was a happy day, because I don't think that's even possible, but I'm grateful that I could at least spend it with my friends.

I still can't believe he's go-

Nov. 28th, 2013




Nov. 26th, 2013


Who: Caroline and Stefan
What: talking and things
Where: Stefan’s place
When: after Anna’s post
Warnings: IDK but I’ll update if there are
Status: Closed/Ongoing

You just gotta get up and try )



I found a place. Thanks for letting me use your couch.

[Elena and Caroline]

I really don't want to do this. I don't want

Hey. We should probably talk.


We don't have Thanksgiving in Ireland, but the idea of it, I think, is grand. Giving thanks for the good things in your life, and realizing that wherever you are, you haven't gotten there alone.

Don't know if I like so much the part about the murder of the Indians and the racism and all that - actually, I'm pretty sure I don't - but I do like the idea of giving thanks.

I think we all have something we can give thanks for? No matter how terrible things are.

For me, despite it all, I've got my health, and I'm an Irishwoman. That's a good deal to be thankful for right there.

What about the rest of you?

Nov. 24th, 2013


I have to be dead. This can't be real.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


Hello, everyone! For new arrivals that I haven't spoken to already, my name is Justine, please let me know if you need help with anything related to your stay here. Be it work, housing, or other questions etc., etc.

[Filtered to the following: Chloe Sullivan, Carol Peletier, Random Dent, Daryl Dixon, Molly Carpenter, Stefan Salvatore, Éponine Thénardier]

Hey everyone. Okay, so the good news, there are more places that are hiring without the required blood test. Unfortunately since it's all under the table, so to speak, you won't qualify for any of the benefits or things like that. If you're okay with that then we'll proceed.

Basically what's going to happen here is I'll give each of you a relevant list of local businesses and contact numbers based on your interests and skills, but it's up to you to call or make the appointments. I've done all the other footwork for you.

So if you could answer a couple questions that'll help me immensely.

1. Have you ever built a resume?
2. Briefly list some of your skills that are relevant to the kind of work you did before coming here.
3. What do you have an interest in doing? Working with animals, the forestry service, medical? etc.

Nov. 18th, 2013


Caroline Forbes you have (1) new text message. )

Stefan Salvatore you have (2) new messages. )



After everything- God, Jeremy and I were finally-

This really sucks

I can safely say randomly waking up in small town, Indiana, was NOT on my bucket list.

Nov. 17th, 2013


Who: Rose Hathaway and Caroline Forbes
When: Evening
Where: Random street not far from wherever the VA peeps live
What: Mistaken identity? Making friends? IDK.
Rating: TBA. Probably low, but who knows!

--- )


Anna, Caroline, Elena, Damon and others that were looking for Jeremy...

I didn't find him. Did any of you have any luck?


Has anyone seen Jeremy? I think he's gone. If he's gone he's

Nov. 15th, 2013



Dude. Dude.

I think I just asked Lydia out on a date.

[Filtered to everyone but Lydia Martin]

Okay so I haven't been here very long so I'm hoping that someone will have a good idea. What's the best place in town to take someone out for a nice dinner?

Nov. 14th, 2013



Exactly how many strays are you taking in?



Your sired vampire kid has his own kid?

Is New Orleans just special or something?


I don't think I'll ever get used to this town.


These people are crazy and what they've told me makes no sense.

They also tried to tell me that I need a guardian. I don't need one since I already have one.

Marcel? Where is Marcel?


[Filtered to Cuthbert's potential festival planning committee - anyone who expressed interest]

I thought we might discuss our ideas for the winter's festival, and if there's any aspect in particular you might like to take charge of, you could say that too. I'd hear of what you'd like to see before I plan it out proper.

We'll need both an outside area for markets and entertainments, and a hall for the feast and the dances. I've looked at a few places, but again, if any of you know a place just right, mayhap you'll say.

[Filtered to Roland]

I know I said I wouldn't. But I thought on it and I'll not let Valen down; he's done much for me and he more than most deserves something to look forward to.

Nov. 13th, 2013


[Filtered to Caroline]

Thank you for taking care of Lydia and Stiles. I'll find a way to repay you. Are you sure you don't mind Scott and I staying here too?

Nov. 11th, 2013


Long days and pleasant nights to ya, especially to the new people who've come todash in the last week or so. I've not given greetings to the most of ya, and I'd like to change that.

