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Apr. 8th, 2018


I realize that there may be many injured. I am equipped to assist even without the use of a biotic rifle and grenades.

I know that I have seen you, but I like to make sure you are alright.

Apr. 2nd, 2018


I'm glad I don't dream. I'm glad I'm me.

Even if I hate what this place is doing to me.

How are you brother, the loss of control over the Dreaming here must have been troublesome.


I actually slept last night. For the first time since that whole mess started.

Not cool, Madison Valley. Seriously not cool.


Caitlin's gone.


Hey. Why don't we get pizza or something?

Mar. 28th, 2018


Who: Amaar Rashid and Ana Amari
What: Meeting and Bad Dreams
When: Wednesday
Where: Madison Valley Tea & Co.
Warnings: TBD
Status: Partial gdoc/On-going

~+~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 25th, 2018


It's been some time since I've seen someone so excited for some time off from school. I'm almost certain there was an extra hop in Jughead's step this morning.

Please be safe during Spring Break this week, children. Most importantly? Have fun.

Mar. 20th, 2018


I didn't even do anything this time! Why am I in trouble? And why do people feel like the best way to punish me is to lock me up in small enclosed spaces?

Mar. 19th, 2018


I seem to have misplaced Sirius Black.


Has anyone seen Sydney?

I went over to her place to show her Amy's awesome hat but she wasn't there, and now her texts are bouncing back.

Mar. 16th, 2018


Where is the time going?

It's hard to believe I arrived over three months ago. Meanwhile, there are those who have been here for years.

On an unrelated note, the only downfall of cooking traditional Irish meals is that the lingering smell isn't very pleasant.

Mar. 2nd, 2018



It's Holi and because I didn't remember anything forEVER I didn't get to do anything!

:/ Reason #987932879 why this place SUCKS.

Mar. 1st, 2018


Given everything that I have read thus far, I hope that there was some good that came out of these lost memories.

Feb. 26th, 2018


WHO Jughead & Ana
WHAT Foooooooood
WHEN Sunday afternoon
WHERE Their house
STATUS Closed | Incomplete
WARNINGS tbd, will update if necessary

~+~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 21st, 2018


During the Lunar New Year, my teammates and I would gather to play friendly matches of capture the flag. Of course, given our clearance, they were not your typical rounds of capture the flag.

There's something about running the flag through Lijiang's market while scientists pour over their research just a few stories up at Lucheng Interstellar.

Feb. 18th, 2018



Anyone missing a teenage boy wearing a ridiculous grey crown beanie? Found him on my couch this morning with Mal.

cut for image not filtered )

Feb. 17th, 2018


Birthdays are over rated. It's just another day.

Feb. 11th, 2018


Who: Ana Amari and FP Jones
When: Sunday Morning
Where: Madison Coffee & Tea Co
What: A little chatty chat
Warnings: None!
Status: Narrative/Completed

After all, actions always spoke louder than words. )

Feb. 3rd, 2018


This may seem odd, but I cannot remember the last time Valentine's Day was celebrated back home. It's quite endearing to see the excitement and decor that comes with it.

Is everything alright? You seem a bit out of sorts.

Feb. 1st, 2018


So I guess I can make this announcement now that the latest weirdness is over with.

I am officially adopted by Veronica and Kara, the two best moms a girl could ask for. And I have two awesome stepdads and an amazing sister.

Seriously, how did I get so lucky to find a family like this? It's the best one!

Jan. 30th, 2018


[Leroy J. Gibbs]

It seems you have been having quite the eventful time these past few days.

Your patience is quite impressive.

Jan. 28th, 2018


I guess it isn't too bad here.

Do I have to go to school here while I'm stuck? It might actually be nice...back home, I go to school a little, but it's not very fancy. I learn most stuff at home, usually.

I'm kinda sad though. There's no way to go into space from here? Is there a way to fly even?

Jan. 26th, 2018


Is there anyone else who is going through a strange event of suddenly being overwhelmed by emotions or feelings that are not quite matching up to your circumstances or events of the day?

Jan. 20th, 2018


[Sue Storm & Fred Andrews]

I apologize for not being present at the time of the event, but I believe something may be troubling your son.

Both boys weren't quite the same they were last evening. I did try and gauge for some information, but I also did not want to pry. The concern was written heavily on their features.

I believe they have gone to Hinkles and I have asked Jughead to please let me know should anything be needed. I do not think he would come to me, though.

Jan. 16th, 2018


Poe tells me this is the way most communication is done here so I thought it would be best to introduce myself.

My name is Leia Organa, where I am from I am a General in a resistance movement against a military dictatorship called the First Order. From what I've been told it seems the First Order don't exist here so I have to admit I'm looking forward to the break. And to discovering more about this world.

Jan. 13th, 2018



I have to admit now I'm curious. How many people here have law enforcement or military background in their world?

[Private: Lissa | Gibbs]

Haven't seen you around much on the network. You ok?

Jan. 12th, 2018


[Filtered to Parents, Guardians, and Registered Guardians]

I have seen a few posts voicing the difficulties of handling children of all ages. I could not agree more. My daughter is well past the teenage stage, but all children seem to come with their quirks. Perhaps we, as guardians and parents, could come together once a week, or a few times during each month, and exchange our own tips for handling certain things. Sharing suggestions may help in the future.


I hope you have settled in and are finding things as comfortable as they can be in a strange place. There is a pad of paper and pen I keep in the kitchen beside the refrigerator. If you find you are needing something or want something specific from the store, do not hesitate to add it to the list. You are living in this home as well. Your comforts are just as important.

Jan. 6th, 2018



Please tell me this place has a good diner.

