The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 15th, 2011

August 15th, 2011


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This is it! The SNUPIN SANTA 2011 SIGN-UP POST! Woo!

ETA: Sign-Ups are now closed.

PLEASE NOTE: There are sign-up posts at both LJ and IJ. Please DO NOT sign up at both places. Pick one or the other to leave your sign-up comment.

The rules for this year's fest are here on IJ and here on LJ. Please review the rules carefully before posting your sign-up comment!

To sign up, fill out the following template:

LJ/IJ name:
Email address:
Five gift requests (each 150 words max, at least one specifically for art, at least one based in canon):
What medium you're willing to create: (stories, art, icons, vids, etc.):
What content you're willing to create/you'd like to receive: (kinks, secondary pairings, dark!fic, romance, etc.)
What content you aren't willing to create/don't want to receive: (squicks, secondary pairings you don't want to see, ratings limitations, etc.)
Are you over 18?: yes/no
Have you participated in Snupin Santa before (this includes pinch hitters)? yes/no
If you're a returning participant, from whom have you received a gift in the past?

All requests must be Snape/Lupin-centric, although you may request threesomes (or moresomes) involving Snape/Lupin as well as any slash or het secondary pairings you'd like to see.

I will be checking each sign-up to be sure that you have followed the rules. If I ask you to alter your sign-up, please know it is only to make sure you follow the rules exactly so I can match you well. It will not be because I don’t think your request is good. :)

Sign-ups will be open through August 22. You may revise your sign-up as often as you like through the 22nd; after that, however, your sign-up may not be changed.

Have a great time getting creative with prompts and ideas!
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