I'm Roland Deschain, of Gilead, son of Steven and of the Line of Eld. As for what I do, in my home we say I deal in lead. At home, we're the defense against the world moving on, and if we can't stop it, we try at least to slow it, say true. We fight for the Affiliation, for the White, and against the forces of the Red. We offer aid and succor to those in need, and protect those who can't help themselves. It's noble work for a noble line, and we hold in our minds and in our hearts the faces of our fathers.

Those of ya from this world might have read the terrible books about me; books that take place when I'm a good bit older than I am now. It's not so strange, that these books exist, so it's not, for all the worlds are connected by the Tower and the Beams, but I'll not talk of it. It's like as not you've got such things in other worlds; I'll set my watch and warrant on it.

Now this world's made it clear to me and my ka-mate that our services aren't welcome, and I'll not rehash the argument, say sorry. But I'd greet each and every one of you, and offer what I can to ya as a Gunslinger of Gilead.

May we all be well-met in this place.

[Filtered to Cuthbert]

'Bert, I'm weary of this.

I try only to introduce myself to the new arrivals, and they'll not let me do so in peace.


So I was told this is where I can meet all other 'refugees' or whatever they call us.

I'm Chloe Sullivan. I got here yesterday.


WHO: Caroline and Marley and OPEN to those at Klaus’ house
WHAT: helping with lines
WHERE: the Mikaelson place
WHEN: Monday morning

Read more... )


So I'm just supposed to live here now?


So I'm going to ask people who have more experience of this time period and its...education system than I do.

Joining a school sports team. Good idea? Or bad idea? I want to know what I'm signing up for.

[Filtered to Karrin]

School's okay. Pointless. But okay.


I think it's going to snow soon. I can feel it.

And no, I didn't do it, Harry. It's almost winter.

Would anyone like a snowball? The edible kind.

Nov. 10th, 2013


Stefan and Anna


I'm sorry for yesterday.


WHO: Caroline and OPEN
WHAT: Coffeee
WHERE: a coffee shop in town
WHEN: Sunday morning

Read more... )


Greetings to you all!

I'm looking to start planning for an event, a festival for the solstice. It's not to replace any Christmas celebrations for those of you that have them, so it's not, it's just an additional day for merriment and folk are quite welcome to celebrate one or both.

The plan so far is to have a proper market-fair with all sorts of goods to sell, and mayhap those of you buying late Christmas gifts might appreciate it! Entertainment as well, and contests – we might have races, and games of skill, and mayhap even a riddle contest! Then in the evening a great feast, and then dancing, with real music.

The reason why I'm mentioning it so terrible early is that an event on this scale needs proper planning and to be sure I've not so much experience of that part. I'd like to set up a planning committee of sorts, mayhap three or four people who'd like to help out and work with me to make it a success. I reckon a proper festival is just what our little community needs to bring cheer to the darkest point of winter.

Have any of you any interest?

Nov. 9th, 2013


ykoai, question everyone bezcause i need an unnbiaesd opinion.

let's say you knofw 2 epople and these 2 pleople decide to plotz, orchestrate and carry out a plan to brign down the downfall of another person. which zwas stupid because hello that brlings down everyone. so of course the plan goes all hto wcrap because one of the people totxally betrjayed mthe other and asll of her supposed fzriends who are now dead. kinda thinking she wasn't reallcy their friend.

so olne of them has all of hdis friends murdered and his hmom murdered. oh and he's run ouet of town adn thinks he'll die anyminut bcuz it was all threatend tht downfalll guyy was gonna find and kill him .th other gets doff scott free ilke nothing ever happened.

someone explain two me how the zhell this is foair?

[ooc: someone has been drinking nonstop for the last few hours]


House Filter + Stefan and Klaus

Lydia's back.

I invited her to stay with us again and she's accepted. She'll probably be here sometime later. Apparently someone else from her world showed up, too and she went to see him first.

Caroline, I know you don't remember her from last time, but are you okay with her being here?


I'm a damn good Registered Nurse and was working my way to being a doctor. However, I was informed that the hospital won't hire me unless I allow them to take samples of my blood and submit them to the Town Council.

What the hell?


My shoes are freaking ruined and my phone case is beyond repair. Screw this place.

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