April 2024




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Apr. 18th, 2017


Who: Everyone!
What: Passover Sedar
Where: Community Center
When: Tuesday at 6PM
Warnings: Swearing children possible. Other than that, there shouldn't be any. HMU if I need to change it.

Read more... )

Apr. 16th, 2017


There are certainly some strange universes out there that allow some of these children to exist.

I wonder if some of them are just Madison Valley playing a trick on us.

Apr. 5th, 2017


Who: Clayton Danvers with Cadence, and OPEN
What: Lunchtime
Where: Hinkles
When: Wednesday, noontimeish
Warnings: Not likely
Status: OPEN

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Mar. 22nd, 2017


Who: Sonja Belikova (and Natalia) and OPEN
When: Wednesday morning
Where: A park
What: Random encounter, basically
Status: OPEN | In Progress

~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 21st, 2017


Who: Justine & OTA
What: Coffee and lunch
Where: Random Cafe
When: Late afternoon
Why; Because
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress/Open

Justine sat down at the last table )

Mar. 18th, 2017


WHO: Malia Tate and EVERYONE
WHAT: Housewarming party/rave
WHEN: Saturday afternoon and evening
WHERE: Malia and Peter's loft
WARNINGS: TBD, let me know!

~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 21st, 2017


Keri Cassandra was born yesterday. I'm happy to not be pregnant anymore. You have no idea. Ath, we're never doing that again. You're going to have to be happy with just one.

Feb. 18th, 2017


I think I'm going into labor.

Feb. 14th, 2017


Who:  Athelstan and Angie
What: Back to square minus one
When: Backdated to Monday morning
Where: Their apartment
Warnings: cursing
Status: Closed/ongoing

Feb. 13th, 2017


Who the hell knocked me up and why don't I remember? Also is there a hotel around here? I woke up in some guy's apartment then booked it to work and I kinda need somewhere to sleep tonight.

Feb. 11th, 2017


WHO: Sue & Athelstan
WHAT: Checking out the campus
WHEN Backdated; Friday afternoon
WHERE Community College
WARNINGS TBD, probably low
STATUS Matchup | Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 5th, 2017


Who: Superbowl Party (OPEN to all)
What: Maria has to cheer for the Falcons
When: Late afternoon Sunday
Where: Her house
Warnings: TBD, please let me know if I should lock
Status: OPEN/incomplete

The sound of helmets smashing together and manly grunts. )

Jan. 31st, 2017


Who: Rapunzel and OPEN
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Town, near Starbucks
What: Arriving
Status: Open | In Progress

And with every passing hour | I'm so glad I left my tower )

Jan. 28th, 2017


Who:  Athelstan and Open (multiples welcomed
Where: Public library
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: None
Status: open

Jan. 26th, 2017


Maybe I'm missing something, but the disembodied hearts and blood red that fills the stores this time of year has always seemed rather barbaric to me. I know it's supposed to represent love in some way, but it reminds me more of a particularly brutal murder scene.

Jan. 25th, 2017


Who: Katniss Everdeen and OPEN
What: Walking through the woods
Where: The woods
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: probably not
Status: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 10th, 2017


Who: Parrish and OPEN
What: Burning calories
Where: Park
When: Tuesday
Warnings: Not likely
Status: OPEN

Read more... )

Dec. 17th, 2016


WHO: Lucas Cortez and OPEN
WHAT: Thinking and Christmas shopping
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Downtown
WARNINGS: TBD, talk of miscarriage
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 12th, 2016


Am I the only person in this town that hasn't decorated for the holidays?

Nov. 25th, 2016


Who: Tefe Holland and Athelstan
What: Black Friday
When: Friday morning
Where: near the library
Warnings: TBD
Status: closed/match up

Read more... )

Nov. 24th, 2016


Who: Athelstan, Angie and invites (party thread)
What: Thanksgiving
Where: Their apartment
When: Thursday
Warnings: None
status: open/ongoing

Nov. 20th, 2016


This close to the season, I'm always reminded of raiding back home, all I'm grateful for is that workers here are compensated.

To those working the holiday hours...may the gods give you strength, and if you can, bring a shield. I wish I was exaggerating.

Nov. 9th, 2016


I've discussed this with Angie, and in light of the holiday soon upon, I'd like to extend an invitation for Thanksgiving dinner in our home at *address*.

Dinner will usually happen at around 4:30 in the afternoon. Turkey, stuffing and dessert will be provided, we're just asking if you'd bring a side dish-and no it doesn't have to be homemade.

Oct. 25th, 2016


WHO: Athelstan and OPEN (Bring on multiple threads!)
WHAT: Vetrnaetr bonfire/party post
WHEN: Backdated to Sunday afternoon/evening
WHERE: A clearing in the park

~--~+~+~+~+~++~ )

Oct. 2nd, 2016


Yeah, Halloween's coming, but there's more to October than that. It's actually one of my favorite times of year. I was thinking we might have a Harvest Party in the next few weeks.

I've always thought it would be cool to have a big bonfire out in the woods and sit around it and tell stories, and ghost stories, and eat food and just enjoy the autumn.

Anybody up for it?


Been a while since we were camping, huh?

Sep. 26th, 2016


Who: Athelstan and Open (multiples welcomed)
What: Taking in a morning's kill
When: Monday morning
Where: Between the woods and anywhere outside of town.
Warnings: None
Status: open/ongoing

He made it a point of course to keep his skills sharp )

Sep. 25th, 2016


WHERE: The Fairgrounds
WARNINGS: Who knows?


Sep. 19th, 2016


*private to Angie-dated to their anniversary*


In light of this being a full year since our marriage, I thought it was time to bring in another addition to the house hold besides a child.

*sends attached picture*

The shelter said her name was Glam, but there's nothing to say we can't give her a new name!

Sep. 9th, 2016


Who: Athelstan and Diana
When: Saturday morning
Where: woods, outside Torstein's old hut
What: Match up
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed in Progress

Winter night was almost upon them )

Sep. 7th, 2016


So Kara tells me that there are a lot of people with, uh, superhuman powers here. Is that true?

How did Madison Valley take learning that?

Sep. 3rd, 2016


Every day I wake up hoping Junior doesn't show up and ruin the life I've built here. He'd probably kidnap me again until I say I'll leave my husband for him.

Aug. 23rd, 2016


Who: Kili, Diana, Athelstan and Ty
What: Dealing With Loss
When: Sunday Night
Where: Lou's Pub
Warnings: Angst, Possible Spoilers
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Life Decisions Through Ale )

Aug. 21st, 2016


I am in need of directions to a good pub with a very stromg ale. An ale so strong that perhaps I will not remember today when I next wake up.

Mar. 24th, 2016


Who: Athelstan and Sonya Blade
What: Mourning a friend and partner
When: Thursday evening
Where: Just outside Torstein Sonya's hut
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD
Status: closed/narrative

Nov. 13th, 2014


Who: Athelstan and Open (multiples welcome)
What: Arriving from a canon update
Where: Riverside
When: Thursday afternoon/evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: open/ongoing