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Aug. 19th, 2013


[Filtered; women age 21 and over]
Hello, my name's Justine. I'm also a refugee to Madison Valley, and I need your help. My partner Thomas is a vampire from, what in my world we call the White Court. What that means is that he's an incubus so instead of feeding on blood he feeds on lust. Usually through sex.

I'm incapable of providing sustenance to him myself, so I'm searching for one or more partners, who would be willing to become a source of sustenance for him. There are a lot of things you need to understand before you make this decision, so I'd like to talk to anyone even slightly curious about what this will entail, in depth. That said, he or I will answer your questions, but I didn't want to include him on this filter in the event you rather not speak to him immediately. I don't want him to scare you Though I can add him to it if you'd rather talk to him directly.

[Filtered; Thomas, added after the conversation with Jo]
Thomas, love. There's a woman who wants to help, but not by feeding. She suggested that she approach some of the people she knows here about a solution to your hunger, without using your name. I told her I'd ask you if you were okay with that, and that the choice is yours.

If you'd rather not have it spread around I'll tell her you said no. She'll respect that decision, I think.

And another woman who told me there's a vampire here. She wants to speak with him before she agrees to anything..

Aug. 17th, 2013


filtered to Refugees

If people really want ID, I'm sure I could have a crack at it.


[Filtered: Ariadne and Eames]
The longer we are here, the less I like this place.

Jul. 31st, 2013


This is getting ridiculous.


I'd like to make an announcement.

A request, really.

If at any point you should feel yourself developing influenza-type symptoms, would you let me know? This isn't going any further and I urge you to find alternate means of communication should you have any doubts about the integrity of this line - I trust to your inventiveness in that regard.

There's absolutely no cause for alarm, I simply have to be sure. Should I receive no response on this line, any concerns I have will be assuaged.

Jul. 21st, 2013


I really don't know what to make of this place.


...This ain't where I'm s'posed to be.

Jul. 16th, 2013


This is so not Los Angeles.