The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 23rd, 2015

December 23rd, 2015

Drabble: Light Shineth in Darkness

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Title: Light Shineth in Darkness
Author: bronze-ribbons
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Setting: Established relationship. Ignores Book 7, as I have since [gulp!] 2007.

"It's unnatural," Sinistra muttered. "I'm seeing stars that last appeared in textbooks four hundred years ago."

"Indeed," Lupin agreed. "Seems like everyone and every last thing has been stretched to their breaking point."

"Of which you would be an expert," Snape sneered.

Lupin smiled serenely--maddeningly. "You well know that things must fall apart and even die for new growth to emerge."

Snape stormed out of the room. Sinistra darted a concerned glance at Lupin.

Lupin said, gently, "Don’t worry, Paola. Slytherins never lose sight of the whole galaxy."

Sinistra said, "I believe you. Because, of him, you are glowing."
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