The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

October 13th, 2007

Site update!

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If anyone has visited my personal website, Chocolate Frog, lately, I'm sure you've noticed the change. I've been transferring the site to eFiction format, and I'm pleased to announce that I've finished transferring all my full-length, finished stories. Everything that was on the HTML version of the site in terms of complete full-length fiction is now on the eFiction version of the site, so it's all set.

I've got three pages of Snape/Lupin stories here, plus a number of Snape/Lupin/other threesomes to choose from here. Also, all of my collaborations with [info]arionrhod are here.

For those following "A Chaos of Deep Passion", it's here - and we're working on the last bit, so hopefully there will be an update soon!

The site is much more organized and easily searchable now, which warms the cockles of my latently OCD heart. Visitors can register as members of the site - although story posting access is restricted - but anonymous reviewing is allowed as well.

I'm not finished; I still have drabbles, Time of Storms, Season of Mists, hosted sequels to "In a Delicate Way", and hosted stories from the Harry/Neville Fest to transfer, but with 198 full-length, finished stories spanning 10 years and 8 fandoms, I think there's enough on-site to keep visitors busy for a while. ;)

Oh - and as usual with eFiction sites, if you don't like the skin I'm currently using (it's called "Samhain" and is the default skin this month for obvious reasons), just go to the little drop-down box at the bottom of the page and pick another one. The same goes for the Snupin Santa Fest archive.
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