The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

October 26th, 2009

1-Week Challenge Fic: Costumes etc etc, PG

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Title: costumes to make a boy, a man, a person
Challenge: 1 Week Challenge: Costumes
Rating: PG
Summary: Ding! Ding! A package for Remus and Teddy Lupin
Warnings: Unbetaed, possibly AU re: Snape's childhood.
Word Count: ±1,880 words.
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'm just borrowing them for my twisted means.
Notes: A Halloween side-story to this series.

October 25th, 2009

Halloween Blues

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Title: Halloween Blues
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: PG
Summary: Humor: Remus leaves Severus unattended to hand out the Halloween candy.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 229
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Written for [info]lupin_snape's 1 Week Challenge: Costumes

Halloween Blues

1-Week Challenge: Costumes!

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I had some people request this, and in the spirit of the season, let's see what you all can come up with on the theme of Costumes until November 1.

Drabbles, sketches, art, fics, color bars, photomanips, icons, knitted pieces for existing Snape/Lupin dolls, photo stories, essays, lists of fics involving costumes, etc. -- all welcome for one week only at [info]lupin_snape. I know many of us are on exchange deadline, so please remember to take part in this challenge responsibly. If you're not normally someone who takes place in the creative side of the community, now's your chance!

If anyone has any questions, or needs more inspiration, please reply. Otherwise, I can't wait to see how you celebrate this spooky season!

love, lore

P.S. People new to [info]snupin_santa, November 1 is your deadline and McKay takes it seriously, so you should, too. If you are running behind, don't wait until the deadline has passed to get in touch with the Snupin Santa mods, or you just might lose your place in the exchange. I hope the writing/arting is going well for all of you SSers!
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