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Apr. 15th, 2024


[filtered from the under-16 crowd]

Most days, my job is pretty standard and boring. People order drinks, usually shitty ones, and we serve them up, get bitched at that they're wrong (when they're not) and then we remake them.

Sometimes we throw the drink at them, it happens.

And sometimes, I hear some gems. Like: 'The Rice Test isn't a to-do list, asshole.'

I had to look it up. You can find it here And since it was made in the 1980s, here is an updated version.

Sometimes, I should take the advice of my customers.

Mar. 29th, 2022


Who: Bruce Banner and Pepper Potts
What: Date night
Where: A restaurant and then Pepper's apartment
When: Saturday evening (3/26)
Warnings: sexual situations
Status: semi-complete gdoc (we may do a few more tags in the comments)

My self-esteem might need boosted all night )

Sep. 25th, 2018


Who: Natasha Banner-Romanoff & Sara Lance
When: Late Monday night
Where: Sara’s place
What: A secret tryst
Rating/Warnings: Sex implied
Status: Completed gdoc

~*~*~*~*~*~ )

Jan. 9th, 2018


Who: Susan Turner and Nico Jackson
What: Random Hook up
Where: Lou’s
When: Tuesday
Warnings: Adult situations
Status: Closed, Match Up, Complete

Read more... )

Nov. 25th, 2017


Who: Hemione and Oz
Where: Their place
What: Testing out werewolf control
WHEN: Evening
Status: Closed, in progress, started in gdocs
Warnings: Sex

Read more... )

Oct. 2nd, 2017


Who: Fiona Celestine Arabella Coyne, Tea Marvelli
What: Fiona's back. Or is she?
When: Sunset, Saturday night
Where: Madison Valley, somewhere non-specific
Rating: High
Warnings: Mentions of sexual activity between two girls; mentions of sex with someone who is technically a minor (she's seventeen. What's the age of consent in Madison Valley? It's sixteen where she's from if that counts?)

She knew intellectually that she didn't recognize any of these streets, any of these buildings, but there was a whisper somewhere in her mind telling her yes, she did know this place )

Dec. 27th, 2016


WHO: Will Herondale and Tessa Carstairs
WHERE: The Jessiam abode
WHEN: December 23
WHAT: Will has mistletoe!
RATING: X for graphic description of sex and Will’s naughtiness
WARNING: Sex! Consensual
STATUS: log; completed

... )

Nov. 11th, 2013


Filtered: Dimitri/Lissa/Christian
Did you know there's a girl running around here with MY face? What the hell?

I'm starting to go a little stir crazy. What is there to do for fun around here?

Nov. 9th, 2013


WHO: Scorpius Malfoy and Jo Harvelle
WHAT: Match-up!
WHERE: All around.
WHEN: Friday.
STATUS: Ongoing

Scorpius wanted a place for him and Lily, somewhere he could keep her safe in this crazy place. The muggle world was not a place he was enjoying. The more secluded he got he and Lily the better. He was checking out homes, sure they were cheap and falling apart. He'd just have to fix it up. He and Lily needed to stick together.

He saw a few places he would need to take Lily to see. She would have to like the place as well. One thing was here he could at least be himself with her. No disapproving looks from daddy. Though things weren't so bad, anymore. He didn't have the same rivalry with the Potters that Draco had. Then again he wasn't living in the shadow of the boy who lived like his father had. He didn't have as much to prove. He picked up a few groceries.