The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 4th, 2012

February 4th, 2012

Pulling Daisy Petals (3/3; PG)

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Title: Pulling Daisy Petals
Part: 3/3 "Back to the Start"
Rating (this chapter): PG
Disclaimer: I own not the characters, merely the situations in which I'm placing them. Each part's title and cut text taken from different songs. This one is from "The Scientist" by Coldplay.
Summary: He loves me, he loves me not, he...
Warnings: No beta.
Notes: This part takes place after the book series, deviating from canon in that omg they are totally not dead (and probably no Teddy). Also...this ended up being so much happier and hopeful than I initially had planned. Why do I keep being nice?! Totally have to write something tormentingly angstful after all this... >_>


(Come back and haunt me.)

Rec link: Mellowed with Age [NC17] by Anon, for [info]karasu_hime

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[info]hpvalensmut on LJ has been posting and today's offering is a lovely romance that takes place outside of the Wizarding United Kingdom.

Here's the link to my formal rec. Please, go forth and enjoy!

Snupin100 - did you know?

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First, a couple notes on Love/Not Love - Weekend posts are still open if you want to jump in with a drabble or drawable or little fun post about anything Snape/Lupin and love or not love (sign up here!). Also, please post your entries directly to the community. You're welcome to simultaneously cross-post to your own journals or elsewhere, such as fulfilling another community's challenge with Snape/Lupin. Speaking of...

Snupin100! Did you know there's a weekly drabble challege community for Snape/Lupin? Snupin100 challenges go up on Tuesdays, and drawables are as welcome as drabbles. Drabbles must be 100 words, however, you can put together a set of drabbles to make a whole ficlet or story as long as each drabble in the set also touches on the theme of the week. You don't have to use the exact challenge words in the drabble, but we should be able to see how your drabble or drawable came out of the challenge. There's no set rules for drawables, but most artists sketch anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour, creating as much detail as they can in the time limit they set themselves.

Cordeliadelayne has been faithfully maintaining Snupin100 on both LiveJournal and InsaneJournal. There's a few faithful that frequent the communities, and I'm sure you've all seen Alisanne's cross-posts, maybe without registering the source. I'm going to try and remind us more often about Snupin100. It's a terrific place to debut if you're interested in writing fic or drawing Snape/Lupin. And you're always welcome to cross-post your Snupin100 work here, too.

This week's challenge, which ends Tuesday, is Shattered. If you're one of our daily posters this month, you're certainly welcome to write or draw (or icon/photomanip) for the Snupin100 challenge during your week, fulfilling both challenges.

Again, Snupin100 can be found on LiveJournal or InsaneJournal, take your pick.

I'm going to try to post once on the weekends this month, but I sure would love to see the days taken up by others - hint hint! If anyone wants to start a Super Bowl chatter post tomorrow with at least faint smackings of Snape/Lupin to begin it before you all go wildly off-topic, I won't object. Also, chat is always open to you, and there's no need to be on-topic if there's not an official chat on, although we do ask that you let Snape/Lupin conversation have the floor if someone brings it up. Also, Azure_Rosa is asking about this month's Drabble Night - so if you're interested in participating in a Drabble Night chat, contact her here.

Have a SUPER weekend, everyone! *hugs communities*

love, lore
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