The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

December 10th, 2012

Art: How to Bargain with Severus Snape, for Dani_Meows

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How to Bargain with Severus Snape, for Dani_Meows

From: Awickedmemory

Summary: Remus wants Severus to try something new tonight.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Warnings: There's shirtlessness and a bed. Also, a bit of Jonathan Swift.

Notes: Fluff fluff fuff - because really, they've had enough angst for one lifetime. Happy holidays, Dani!

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

December 8th, 2011

Art: "Lurking in the Stacks" for laventadorn

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Lurking in the Stacks for laventadorn

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Gift comic for laventadorn

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Warnings: None
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