The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

November 15th, 2009

Chocolate & Asphodel, v.2 Feedback Post

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The Snupin zine, Chocolate & Asphodel, v.2, had many contributors, and most have e-mail addresses listed in their bios. However, if you read something by someone who doesn't have contact info, or if you just prefer to use the journals for feedback, please feel free to use this post to leave comments for any contributor to Chocolate & Asphodel, v.2.

Contributors, you are free to repost your work starting December 15. There is a thumbtack button on this post that you can use to track comments to help you follow any feedback you might receive here.

Members, even after contributors start reposting their works, please don't hesitate to comment here if you think you might forget to go back and leave a comment on any zine material you see posted. These authors and artists worked very hard and waited a long time. Your comments are your thanks and support for the Zine project and might encourage future volumes to come! So, comment on one piece or many, come back and post here several times - whatever works for you. Thank you!

Chocolate & Asphodel, volume 2

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We are so very pleased to present the fruit of many of our members' labors!

Chocolate and Asphodel, Volume 2

Volume 2 is clocking in lean and mean at 141 pages cover-to-cover, and there are several full-colour pieces of art, as well as illustrated stories and fresh work from new and saged writers!

Contributors to the zine include: [info]kittylefish, [info]karasu_hime, [info]undunoops, [info]dungeons_master, [info]littleblackbow/[info]chibitoaster, [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]arionrhod, [info]xterm, [info]dizilla/[info]dianamoon, [info]firefly124, [info]skitty_kat, [info]bonfoi, [info]ellid, BLU-contributor Chivalric, and more!

Chocolate and Asphodel, v.2 is a free download in Adobe PDF format, available as a whole, or in parts for those who are on slower connections.

Chocolate and Asphodel, v. 2

one file, 22.5MB
Chocolate & Asphodel, v.2
Part 1, 4MB
Part 2, 7MB
Part 3, 12MB
To download directly, Right-Click and choose "Save Target As"
or "download link", etc. ~SUGGESTED~
To download in your browser, left-click
your mouse as normal.

If you have any questions or spot any glaring errors or omissions, please let us know! The editors and contributors worked hard on this, and we all hope you enjoy it!

Most authors and artists included contact information in their bios, but for the few who didn't, and for your ease of use, there is a feedback post here.

Volume 1 can be found here.

July 21st, 2009

C&A update & HBP Snape and Lupin thoughts

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The deadline to submit to C&A has passed, however, if you had something in the works and might still finish in the next week or so, you can send it along and take your chances. I'd like to have C&A finished sometime in early August, which means we're working on the layout now, but until it's further along, we can still be flexible.

This is the last post I will make on the zine, though, until it debuts. I still feel like we could have used more full-page art, but I understand that the regular community artists are a bit worn out right now. ~_^

So, if you have something in the works and still want to get it in, you're on borrowed time. No need to ask for an extension or to let me know it's coming - just submit. I'll let you know pretty quickly whether you're too late or not.

HBP spoilers, thoughts about Snape and Lupin and yes, there was a bit of Snupin )

So there. Humph! ~_^

love, lore

February 19th, 2009

Announcement: Chocolate & Asphodel 2

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The submission guidelines for Chocolate and Asphodel, v. 2 have been posted here.

You must be a member of [info]lupin_snape and logged in to be able to see the announcement, even though you do not have to be a member of the community to participate. I believe OpenID will also work.

love, lore

November 28th, 2007

Chocolate and Asphodel feedback post

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The Snupin zine, Chocolate and Asphodel, had many contributors, all of who have e-mail addresses listed in their bios. However, if the lure of one-click feedbacking is appealing to you, please feel free to use this post to leave comments for any contributor to Chocolate and Asphodel.

While contributors are free to repost their work starting December 15, please don't hesitate to comment here if you think you might forget to go back and leave a comment on any zine material you see posted. These authors and artists worked very hard and waited a long time. They want to hear from you! Comment on one piece or many, come back and post here several times - whatever works for you. Thank you!

November 27th, 2007

Chocolate & Asphodel, volume 1

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Without further ado....

Chocolate and Asphodel has arrived!

The long-awaited Snupin Fanzine is now available! It's 219 pages cover-to-cover, and there are several full-colour pieces of art, as well as graphic stories, the debut of a doujinshi group, and other art and fic in a range of ratings.

Contributors to the zine include: [info]busaikko, [info]karasu_hime, [info]bronze_ribbons, [info]mnemosyne_1, [info]ebonyserpent, [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]arionrhod, [info]xterm, [info]stasia, [info]innerslytherin, [info]firefly_quill, [info]isilidurs_babe, [info]ellid, [info]neodandiesrule, and more!

Chocolate and Asphodel is a free download in Adobe PDF format, available as a whole, or in parts for those who are on slower connections.

Chocolate and Asphodel

one file, 50MB
To download directly, Right-Click and choose "Save Target As"
or "download link", etc. ~SUGGESTED~
To download in your browser, left-click
your mouse as normal.

If you have any questions or spot any glaring errors or omissions, please let us know! I know the editors and contributors worked hard on this, and we all hope you enjoy it!

You can leave feedback for the contributors on this post.

Volume 2 is out now!
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