The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 28th, 2010

November 28th, 2010

Begging for a Wintery Snupin Icon

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Hello, all you [info]lupin_snape artists. Are there any wintery icons? I don't I've ever seen any that weren't gifts to specific folks.

Pointers would be appreciated. Thank you!

Edit: [info]whitestar kindly steered me to this post and icons made from [info]karasu_hime's art.

A Decade of Snupin: Putting my Slash Headphones On

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To celebrate a decade of Snupin, I chose to share some songs that I love, which all remind me of Snape/Lupin Lurve. All of these pieces put me in mind of either the First War against Voldemort, or The Prisoner of Azkaban era when the two are living and working together at Hogwarts. A couple are very post-DH.

Due to very odd IJ embedding issues, please
"follow the link to the LJ post" and give a listen.
Hope you enjoy!
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