April 2024




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Apr. 24th, 2024


Who: Alyssa
What: a narrative during the zombie plot
When: during the plot
Where: her house
Rating: low
Status:: closed/narrative

well...fuck )


(ooc: Backdated to yesterday)

Despite recent events, it's nice to see Madison bouncing back so quickly. Not to mention the free books available. All the books I've received today were pretty good, I have to say.


Are my friends alright now? Hopefully not hurt. Justin? Conner, anyone else? Please tell me you're safe.

Apr. 23rd, 2024


Text to Alex

>>Where are you?
>>Are you okay?


Who: Tess Doerner and Open
What: Making a run to Starbucks
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I am glad that is all over. I hope that everyone is doing okay and remained safe.

Apr. 22nd, 2024


It seems even the vegetarians are on strike today. All the stores can't seem to move their mushrooms.


I am so glad that is over. Are all my family and friends doing okay?


Please say you’re alright and you didn’t die or anything? I worried about you all through that.


Who: John Murphy and Open
What: Running errands and being vaguely thinky
When: Backdated to Sunday afternoon
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Peter, Ned, Kamala

So. That happened.


...can I come over?


( George Weasley )

...you're safe, right?

I mean, I know I just saw you, but...

( Household )

Everyone okay?

( Museum Staff )

Check in, please.


Annie and her daughter, Eve, seem to have been sent home.



Wh......Ho....what happened? And why is my door barricaded?


Who: Henry and Alex
When: BACKDATED in March
What: Henry's Bday
Where: Henry's place
Status/Rating: Complete GDOC/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

Happy Birthday Henry )


Family, friends

im sorry

not sure what else to say except i let you down

Apr. 21st, 2024


I want to say that whole mess is the weirdest thing I've ever worked through, but honestly? I've officially been here long enough that I have to stop and think about it.

I'm not quite sure what all that says.


That was one way of seeing what this place is capable of, and I'm glad it's over. This place really decided to go for the whole sink or swim, but I managed.

How is everyone doing after that ordeal? Does anyone need anything?


Who: Hannibal & Butcher
What: Everything Except Talking About It
Where: Hannibal's Houseboat
When: Sunday Post Plot
Status: Closed
Rating: High for Language/Sexual Situations

Post Plot Traumatic Stress Disorder? )


...did I die?


Well I did not care for this week.


Does anyone need help with clean up, or a ride home, or anything?


I think I'm going to book us that vacation. Somewhere hot and far away from people.


I'm assuming from the lack of screaming and gunshots that everything is back to normal?

[Packs - Beacon and Otherworld]

Everyone okay?

Apr. 19th, 2024


Check In, Please!

I'm worried about my friends. You know who you are.*

Are you okay? Do you need help? Or a place to stay? Let me know!

[Brooke, Piper, Alyssa, George]
Y'all need anything?

[*OOC: you know the drill, if you think you are, you are.]


{{please pretend he posted this early sunday}}

House Filter

Is everyone safe? I was at the shop getting some work done when all of this started up. I don't have all my weapons with me, so I'm improvising. I'm going to make my way back to the farm but it might take me a while.


Make sure Judith is SAFE!

Apr. 18th, 2024


Voice post

[Sounds out of breath]

Stardate 6969.69 Captain's Log

Both Anthony Hopkins and I say the Dome's gonna get a shitty review this week, guys! I have to grow a WHOLE HAND BACK. I was doing the hero thing and this big walking douchecanoe STD mushroom bit my favorite hand off! It's gonna take forFREAKINGever!

It's such a mess...


Once the room stops spinning I'm gonna need to patch my super suit up again.


Dammit, I think I left the stove on, it's way too hot. [Shouts in the background] Amanda! Travis! Turn the stove off, kay? [A few muffled meows and something breaking]


Who: Scorpius Malfoy and Legolas.
What: Killing Cordyceps.
When: Thursday.
Where: On top of the Clinic.
Warnings: Killing Cordyceps?

Can I pose a question, how do you kill what is dead? )


Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Miles Morales


Gwen died trying to protect me.

Jason Grace

Please tell me you're okay...


For anyone who knew him, I had to shoot Hannibal King last night.



