The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

September 16th, 2008

Shower Challenge: Late Photo manip (NWS, PG13)

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Of course, I started these the first day of the challenge and then completely forgot about them until today. Although she doesn't want any credit, neither of these manips would look any good without [info]karasu_hime's deft touch!

A preview that's also an icon!

NWS, PG13 Snupin shower manips )

Also, waaaay back when, I wrote a shower fic, titled Saving Water. NC17/NWS, natch!

And that's all the showering I have, folks! ♥ ♥ ♥

love, lore

July 13th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Short Art Prompt #20

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Title: The High Sea Adventures of Phoenix Wolfe & the Silver Snake
Artist: Geminia
Rating: R, NWS
Disclaimer: All depicted individuals are both fictional and over the age of 18.
Prompt: 20 - S & L as pirates! Go wild! +18
Dimensions: 1024x768
Notes: Thanks to Lore as ever for her help and her encouragement. Oh and blame her for the size, she needed new wallpaper. ;-)

Avast ye mateys. Here be pirates *g* )

October 19th, 2007

Week Three: Friday Fun!

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Well, it's nearly the end of the working week, and to celebrate that fact, I bring you some Friday fun!
Firstly, I would like, if I may, to share my Snape and Lupin Top Trump Cards.  Woot!
Here they are, hiding at my LJ

Now we've got that silliness over and done with, let's bring on today's story:

It's called 'Game Over' but I don't want you getting the wrong idea, and crying yourselves into a fit: Week Three ain't over yet!  What fabulous treasures will the weekend postings hold?  Who knows? (We haven't finished writing one of them yet!)
But, I digress.  Here is today's daft:

Title:  Game Over
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  PG
Word count:  100 x 6



October 11th, 2007


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Title: "Untitled"
Author/Artist: Tabakat
Rating: G
Challenge: None
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, I am not sure where I got the character images, the others come from and the morgue file.
Notes: Created in Photoshop CS, could be slash, or friendship. Want, take have, but comment and credit.

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