[Ana | Jughead]

So, you're my guardian according to the paperwork I just got handed, but I'm fine on my own.


Now that I no longer have a black eye from the thugs in this town, I'd just like to say that fighting is so lower class and I'm most certainly never doing that again.

There are much better ways to ruin someone, for much longer. Bruises, after all, fade.


[Filtered against Adrian]

Please remind me that no man is worth getting yourself drunk over. I am so disgusted with myself. I've never been so sick in my life.


there's a boy at school who's really mean to me.

he calls me a stupid russkie who needs to go back to where i came from and i'm not even russian. he also says i'm a freak and ugly and stupid and he broke my pencil.

i don't want to go back to school but they say i have to.

Jan. 5th, 2018


Complain about the cold all you want, Madison Valley. I love it.


Enough of the cold. How long till spring?


There is nothing like a mug of hot chocolate to battle the winter chill.


Well, tomorrow is my 15th birthday.

Jan. 2nd, 2018


I hope that everyone who went out to celebrate made it home safe and sound. I retrieved a few items from Verdant that I made sure to leave with the owner and employees. If you find yourself missing something important, I would suggest starting there.

I am looking forward to beginning my new position at The Genealogy Shop. Susan Storm, I believe we will work quite well together. Thank you for the position.


Now that I've figured out this device and how things works. Kind of. I guess I should introduce myself, I am Lenalee Lee, I come from a world with similar places as this but nothing like it at the same time. It has been an adjustment. I have been told my friends and family will not notice that I am gone. If that is so, that is good, I worry about them.

But, in that case, I am alone here.

Jan. 1st, 2018


Happy New Year to one and all.


I believe I am taking in a ward. Which will require me to have a larger place.

I've found a property I'm going to purchase, and all of you will be welcome there, if you ever have need.

I know there's no need to replicate the Institute here, but I can still offer you all a safe place.

[Telepathic to Erik Lehnsherr]

Have you spoken to Raven?


I never got to celebrate the New Year. I think I did it wrong. I did homework.

Dec. 30th, 2017


I have reached what I am affectionately calling "beached whale" status.

cut for image size, not content )

Abigail cannot possibly get here soon enough.

Fortunately, I know that her birthday is January 4. Sometimes Madison Valley's oddness can work to my advantage.

Dec. 25th, 2017


Santa came this morning yaaaaaay!

Hi new people, I’m Nina.

It’s pretty nice here and they have puppies and LASER PUPPIES


I help save Christmas and this is what I get for it? The universe gives the worst presents.

So...where the hell am I?

Dec. 22nd, 2017


WHO Everyone. Seriously. He posted an open invite here
WHAT Merry Christmas!
WHEN Sun, Dec 24 (Dinner's at 4p but everyone's welcome pretty much starting at noon)
WHERE The Rogers-Barnes house (he loves you V)
WARNINGS This is a CHRISTMAS party post. The Winter Soldier will personally kick your ass if I have to lock this post.
STATUS CHRISTMAS | Open | Party Post

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 15th, 2017


WHAT: Holiday Lights in the Woods
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: The Woods
WARNINGS: TBD, let me know

Bellamy has strung lights along the path that leads to a place in the woods where he's decorated a bunch of trees. In the middle, in a clearing, is a large bonfire - the only place in the area not covered in snow. Bellamy's not much of a party guy, but there's a table with some drinks - hot chocolate, coffee, tea, hot cider, and some cookies and chips from the store. The fire will be going all night, so people are welcome to stay as long as they like.
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Dec. 11th, 2017


I would like to offer a more formal introduction.

My name is Ana Amari. I am from a time quite far from here, though I can assure you that I know nothing of your futures lest you worked closely with Overwatch.

My friend, Jesse McCree, has been nice enough to fill in some missing details regarding this place. This is quite something and most impressive that so many have come to live together in such a peaceful manner.

I noticed an announcement for an upcoming New Year's Eve gathering. While I am new and understand hesitation and concern, I would like to offer my care to those couples with children should you need an evening out. I have a daughter of my own back home who continues to grow into a magnificent young lady if a bit on the cheeky side.

Then again, what child isn't regardless of their age?


Despite my best efforts to bah humbug it up, I'm actually starting to feel a touch of the Christmas Spirit.


[Telepathic Message to Raven]

Would you have lunch with me this afternoon?

[Telepathic Message to Jean Grey]

I wanted to check up on you, and make sure that you're doing alright after that madness a few weeks ago.

[Delivery to Johanna, a single red rose with a note attached]

Thank you for this weekend. ~CX

[Unfiltered Net Post]

The diversity I've witnessed in this place is utterly astounding. It is a shining example of what I've always believed - that with time and with enough peaceful interaction, people with different backgrounds, races, and abilities can live together, in the open, without bloodshed or violence.

It is a beautiful thing.


Why doesn't Santa like Jewish kids?


I THINK I'M GOING TO GET A PUPPY. If it's okay with daddy. And the people we live with.

please be okay with it please be okay with it please be okay with it i'll do anything for a puppy


I cannot wait until the semester is over. Kids are turning into little monsters. Even the good ones.


What do you want for Christmas? Seriously, tell me something. I don't want to get you a gift card.


Um...sorry about the Constantine thing kind of blowing up at your Thanksgiving party. I feel responsible for that.

Dec. 9th, 2017



Alright, guys. Christmas Eve. Dinner's at 4pm. Come hungry.


Who: Ana Amari and OTA
When: Saturday morning
Where: A local market
What: Gathering necessary provisions.
Warnings: None
Status: Open/In-Progress

Except for the selection of food choices. )

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