The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 9th, 2013

January 9th, 2013

Happy Birthday, Severus!

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Today, Severus is 53. Still young by wizarding standards!

Imagine his life at 53 and share your thoughts with us by commenting here or drawing, drabbling, iconing or other creative pursuits.

Snupin Santa reveals tonight!

Love, lore

Morning Wish

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Happy Birthday to our dear Severus! May he have a splendid day with many more wonderful years to come.

Title: Morning Wish
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Warnings: male sex, nothing explicit
Summary: Severus just has one true wish for his birthday.

Morning Wish )

Happy Birthday, Professor!

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Happy Birthday )

x-posted everywhere (*^_^*)

Snupin Santa 2012 Master List!

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Presenting the master list of gifts from the Snupin Santa 2012 Multimedia Gift Exchange! Gifts are listed in alphabetical order by title.

Snupin Santa 2012 Master List )

And now, the riveting notes section!

We had a total of 42 gifts given by 36 participants. If I told you how that happened, I'd have to kill you. ~_^

The archive passed 4 million words this year! Holy Cow! I kept looking at the count thinking we'd never make it, but as of today, the archive has 4,021,595 words! We've collectively written almost 4 times the entire Harry Potter series. WHOO!

>>>If you haven't commented on your gift yet, now's the time because I know who you are. Dun Dun DUNNNNN!

Here is your crack team of Elves, without whom, Snupin Santa wouldn't have run this year: [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]azure_rosa, [info]carolinelamb, [info]garonne, [info]islandsmoke, [info]karasu_hime, [info]nimrod_9, [info]phantaz_magoria, [info]snapealina, [info]shadowycat, [info]starduchess, [info]unbroken_halo
I wouldn't have made it through the Fall/Holidays, especially, without the help of the final three up there - Shadowy, Starduchess and Halo. Shadowy and Star practically ran HP_Halloween (a significant October time-sink) for me and Halo the same for Snupin Santa itself. But everyone on the Elf list helped significantly by proofreading, tagging, rec collecting, list-making, mail-wrangling and hand-holding (of me!), and we couldn't have come this far without each and every one of them. Thank you so, so much, ladies. There aren't enough words in the English language to sing your praises!

That said...Snupin Santa as an exchange has come to an end and will take the form of a Fantasy Fest next year. 36 participants isn't quite enough to do effective matching anymore, and many of you supported the idea at the start of the season. We should also remember and give thanks to McKay, the exchange founder, for all her years of service in the name of giving the gift of Snape/Lupin for the holidays.

I have a bit more about gift re-assignment to participant names on the archive, but I'll save it for a few days and let you bask in the post-holiday reveal glow. For now, there are Participant+++ Icons to enjoy, (our faithful commenters might want to look at these as well), and icons for all Snupin Santa participants, past and present.

Thanks once more to the Elf Army, the participants and pinch hitters, and our readers, reccers, and commenters! Thanks also to Severus Snape for having a birthday and existing so that we can continue to pair his crochety self off with that wonderfully smexy (or angsty!) werewolf for years to come.

Ho Ho Ho!
Snupin Santa
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