I don’t know who knows him here since he’s new, I think, but a guy named Zuko died fighting with my best friend.

I’m sorry.


Does... does anyone know who I should call about a.. a body? It's not, um safe right if he had whatever is make people...

Charlie is here and Nick and David... they need to be safe.

I don't know what to do... and Henry is...

What do I do?

Apr. 17th, 2024


If anyone needs out of a situation quickly, and has the ability to do so, please reach out to me. I will be there quickly.

I will be keeping an eye out, too, just in case.


Spencer Reid


You aren't a mindless creature at the moment, are you?

How are you?

Apr. 16th, 2024


Who: Raelle and OPEN
What: Raelle is ignored since she has mushrooms inside of her
When: Wednesday
Where: Streets
Rating: low

Need to Fight )


[Kent Household, Barbara Gordon, and Bruce Wayne]

Connor's dead. We were fighting alongside each other and I think he thought he was immune to these things. He wasn't.


Who: Yelena and Dieter
What: Yelena gets bitten
When: Forward Dated to April 18
Where: Yelena's House
Rating: low

Hordes are hard )


[Number Nine]
Things are getting pretty weird. Are you okay?

With what’s going on, I felt like I should see how you’re doing.


Private to Cameron
Bitch, you cool? Or I gotta find you and go all FPS on your ass before you eat me or something?

Private to Jet
Ey, you good? Like I figure you're fine in a normal fight but shits getting creepy and I ain't saving your ass if you decided to go to Starbies.

Private to May
Cancelling our shit yeah? Stay in and stay away from whatever the fuck is going on.

Apr. 15th, 2024


Joel Miller

What the actual fuck is this, Joel?


I haven't touched them or anything but poisonous mushrooms that turn people into zombies? This is really really bad....I think I am going to hunker down at home.

Please stay put. I'll do all the baking that you want and we can watch movies or anything you'd like until this is all over.


[filtered from the under-16 crowd]

Most days, my job is pretty standard and boring. People order drinks, usually shitty ones, and we serve them up, get bitched at that they're wrong (when they're not) and then we remake them.

Sometimes we throw the drink at them, it happens.

And sometimes, I hear some gems. Like: 'The Rice Test isn't a to-do list, asshole.'

I had to look it up. You can find it here And since it was made in the 1980s, here is an updated version.

Sometimes, I should take the advice of my customers.


Well, isn't this all just fiiiine and dandy. I've been trying to do some research to get rid of these things and just coming up with nothing. Anyone have anything to share about them? Like how to get rid of them?

Apr. 14th, 2024


Who: Clint Barton & Phil Coulson
What: Infection
When: Sunday evening
Where: Coulson household
Warnings: Infection!!
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Mushrooms bad )


WHO: Lucas Cortez and John Luther
WHAT: Researching
WHEN: Tonight
WHERE: The library
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Deuce Gorgon and Gwen Stacy (match-up)
WHAT: Random meeting during the invasion (match-up)
WHEN: Tonight
WHERE: Downtown near the waterfront park
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


According to ChatGPT, we need to fortify our stronghold and create a survival group. So, who are we letting into our group and who are we excluding?

Also where do people find the wood to board up windows in the first place?



Looks like there is trouble coming to town. Considering I know what you all are like and will be out helping, I'm going to ask you all, to please be careful.

I wanted to reach out and check on you and Barbara. Also to let you know you two are welcome here if need be since I'm sure Conner and the family would love to see you both.


Who: Eddie and Chimney
What: Doing some first-responder stuff
When: Sunday
Where: Streets
Rating: low

Read more... )



Considering how this place tends to be, I'm figuring things are about to get bad around here. I'm sure no one is surprised that I plan to be outside. However, I'm not risking Dawn and she's excited at the idea of visiting people. Is anyone up for her coming to visit and staying? That way I know she's somewhere safe when things most likely go to hell around here.


[Stranger Things]

Not really enjoying the vibe that's going around town right now. Not sure about you guys.


McCall Pack

If you can, I think we should meet at my house. It’s big and there’s a lot of land around it so we could see threats coming. I get the feeling things are going to get bad before they get better.

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